Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ~cmorabls Gee. ~8 Sheppard Goat$troller or Publlo Aoaouat8 AU&in, TeXa8 Mr Sir: 939, ybu aiubnit ror the g question8 whleh ‘*a ‘BQpr r-colleot~x 0r 3-r Cotmty, a~ Qrd8r, IOOPY ~02-8 tided _; ot c0tm tbir comig, 0r aad tit& 8am in thlr ouLaer+ Xe oam- the ama ooaosrneb from the iligprord QUAtJula 6Ut8, u8tbg ba u8 ot thi8 tUWli8hip, the a8m0 ot the NW Ol?iQbiOJlor the prop*, ar8e888cvalu6, end the amount ot the-t-8. Pramthin roll tha ulotlnt8 will b8 carriea foxwara to the t8x r8aal t of th0~ count ThapTOOrdIUa $8 the 88YB,a8thatof t& 8 CQ#8Oa88hOb f* bi8triOt8 that w8 a880*8 and abllaat r8r, whU& i8 atip pWid8a ior in the 8t8tUt88. I@ thie (1888 thi8 Di8tl'i@t foot Qcder XWr8IW tO48@88 Wd Wd&?8t *S ~~OVidad br . The QIL~ thing 1. f%ad is; AH. 3.88% whish jWOOW484 Gea. Ii. rhrppard, Page 8 (i.hemver the Dlotrlct Court, having jurlsdfotion in the premiees, has or may order the asaeosmnt and oo~sotioa. or tax08 for the paymmt of the ind8btednosIh of 6uoh tcwn or city. the tax aasa88or for the County la whloh EUOh tOti Or City 16 OltLUitttd#hdi (LB80813the taXa8 80 ordersd In like manner as taxes in rural aohool dlstriats.) X believe thin rerersncs to rural eohool dlotrlota 1e the 8hm 03 a oonanon %ohool aietrlot. This pOiat 18 what I would llkc to have stralghtened.out. Eould St be possible rOr 8 ruling OLl this C:UediiOn? "Th