A- .alaUab
Stat. Codsrlon for tb Blind
state orrio ~ulldlng
Austin, Texan
Dear &a&n: Attention:
ttcr 0r cctober 3, 1939,
lnformitlon, The
hu ecilary of h supar-
cltles in Terms for
a Lighthouse. These
We desire to mow 1I the Comlsclon
tor the Blind may dot 1s an agent for
mrketlag articles aada at the verlous
Llghth-luses in our exhibit br;oth at the
iirazos Vailry ?alr. The articlea C0lrS15l8&
to us for sale are owned by the lndlvl4uala
amking such mtlcles sd the county assoola-
tiona for the blind. The State Conmission
dt;rLa Comlsslon tar thr Blind, Page 2
be no equity or ownership or any kind
in the articles. The Coamlaslon darlree,
If it any, td assist the blind in dlspos-
lng ot their products end enC?OIirdgingthe
sale or such products In the StaLe.
“If permlttod to meke these sales,
the Comlsslon will turn the proceed8 Irma
such sales over to the respeotlro county
nrsooletloae, who will in turn distribute
the funds according to owuership. Sinoe
the Cormlsslon will have no Interest or
control over these funds, will it be neces-
aary rot us to aeke any report to the State
kudltor, Treueurer, or Comptroller, of the
funds received f’or such se,le~?~
The answer to your question, we believe, is found In
Article 32C7a, Vernon*s hevlsed Civil Statutes or Texas, as
amnded, 1931, a pert of which Is quoted below:
“Sac. e. The State Comalsslon for
the Blind shall rmintain a Bureau or In-
forjration, the object or whloh shall be to
aid tho blind whose training 1s not other-
wise provided for, In finding employxm,
In devrloping hone industries aaong the
blind, and in ;P4rketlng their pro$uats.
The Commlsslon ehall In its discretion
furnish mteriels, tools and books for the
uso as a atarm in rehabilitating such per-
sons, end it may establish WOrkihODS eiid
aaleerooms, and shall have authorltg to
use any receipta or earnings that ecurue
frown the operation of Industrial schools,
salesrooaui or workshops as provided In
this Chapter, but det&led btateaent or
receipts or earnings and er~nditures
shall be mde monthly to the Atiitor of
the State.” (Underscoring ours .)
The langu;?ge of the 8tatutes is very clear t&t the
ComIsslon mxy aid in nurketing the products mde by the blind
and your glan or selling theee articles in oonneotlon with your
exhibit .it the Brezos Vulley Pair is within the scope or the
authority granted you by this stdtutr. Bovm9er, 9.13axmwer to
tit&e Comlsslon for the Blind, Page 3
your second question, even though the Coamlsslon will have
no interest or control over tlm iund8, the 8t.tutr it very
oleer In requiring that a detelled stetcinent of reoelpts or
earnings end erpndlturrs rhould be made to the mlltor of
the titete of any suoh rmtter in whl.oh the Blind Comlsslon
is partlclpetlng.
Very truly your8
BY (Signed j
Rrederlk B Iselg
FBI : i?S
tiEzcOVzD: Ootober 13, 1939
Robert E. Kepice (Slgaed)
Oi’IBION CO’4dI;‘TEZ BY B.:,.B. C&I?-