Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTtN Iioaarab1e.B.1p.Shiteaara, Neroh 80, 1040, page 9 i *The sarstlss are tiiozWor llablm for all tarsa oollwtea an6 for uhioh it la the wllwtw'r duty to lo%ouBt to tha sta tsa r 0ouatJr trwsury, ragardle8s ofr&ither the aolleotoroM.na that thq maoy ua8 rightfullyntalaable by him aa fees of oitloe or whather ho aabetrl~ it. mXndesa, it him beat s%lU t-6 it Ir th6 ool- leotor'r duty to nwouat (and that hi* mrstfss uo liable 011t?lrbon& it ha ulmuld fall to do so) in any usnt exoupt ubtwe lo&s ban bea! euatained by aot of Go6 or tte publie elaew. l l* -TrLeraoan k 00 liabillttpoa the part of tha sUmties ar GUI oiiio8x’a borrd ditbout &ufa;tlt01p the part of the pinoipie in regrirdto thm duticre whiah thsy hats otmtsaotsd the% hr &mil dieabarge. To rendu thwt Liable, the sot owlainrd of mtat be a viol&ion of the oonbitloua (litM bond. Their liabllitp is 8triatisslm.y juria; it oan net be e.xtenaod by lnplioatloaor ooxutruotion beyoad the terms of fhrlx oaatmotrc; an6 thmy muot be &van the benefit of ray doubt as To the plloonfnoof the t*mRs 0r the bond . . .* Iionorabl% B. Y. iChitsacre, Maroh 20, 1940, Page 3 AFPROVEDMAR 23, 1940 (JzAd-4.w ATTOFL;GYGli2ERASOF TnA‘XAS