OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. 0. J. s. ,Elllng8on, page e. State employes to any typa of Oonventlon within the State or wlthout the State.* "(j) Sxoept a5 otherwlae sprolfioally sxmpted, the prWls~on~ cf this Act shall apply also to department hoods and nemboro of ~ompia- slons." There 10 XI0 43XWIiPtiOZI fXOrrCthe prOVsSsOD8 Of the rider of mambers of the Texas Mson Board. The rider further provides: "It la hereby furtherdeclared unlawful ror any psroon authorized to uaa a State-ormad auto- mobile In Oonnsation with euly buslnesrc 0r the State, to use euoh autOmobIle In oolineotlon with any otaupnign In which suoh department Ia dlreot- ly lntereeted, or In behalf or the oampelgnror meleotlon of the head of any departmat, and/or in any other m5nnar, tliae or plaoe than when suoh autcmobile la being wed in the interest OS and for the purpose of oarrylng out depart- mental State buaIne66. Any person yiolatlng thlo Sootion shall upon final 6onrlotlon be cab- Jeot to a line of not la55 thtul $50.00, nor more than #SOO.OO. In the event auah U5Q or ~oh automobile is belag zrndo wlth the kaowledge or the head of the departPlent, having oharge aS muh automobile, then suob 68partmeat head shall d50 be liable to puxhhmmnt Ia l iin5 0r n0t Inor@ than ~200.00. Any oourt or competent &lrl*- dlation ln the axxmiy Wh8l-O this Law la tlolat- ed shall have JurIsdIotIon to try 8uch oau60.* In our opinion, theso provfsloas of the fIdoT, 00n5trued togather, rdieot the logl5latIvs lateknt, not only that State orrlolals and mr~ployeer shall not reaelve reiaburmn&ntfaPsuoh item of traveling expense a8 satis, lodging, eto., lnourred in trar6llng to a f8onventlon Of any kind, wlthla or without the State, but also that 5uOb State offlola or State employees 5hsll not be I?snultted to us5 State-owned automobil ror the purpoes 0r oonver- ing thenselvec to such conventlone, thou&b they say WY Hon. 0. J. c. ELlln.g5on, Pago 6. other erpenlree lnourred on trip personally. The U84 Of an autauobilo purohaaed by the Stats involves en OXpendi- turo af State funds, In that svorjr u5e of suoh Stato- omsd eutcdnoblle of nooosalty ro5ults in a depreolatloo 0r the value of 5uob oar. You are, th5rerore. adrleod that the Prison BMXd mriy not pennlt lta mwbors or oftlolals of the Prl- eon to use a State-owned eutomobllo to oonvoy these men to the Amarfoan Wl6~n Congrssa In New York City, though thelr oxponooa, aeldo from the uao of tho oar, erq not ' to be pald from any Stoto funde. Ioura very truly ATTOWBY CZXSFtAL OF T!XAS &f&&&&u BY R. W. Falrohild A85i&Wlt j(LpPROVEDOCT 6. 1939
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion