4223 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorabb C. C. 'ralbot Cmmty Attorney Batmap, ¶kxa~ Dear sir: tm oi 198?, d6th Le&lilaturs,18 CltllStatutas..EHotlonT of thir r0molasur0, an 0r(i6r 0s 6ale 8hdll a heraIn ot&srwleo provided, the Beation 8 of said Artiole provl4se as followst Raio'&wperty0014 tw taxer under 4~6oreafa suoh auit.ahallbe ml4 to the aur~f of aald ~rra&mx-tJ, dh6otly cm in$lreatly,QP to anyrxe htavirgan intercllst thawa& or toanypal-tyothrbrthaaa tatingtudtw~ah isrpeTWt@ ~’mn. c. .. Talbat, Tagc E VhiUC aroreeeld c;fmid prcpcrtyor the aggregate miiunt of the judgmentsueelns;tthe ?voperty Ih soid salt, wbichavcr is lower, nrd the net prcceods of any ua1.oof suet prop-rty made under decree of court io said suit tc any party other than any cu.& taxing uffltshall belong and be CIstrIbuted tc all taxing units x;hiabare parties to the RLIL rhlch bj(tl% jtimf+ct ii;oald suit have bcm found to haye tax llcns a@%nst such property, pro rat& and in proportion to the almMts oi their respoctlvo tax lime he eotabllahed In said JtuI~nt, but my eX0oSS ir. the prcoesds ci*sale Over aod above thG eJXUUt naoessary to dcfr8y the oc6t5 cf suit and mlc afidother expehaef~harolnabovemnde ohareeabie agalnot such proceeda.am? t0 fully OIsohar~e tho judguenta amlnst said property, shell be *Id So the partleo legally ontItled tc such exaoss.w~ bec'tloaE of this C.atprovldoa In part as follows: *if the property lo sold to aug taxing uplt whlah In a party~tothe Judca;cnt undoi decree of court In said sirit,the tltlo to said property shall be bid In and held by the taxike uAt purchasIr;g same ror the-use and beuefIt of itaeif and ali other taxing units which are parties tc tilesuit and *hIch hsve bosu nd&dgsd In mid suit to have tax liens agalnnt ouoh'property,pro rata and In propor$*tfoc tb tic arcountof the tax liens in favor of said respeotlve taxi= urAte as obtabllshedby the judguant In said suit, axadccste and axpsnaes shall not be payable until eale by such turlf?,g unit so Furobasicp saw, and ouoh property shail not be sold by tbe taxing unit puroheslng same for loge than the,adjudged value theraor or the amount of the jud~;~utsa&nst the property In eaid suit, uhlch- ever Is lower, wIthout the written aouuerAt.of all taxjn& uuIts whI0.C. ln ~uld Judp;mcnt have been round tc have tax lIeus against euch property; . . ..'I &ctIcn e i!rOVldee spcolfioallythet :mopcrty aold pursuant to a dearee irAa tar suit shall not be .solc! to enyonc other than a taxing unit FhIch is a party to the suit unlecs Lhe sale Is for an amount at lo=& equal to the adjudged value aror-saeld of said poperty or the aarogats a?.ountol'the .fadgsentqeIn*t tt.caroprrty, whfch- cvor la lover. ihe term "adjudged value" is delInod in Lsaticn S 0r thi5 m a3 f01~0~5: 430 Hon. c. i..'iklbot,rage S "up00 the trial of said cause t&o Court aball hoar evidssoe upor;the reasonablefelr value or tho property, anA shall incorporateIn it8 judgment n findi~ or the reaaonablsfair value thereof In bulk or In parOel8, either or both, as the Court may deem proper, which reasonablefair value 80 found by ths Court Ia tmreettor somtirea etyled *adjudgedvalua', rbloh *adjudgedvalue* ahell be the value em at the data or the trial and shall flOtXl8088Wril~ h0 the VdUe at the tirPe the a88088n#Ut 0r the tare8 m.58 maAe$ providsd, that the burden 0r proor shall be on the owner or olrners ot such property in establlshIn6tke *raIr valuee or adjudged value a8 pro- ride5 In this motion and, provided further that thi8 seotlon 6ha.n only lpply to taxa rhIoh are delinquent for the year 1936 ard prior ~earr.~ The only gue8tion vddcb might possibly arise over the interpretationGr Seotion 8 ie whether or not the terra*8uoh 8uitw 8pplk3 to the orif$Ml lOreOlOSUTt3 8ele or t0 a 8Ub8eqUmt sale. The term ‘8UOh 8Uit” rorer6 to f&e 8Uit mlntioncd in Seations 6 an4 7 0r a&IA act. f-cation6 provide8 a8 r0110m: "'hllOourt cooto, inclu4ingcoets or eerving prwe88, la auy suit hereafter brought by or in behnlf or any taxing unite ior Aellorueat tuoe In -hIoh milts all other texlng units havl~'a delinquent tax O&~i81 agafnst such property oi any part thsmor, harm been lmpleaded,together with alX orpeMe8 of rOM8xO8UO 8ale and such reasonable attorncy'n fOe8 a8 my be inourrod by tha InterpleaAe4or interveningtaxing units, not exoeadlng ten pg.rotmt (lO$) or the amount sue4 for, such lttornayc8 fuss to ba subjeot to the agpmvtl of thu court together with such reasonable expanseo as the taxing units say inour Ik proouring data and iaformationas tc the naxi8,identity awl looation of necesoary partine and In prootd.y~naoouary legal Aea- brlptionsof the property, shell be chargeableEB cwrt 008t8.* k 6-y &OOA roeson why S8Otlon 8 does not rder to a 8ubBe- quent cd0 ic that such rtubseqJent sale ie only ooc~eelonedahore a taring ~1: hae purohceed the property et the prior sale. Saotion 8 ftsolr sp~otficallyprorides ttat trio tax156 unit ia tbe only one which mybuy the property at an amouut lesa than the adjudged valuo or Ike property or the aggragate amount of the juAea;ent against the property,shichevar is lower. Certainly w aannot say that this Article retere to e taxing unit buying property rmm iteell. 433. son. C. ?t;, Talbot, i'aco 4 ce are unable to find any O&E8 which has answered your question. 'iheAct bclng a new one, having bean passed in 1937, we can only look to the axpreen language of the statute to datamine the ?roper ocmtructlen of the 8amo. It la the opinion of this Departmnt thiltbeoause of dao- tlon 6 OS hrtlcle 7945b or Vornon*a Civil ktatutas,a sherirr nuy not aall PrOpQrty to anyone except one oS the taxing unita In the 8uit, unla88 aaid sale is for an aniountequal to the uAjuAgeA Y&ha of tho property or the aggregateemouut or tba juA&uwmtagainst the property in the 8uit, uhiohovar 18 bwU. Yourr Y4ry truly ATTORNEY'GENEENL / OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion