Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL,OF TEXAS AUSTIN xoaorrble Guy Tumor county Auditor xmntoa, Toxa8 the abovo-rtatml ro drawPing 63 In- her lat Of rrah year after the 0rr and dlrohargoh all rli6ibl. urlag daring thr proowllng fir- her with the Intwort oa ruoh nd the rlaking rum3 rbquimizaat8 ereon, out of the County and DiBtrIot &tway Fund ant 8urplUS r0mInIag In 8alb FuM ofor and l boio Thror Elllloa Dollars (~S,GOO,OOO) whloh rhall be aarrird iOnmrd a8 working Oapltal or aa a rorolrllySun6 #hall be ret arid@ and eredltd to aa laoouot whioh rhall be known aa *L&tar&l f;oad AOOOUS,' provldod, howovar, all aonry on drporlt wlth the 3tak trraaunr la the Co\urty an& Road DI8trIrt Rlghvar Fund at tbo 01000 of tha day of AU&Wt 81, 1959, rhall be gonombla Our turnor, paar 8 held, osod and applied lxolurIro to the papent 0r prlnolpal, Interrst aad slnklfig rund requlro- monts oa ladebt~dnrss ooertltutlng eligible ob- lI@tIOns uadw Chapter IS, Aat8, Third Called SossIoa of the ?ort -8eoond La~Islsture and amendments thento I n SirSOt 8t the tIms this Aot ~SOOSSS ltr0otitS. *As soon as praotioablo after the passago of this Aot and baton thr Latrral F:oad Aooount IS lllOOate4 to tha OOUntISS, the BoS?d 8hall dotoralao the amount raah aounty and oaah de- tinad mad dIstrIot has paid sin00 January 1, 1933, under the provisions of Chapter 13, Aots of thr Third Callod Session of the Fortpsoaond Legislature, as amended,toward Its debt senlae upon bondswhloh at the tlnm of payment won lllglblo to partlolpatr In the County and Road Dirtriot Highway Fund,and shall drduot tram the amnuat paId by suah oountr or defined road dls- trlot any aad all adranaeamts ma& by the Board to suoh oountf or doriaed road dirtriot In ad- justing, refunding or prepaying the llIgIblo ob- ligation8 or suah count7 or defined read dlstriot, and after -king suoh deduotloas, the Board shall oredit the Lateral Road Aoaount o? la a haounty or dmtlned road dlstrlot with the net balanoe eon- trlbutrd by suah oounty or road dlstrlot toward the rotlremnt of sa id lllglblo obligations and said funds so oredited to any oouaty or defined road dietriot pay be used or expended br thr aoun- tlos and defined road dirtriot for the purposes lathorI&od In this motion. *%ot later than September 16th OS oath year thr said Board shall lscertaia the eraat amount of orono~ whloh hns bean llloaatod to the said Latrral Road Aoaount for suoh Usoal year and which 8t that time Is available. The Board shall allo- o&to to laah oountr Itr proportionate part of the moalrs la said LaterAl hoad ACaOMt, whloh allo- oatloa shall be QetermlBed In the fOllOviag manner: w* . l ‘Thr monies alloaatrd to eaoh oouaty from tho UtWal Road Aooouat shall br used by said OOuntl fI?St for paying the prInolp61, Interest . - gonorabls Guy Turner, Fags 3 and sinkIng fund rsquinniants maturing durlag thm risoal fear ror whloh suah mono7 was allo- cat84 to such oount on boa&s, warrants and other legal obllgat 1 oas Issued odor to Jaauaay f!, 19% the proooeds of whIoh wer l eotuallf ox- gwadrd b laqulrl rights of way ior Stats drs- Ignatrd highways, 2 t being the Intaatloa of the Leglslaturo to drslgnatr and sot apart sufrlolsnt lnonry to pay Ofi and dIsoharga 6816 outstanding oblIgatIou8 Inournd for right of ua~ loquIsItIon. Funds ratiaIaIng In the Lateral Road Fund of a4 aounty after the pymant of enid right of war ob- ligations mar be used by the aountr, under the dIrootIon ot the Corimlsaloasrs Court, iOr anr ona or all ot the iollowlng purposes: (a) for tha a0 uIsItIon or rights of way ror county latar- al roa 8 a and for the payment of legal obligations Inourrsd thrraror prior to January 8, 1939, (b) for the ooastruotIoa or lmproromat of county lateral roads, (0) for paying the principal, In- terrst aad sInkIng tuad rrqulrameats of any bonds or warrants whloh were legally Issusd by suoh oounty or fioad DIStrIOt prior to January 2, 1939, the prooosds or which wsrs actually erpsnded la the ooastruatlon or I.:pro+snent of lateral oounty roads, (4) ror the purpose of suppleaentlng funds appropriated by the United Statrs Gorcrmcoat for ‘fiorks Program Adir.InIstratIoa highway aonstruotlon, Pub110 u’orks Adn;iaIstration highway oonstruotlon, and suah other graata of Federal funds as may bs &ado avallabls to the oountlos of this State for oouatf lateral road oonstructlon, aad (a) for ths purposs OS aooperatlng with the Stata Hlehway Da- partmsnt and the Fedem Gmernmnt In the oon- struotlon OS rarm-to-niarkst roads. *After suoh allooatlon bar, bean mada to the saroral oountlas In the state, the Board shall In writing notify th8 Chairnan of thr CommIsaIoners Court of sach aouaty of the amount whloh has been orsdltrd to that countr. After rccelring said not- Iao, the CommIssIonarr Court rhall, witt~in slxtr days; aotlry the Board of the manner In whlah It has lxsroIsod its option as to thr one or more spsaItIs4 usss or raid money pormlttsd undar this Aat." * l * Chapter 13, Aats, Third callad Session of the Forty- second Loglslatura a ndlmaadmcats thereto l rs acts aaknorledg- goaorablo W Turnor, Eage 4 w th. 10881, umml mad IaplIad obligation -of the State to oosQoaSAt0 mad rolaburso the countlos and doiined road (IIgtrIatsfor rrprndlturos on highrays auw and heretofore oo~titutIng a gatt 0s the system 0s Stats hi&varg, ON- gtm th# OOUnt~ and road d~strlot highway fund, crest- lsg and detlning the powers and dutlas of the ‘BxmY of county and Dlstrlot Road In4~bt~dness, presoribing the ~tura of the obllgatlonr of tha oountlos and road din- trlot8 that are eligible for pmpmnt uador the term or the Aot, and setting forth other ~rorIsIons we do not drem neaessnrr to state hero. In rfaw 0s the roregol~ rtatutes and facts stated in your inciWry fou are respoottull~ advised that it 1s tho opltilon of this L4pArtmeat that roar quart Ion should bs an- -red _--~ In the arrimati+e and Is so anawemd. arfdaaa -_ ._-_- tb _- g a r ipW&XT&at8 to mwh liih y o unfer m& h eIr n swd dla no t lxowd any oonf3tItutlonal or statutory 1ImltatIon. Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your inquiry, wo remain Yours wry truly AT~RHEY CEEXAL OF TZXAS Ardell wIlllros AasIstant