Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Y: OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN ,c. MANN n .slt- .In your letter you do not state whether the atuaeut is over twaoty-oneyear8 of a&e or not. If M 16 not over tvienty-otieyears of we and his fsf~t4 28 nw rSsi(uxig in Georgia or bar raturned to Texa8 05 June 1, 1939, after hay- lrtgreshdl in Georgia for the prst two and one-half year8 then sald.8tudentsuet pay the non-resldsnttuition. If tho stuaeat 16 over tweutpon* yeen of aaa and ha0 resldod in Georglcrfor the past twoen6 one-halt yeara ad bar duet returuoQ to rorido in Tsxaa on June 1 1939, then &a also rPo\ildbe nquirec to pag F&Q mm-ret3 1dent stuam tee, It would~make no dlifersnco tha.tthe ttudent had provlowly ro- sided In 'Mum. Tha Zegi8laturshas here aem fit to .put in the provlaion that the reeidepce ioustbe for a period of at laant twalv6 +onthe priorto the data ot regiatmtloa. It is the opinion of thi8 Departamnt thata student who hata reaidsd ia Geor& for tha paat two aad one-half ma but ha0 returned to Taxtw on Juno 1. 1939, ir~repulm34to the out-of-state tult%on ae8pit0 the sact.thakt km bail prev r30'0s- ly rwldad la Texas before morla& to Georgia, Youra very truly