Honorable Martell* NQoaalQ
Di*triot Attorm7
B&5 miae, 2-38
Dear Sir;
the above crtatsg
questlon.ha8 been reoeir
; as follerrr:
of Tens la
“1 hero thim #lo.00 and roold lib to krwm
rhLt to do with it,”
hrtl.01~6550, VBTBOB*I citil Statater, regard-
ing judicial promoding in; 1tu18e~ 0~1808 reads, in part,
a8 ro11olm:
Konorable lm-t~lla l&oDonald,P6gs e
.The 06uso shall bo dook4t46 on the pro-
bate dookot of the Court in the nam of the
Stats of Tox66 66 plaintiff, an4 the poraon
ohargod to be Innsane66 defendant. The County
AtMTney or the Diatriot Attorney In oountlea
hariag no Coanty Attorwr, shall appear and
npnsrot the Stat0 on the hearln(l,and th6
doreneant Shall 6160 b4 ontitled to 4ouna41;
and in proper eaaea the Couat~ Sad&4 laay+p-
point oau~6ol ror that prupoao.~
Artfolo 5661. Y~raaa~a
-. Clril Statutes, r4ada
66 ro114wa:
*Ia auoh baa46 th4 ofiioora ah611 bs allow-
4d tha ahum tees as 6ro now allowad ror aleilar
aerviosa performsd in mladelesaaor oases, and
tha ;turon shall oaoh be all-d a fau or On4
($1.00) D4llar, to b4 paa oat or the 08tate or
the defendant If hs have an &rrtatr,4th4mfa4
by the County on aooounta approved by the county
Artlole'39ll4, Vornoa*a Civil Statater, provides:
750 dlatrlOt oiiloer shall b4 p4Id by the
Stat4 of 'iox uy r666 or 0on;risaIonfor any
aorvioo perfthmod by him * * *,
Art1010 xmw, V4rnon*6 Cltl~ statutes, rsads, in
part, as toll4wa:
"S4otlon 1, tror and 6ftsr f6n~~ 1, 1936,
in 611 Jadi0i81 DiStriOt6 in thl6 St6to th6 Dia-
trlot Attorney in eaoh 6uo.hDistrict shall r4-
oelra Siromth4 st6to 66 pay ror his aerriooa the
sum of Poor ThOu666d Dollus ($4,000) per par,
rhioh eaid Four Thoaeand Dollar6 ( 4,OW) ah611
luolade th4 irtroXundred Dollars (L 00) ialary
per par now ellaad 6uoh Dlatriot Attorne~a by
tbs Conatitation oi taia Stato; prorldlmx that
in all Ju&iofal DiStziOtS In this Stat4 4OIEpO64d
of two (8) or 614~14aountloa in on4 (1) oi uhloh
such oountlaa than is a oltl eontaial6g th6
population or aot 1086 than ninety thoa6and
(90,000) lnhabitanta aooordlag to th4 166t pr4-
ceding F4deral C6aau6, the Dfatrtot Attoraey oi
auab Dlstzlot shtil rcoBiv4 fro4 ?A4 State ar
pap for his aeG-Tloes the 8Ull 0s 31va ThoumnA
rin, Eundrea Collars (3,500) rw es!-, WIllah
84id Fiva '%OUStlRd FiTS ~UBdlWd 30 fltW6 t?s,%@)
stiall ioluds tha Flvu Bundred Llolktra (::SOO),f
ati6ry par year nuw allowed ruoh Dlatrlot 4ttm-
nay by the Constitution or tMa Stat& suoh
lalarr ahsll bo p&l b twelve (12) ~q~uslnonth-
4 InstallneDta upon wazraats drawn by the Co@-
troller or mblio xaoouata upon ttio Stats TTeasw.
prov:Qsd that notblng la thla xot *ball ba eon-
atnmd ao as to deprlm Dlatrlot 'ttortwya 01
tbo o unao allowed or i
$I oh may hers-
after "g o citlow44 by law.
** l +
‘SOO‘ 3. 31 1 r ec ta ,c o zfia .ta sio nt~
a nd p o r -
~tisltm wbloh nay bs earned an4 aollaoted by
3istrlot Attorneys afieotsd by this Act ahall
5% paid into tbs County Treasury of the Cauntiss
in whlGb auc&reoa we asrnsd ror the aooowkt
Or th e pFOp3r SUBd. l * l ’
33cUon b 0s +irtloLe 35le6, rernon@s Civil Stat-
utes, provide8 thatr
“It shu b th0 3Uty Of all OrfiOOr8 to
oharge aad collect in tbe mnner autbo~lml by
law all fees and codssloas vhlioh am pcsrmlt-
tad b law to be aaassaed and colloctod fz?r all
off:0 f al ser~iob pwrozmed by thtsn. * * **
In view cif the for6golnq atotutea~ you a-9 rrspaot-
fully rrarb5ed that it la tha ogln,on 0r tkir departmnt that
a dlatrl+zt attorney omnot personally ret&t the feea paid
r0r hm¶llng lunucp OdCl%ilrThe so0 that has been paid to you
as ~latrlot Attornsy la the 00.59gontlonad in,pour inN.ry
should be refunded and deplted la the count treasury Or
the 00w.p paybg the SMO. rr the 000t 0r t L3 lunaoypxo-
oe6dl.q is paid b or out of the astate of the’d~rm?iaat, t&e
attorney~a reea I to uld be oolleotsd tu part o? the ooat and
&JX&;d in the county tmaaury of tba oounty whera the oaae
Rowever, b&on the county pe$a auoh soata, it would
bo an iaie gesture to pay the attorney's foe and than have
tba attorney to rfmmd 4nd depoelt the r06 in the county treaa-
- .
Honorable Mqqrtelle kSoaal6, Page 4
Trusting that the toregoing fully anmver.9 your
inquiry, we remain
Your8 very tmly
Ax4011 wlllia~~