- -. I Honorable J. M. Rleger Opinion No. O-1602 County Attorney Stephens County Re: Residence of Miss Nelta Breckenridge, Texas I. Jackson and the liability of Stephens C~ountyfor hos- Dear Sir: pita1 expenses for her. We have your letter'o,f.October17 on the above subject. We wish to thank you forthe citation of author- ities which aocompanled your letter. The proposition upon which you asked for an opinion Is quoted from your letter as follows: ?Phe Honorable A. J. Morgan, County Judge of Stephens C,ountyhas a.skedthis writer for an opinion conc~erningthe resl- dence or domocile of Miss,Neita I. Jackson; and the liability of Stephens County for hos.pitalexpenses for her, while confined in a ment~alhospital in Washington, D. E:. Or whether said county'ls obligated in law to receive such person from the said hospital and relieve said hospi'talof her care entirely. "Miss Nelta I. Jackson is a single woman offthe age of 29 years;'she once lived at Breckenrldge for a time, where she had and now has some ~relatives. She left Bre~ckenrldgeSte,phensCounty-about the first of 19% and went to Dallas,,where she also has relatives. It seems that she has no parents living. "While in Dallas she took Civil user- vice Examination to work in Po,stOffice In Washington, D. C. She was employed and took position.in P. 0. in Distrlct~of Columbia in early part of.1936. "On Marc,h24,.1937, she was'admitted to a Mental Hospital for s,o,me derangeme'nt of the mind, and remained in the hospital until January, 1938; at whic,htime she Honorable J. M. Rieger, page 2 (o-1602) was discharged. When discharged she returned to Texas-Dallas and Stephens Coun- ties. "She returned to Washington on August 14, 1938 to take up her work; but oh the following day, she was again admitted to the same'hospital. 'She'is.now confined in said hospital: %nder the law and facts, - At the time this subject was first confined in the hospital, - was she a resident of Stephens County, Texas? Was s~hesuch citizen at the second entry into such hospital? Would the law j,ustlfythe County Judge of Stephens County'ilncer- tifying that she was at either tlme.mention- ed, or at the present time, a citizen of Stephens County, Texa,s?" The Federal statute which we believe to be appli- cable to this situation are Sections 201, 206 and 207 in Volcmie24 of the United States Code Annotated, which read: "201. Admission of in&gent insane of District of Columbia. All indigent Insane persons residing in the District of Columbia at the time they became insane shall be entitled to the benefits of Saint Ellzabeths Hospital. .An indigent insane person within the meaning of this section shall be one who is Insane and unable to support himself and family, or himself, if he has no family. "206. Admission of nonresidents of District. Any indigent insane person who did not reside in the District at the'time he became insane may be admitted into the hospital at the expense ,of the District during the continuance of such insane person therein. "207. Ret,urnof;nonresident indi- gent insane, It shall be the duty of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, so soon as practicable, to return.to their places of,residence or to theirfriends all Indigent insane' Honorable J. M. Rieger, page 3 (O-16-2) persons not residing in the District at the time they became lnsane,who shall be committed to Saint Elizabeth6 Hospital to be temporarily cared 'for, as provided In thd,s~ chapter, and.all neoessary expense'sincurred by the Commisstoners in ascertaining'the lo&l- ity where such persons or their friends belong and in r~eturnlngthem ~tosuc,h looallty s~hall' be defzayed by the pi Distrlct~of .Columbla. The applleable Texas statute&are Artibles 2351 4279, and 4289, Revised Civil S.tatutes,1925;~which we like: wise quo.te: "'Art.2351. Certain Powers Speci- fied.' Each c,ommissloners court shall: . * , 'Provide for the support of paupers and such idiots and.lunatlcs as cannot be admitted into the lunatic asylum, residents of their county, who are unable to support themselves.. By the term resident as used herein,,is.meant a'person, who'has been a bona fide inhabitant of the county not less than six monthsand of the State not ,less than one year." !'Art.,4279.. Liability for Malnte- nance. Where the person 'of'unsound'mind or habitual drunkard has no estate~of his own, he shall be ,maintained: "1 . By the husband or wife of such person, Uable to do so. “2. By the father or mother of such person, if able to do SO. “3 . By the children and grandchildren of s,uchperson, if able to do so. “4. By the county in ~whlchsaid pers,on, has ,hls re~sldence. "Art. 4280 O Expenses of Confine- ment. The expenses 'attending"~thecon- finement of an insane..personshall be. Honorable 3. M. Riger, page 4 (G-1602) paid by the guardian out of the estate of the ward, if he has an estage; and if he has none, such expense shall be paid by the person boundsto provide.for and support ~such insane person, and if not so paid, the county shall.pay the same." Whether Stephens County is liable for the hospl- tallzation of Miss Jackson (assuming that she have no es- tate nor immediate family capable of doing so) depends, of course, on the question of her residence. It is our opltilpn that you have oorrectly set out in your letter and brief the law whioh governs, but the determination of the matter must depend upon fact questions involving the intent of Miss Jackson at various times, which this department is, of oourse, prohibited from passing on. It is, therefore, our opinion that the question must be decided by the Com- missioners' Court of your county upon all available facts. Yours very truly, ATTORNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS By /s/ Walter R. Koch Walter R. Kooh Assistant By /s/ Grundy Williams Grundy Williams APPROVED NOV. 18, 1939 /s/~.GeraldC. Mann .ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS APPROVED OPINION COMMITTEE ..By BWB Chairman' GW:FG:.cs
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion