iion. a. II. Qrirrin
aountT itttorary
YOU~(( a0rintt
Or&am, Tua8
Your inquiry of t
You submit the
“i3bmld the a~
TU aolleat
hloles ba 8 rorl#iona or
Artielb be7 ln the tariou8
ion with the ~aesflon your
ful In thr study o? the
pinion that imanegr oolloot-
&ration or autosobilas in the
and paid lnto the rod and bridge
ded In the rariour proolnatr
enumratrd above @II& in propor-
t oolisated trota ~0aah preoioot
unleaa, In the aiscrdion 0r the commiaeioner8'
clout, a aeoe8sltf ulstr ror altering the 6$moral
rule .*
Tour guqstion le.anmtsred by the opinion of the
Commlerlon of Apptials in Stovall f. Shivers, 108 &W.(8)
Hon. EL. Ii. orifria - Pmgm 8
3EIS, ia Whibh th. rOuWIhg iaXLgUag8 i8 US.61
"The'dominuit purpose of thle etatut&
~mm&u 'to be to roquirm that the road a@ bridge
fund shall be lspendmd in eaoh aommiqmionmrf.
ir;r$gt in proportionto thm lm?unt oollmotmd
1cn thim rmprd, the mtatutm mmaum that
maoh .pr;oiBot mhmll primafaole bm.mntitled t.
itr-an fund‘, and in the abmmno. of mny reason
to the mmntrary they mhomld be mm divided and
8XQ‘nd.d . Bowmvmr, thm duty to expend the rundm
In the proportion above nwtionmd im not mn mb-
mmlutmly l.nil.ribl. onmr Thi. 1. mridmnt iron
the raot that thm domlnant purpose or the mtatutm
is qualit1.d to th..xt.nt that the .ourt br
ormar lsplloatlon im given the right to mrpond
the road and bridg. fund in a proportion othmr
than ln the proportion in rhioh thmy arm oollmot-
ld uhmn the oondltlon of th. road. in the rmepect-
ire prmolnotm oraatm8 a nmamme~ty to do-80. Wr
think, howmvmr, that ,th. requirement
thm runa in the proportion wntionmil oannot be
avoided mxompt in oasmm or oondltions or nmoem-
mitr. Of oour..~ the Coami.sionors’ Court ha.
the right to mxmroiem the sound fud&mmnt in dm-
tmrninlng the nm.m..ity, but it mannot aot ar-
bitrarily in regard to muah n&ttor.W
Yours very truly ’