Hon. Ceo. Ii. shf3ppard oplnlon Ho. 01157l Co;;~~~yr oi Public Re: Traveling expense8 of (a) district judges and dlr- Austin, Texas trict attorneyr, (b) or state employee8 protided for in the departmental ap- pro rlatlon of the Forty- 81x! h Legidature. Dear Sir: We have your letter of October 9, 1939, wherdin you ask several questlons, which we will quote and disCus in their order. Your flrgt question is as idliOW8: "lio&e Elll 257, the General 4ppropriatlon Bill for the J'udlclary, passed by the Forty- sixth Legislature, carries the follwd&ng rid&r: @iill2es8 otherwise rpeclflcaJ.ly provided by the 8tatIlte8, it is provided that any officer or employee who travolr on ofil- cial State business and who use8 his CM car while 80 doing shall bo rebbtl+8ed for the u8e of 8ald car on the barir of the total mileage traveled during any calen- dar month at the lollowIng rater Five Cent8 (9) a mlle ror the first thou8and miles traveled, four cents
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion