OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorably C. L. KwkonQall, Chafrman so&P6 or tiuriaoP8 Dqmrtamat oi Bduuatloa &latla, Tee8 Dgm sir: Honorable C. I..bykendall, Pago 8 The following statutory prorlolont~ relate to the colleationof the fees to which you rotor: wriftlole 2879:.- Any poroon desiring to be examined for a teaeher*o certlfloata o&l1 make applfoationto the County Super- intendoat,-'* *. bite lnveotigatlon,tha County Superlnteadont shall give the appllonnt a written recollmrendatlon to the Countf Board of Exudners, requiring thea to axaalnm tIm appllaant ror a oertlfioate* ' *; but no person shall reoelr~ ouch rsooatoendation wlth- out flxut dopooltlng with the County superin- tendent tbe isunof 94.00 as an axamlnatlon Se., and the reoosmn&utlon siren by the Coun- ty superintendent&all. show the receipt OS said fwr. The Countf Board of Exalaer~ shall not porn&t anf pamon to ,ent6rtb at- iU5kLUtiOn UhO dOa0 not first pt#OMt th0 written reoommndatlon ot the Countf Superin- tendent. l l * l .+ The county Superintendent shall rorrard prosptlf to the state super- lntendult,all papers OS appliaants apply- ing for State Cortlfloat*a,them to k oubmltkd to the State Board of lSxumlnor8 * * * with a See of #g.OO fsom tha fee pa&i to him by uah of the applltants applying for state Certiilcats8. "Art1010 ml:-- The State Board d Zxunthers shall, et thslr next umetlng after reosipt of said papers and repartn , together with tim recta, exam%ne the papan and ahall .mke a report to the State Superintendent I. . *, "Mtlole a:-- ' = * Tha State Board of $zadnore la the 3tats iLmpartment of Ed- ucation she21 on applloatlonof lnotltutlono in TOXCS, ta be rsctognlowla8 junior aollegeo, ’ ’ * * iseks lnveoti~tlon * l * * and ohaX ma k e r eo o inmendo tlo no l **l. Any a a h o o pl- plying for approval under this aat shall pay u row or $ecs.OO.Kash appllcnnt~tor teaohers’ oertirloatebeeed,o$ :ollagn orsdentialofrom Junior Colleges, , shall pay a r6te or al.00 to oover the expenaee of laapeotlonand Xonorable C. L. Euykendall, Page 3 otandardl&tion of agprored collegee end of recordiilg end looulng the.aertlflaote. ".~rtlaleBQlor-- Any person holding a tenahero' oertlrloate* * l l oholl hove the right to hure ouch certlflaetereilved and oontiaued in force for a period of ooe yenr by taklug thrae oouraeo or subjects and passing In oom * * l *. Upon suoo~oo- fully pooolng ouch three o~uroeo or sub o:to, * * + * ouch tbuahLr'o certlriaetel * 1 upon payment of $1.00 by the holder, shell .berenewed and dontlnuedfor one yeer * r(l.* mlola m39u also provides for r660 r0r opealol and eex4rgencyoertltiaates. In conferenceopinion Ho. 3012, dated February 3, 1938, addressed to the RonornbleTon C. King, 5tate Auditor, appeexing in Attorney Ceneml*s Reports 1936-1938, page 137, this Departmoti ruled that the fees to which you refer are Rotate funds* or *pubUa mneyo " uxkda-6 required to be de- pbilted in the State Treasury to be withdrawn upon warrants pFoperly drnwn by the Cormptroller.It was also held ln that opinion, ln nnswer to the dlreat queotion, that ouoh fee should be depoolted to the aceouot of the Gemrul Revenw Fund, and not in eny apeolal fund. IO mouering the queatlwo propounded the Departemnt aonolderedthe provlolonoof the Departnnmtol ,ap3ropriatlon 8111 43th Leglolature,General end 8peolal Iawo of Texas, 1937, Reguler Seo#alon,page 1418, whioh mad. a. tol- LOWS: "Board 0s Eoominers Dlrlsloo. "It 1s hereby provided that omunto for the sd.esrlee 0s an personf3engegd in thb exemlnutlonand oertlfiiontlon 0s ap- pllcenta for teaolrro* ~0rtifiwmi3 and for other expenses lntldent thereto shell never exoeed the umtxmt of the prior yew*8 bol- anoeo or feea colZeotedfrom npplloentorot cartirlaatespluu ourront fees oolleotod; and that uot exceedlog the followlag oaouoto par year for anlades shall be paid ta the fol- lowlag members and employees or said Soexd: ~3,000.00 to the Chalrwn-xember; $2,730.00 132 Honorable C. L. ~ykendall, Page 4 to the College Kxemlner-ifember* $1,600,00 to the Seoretary-Alember; $l.,aO&.OOto the CertlfloateClerk; Md all other help at the rate not exceeding$lULSO psr apnth; also ~3,OOO.OOeach yoar for mulntenunao, equipment,travel and aontingent expense; and uald balanaes and fess are hereby up- proprlutedfor the purpoooo~&Wpayiag ouid lalarleo and expenses for each of tlm two ~leoal years endlq Augiit 31, 1938, and hugat 31, 1939.” The current departmentalappropriationfor the Board or Examlner~ D1vloion, Departant of &duoatlon,&mate Bill No. 437, 40th bglalature, contains un ltenizedapproprlatloo for sularlee and other item of expense vlth the prorloloo that ouoh items shall be Vald out of i3mardVaPeeam. The Bill then contains the following rider: "SabJeat to the ll=ltations set forth in the.provloionseppearlng at the end 61: this act, all balaoceo now oo hand and all current fees oolloated from applleentofor teuohero* aertlfloateo arc hereby lppropriut- ad for the purpo6e Of paying all of the lul- arias and expenoer of thlu dlvlaloo ao ltem- iced for the fiscal yoaro eadlne mgwt 31, 1940, and kuguat 31, 1041.w '66find rioprovlslon in the general law whloh would authorizeor require the Comptroller to oreate a o eolal fund for the feeo colleoted by the Board of P;ramlnersDsvialon, nor do we think that the fact that ouch feeo are appropriatd to the dlrlslon would authorize or requlretbe oreotlon of u opeolal fund. Insofar ao 1s mterlal here ttm approprlatloo for she Board of Xxamlners Dltlolon by the 45th Leglolaturo whloh ma oonolderedin our former oonferenoeoplolon, 18 sub- stantiallythe 8ume se that made by the 46th Legiolature. It 1s our oplnlon thut the Co3lptroller1s oat uuthor- lzed or required tr,aepeolt the feso oolleoi;edby tlm Board of &xamlnere Division of the Department of Zduaatlon in a simaafal fund, but ouch Sea@ should be depoolted ln the general revenue fund, and wlthdrawo upon proper warraot issued by tlm Camp- troller. Yours very truly ccc :Rs
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion