OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable B. B. Carter County Attorney Mltoh%11 county Colorado, Tsxas Dear Sirs 0 39sa,. v . C..S., a6' agenolss slltl%r .ot_th% Ted- nt,astto~filing and' 8~authorlxed to b% the provLsion8 oi, l l?. c. s., 1925. etter, dfitedApril 1, 1.999, rtment, wheteia ycm mm 01% 3932, as amended,and tatmtes, 1925, raising in part a% follorsr there are many.d!xntmmte being oounty for reoord by the oounty noles of the4Government, it irr at I&- Hsrriagton, otm cooaty T% a rulm #ma the Attorney Qelreral, ereby request aam% at the earliest moment, a8 Mr. E%rrln@oa Is hoMing up the reeardine of acme b%oau%% they hare not bean filed aaoording to and ia .k%eplngwith Art- fole 3988, VbrQOQ’S A. 0. 5. oited abme.*. Article 6629, supra, provide6 aa hollows: "All bargains, aalsa a& other %mv%~- ames whatever, of w land, teneaegts and hereditemeata. vðer th%j =ay be made fOr passing any eats+& OS i'rmhold of inherttanoe Honorable B. IL Carter, Page 2 or for a tena of yeara; and deeds of aettle- ment upon marriage, whether land, money or other personal thing;'and all deeda of trust and mortgages shell be void as to all oreditors and aubaequent purohasers for a valuable oon- slde:etlon without notice, unless they shall be aoknowledged or proved and filed with the olsrk, to be reoorded as required by law; bat' the eame as b%tweeQ the parties aQd their heir%, and aa to all %ubs%qu%Qt~purohaaore, with QOtiO% th%r%Of or WithOUt valuable OOQ- aideration, ahall be valid aQd Artlele 39SC, Revised Civil Statutes, providee and fix%% the various fees and ohare%% that the clerk8 of the aounty oourt are authorlsed ti reoeive for fillag and reoordin6 suoh iMtrMeQtt3. Artlole SOS& Revfeed Civil Statute%, a6 amended, and it.8relevant protlslons, reads a8 tollewe: * . . . Ro oouutj alerti*hall be oompellqd to kilo o? r%oo+ any iQ8trtmeQt of writin& perrftted m required by law to be r%eerded ltatllthe pay- ment or tender 0r paym%Qt Ottall legal fee8 for. eaoh filiug or reaording ha@ been~made. Roth& herein ,ehallbe held to inelude pap%rs QP iQetrQ- meritsfiled or recorded in mtits pending ia the oounty court." Be note that you state in your letter that Mlt- chell County with a population of lC,lBS does QOt some ander the salary law but that the eoQQty clerk 1s oom- penaated on 831aQQQa1 fee basle. Tour request ralaea the prdstaryqueatlon a6 to whether or not euoh statutory filing and reoordlng tees would be considered a tax. % have reviewed nwnereas Federal and Stat8 deoisions and de QOt Simd any oaee directly in point wher8iQ suoh fee%, a% authorized in otz statutea, for flllng and recrordfagin%t rllmmlts of record, are held to be a tax and as %uoh, %XelQptiOQweuld apply to instrummtalltl%a of the Federal gOvernm%zktLtr The vi%w, however, that suoh would not b% held a tax ee%@s stroQ@ly supported by the language of Xx. Juatioe Role% ia Federal Land Bank V. Croesland, 26lR. S. 394, 69 L. Ed. 103, 43 sup. Gt. Rep. ?S!i: Eonorable B. lf. Carter, Page 3 "Of ooume. the State is not bound to furnish ita re&3try for nothitg. It ma2 ohamze a zeaaonable i%% to meet th XD9QSO O? the iQBtitUtiOQ. But in this eza8"the ~~lslature ha% hOQ%stly diatlQgut%hed be- tween the fee and the additional requirements that it frankly reao~nlzer aa a tax. I? it attempted to disguise the tax by aoniouQdiQg the tw%, the oourts would be oalled upon to oonsider how far the oharge exceeded the re- quirement, a% when an excessive oharge la pad% ?or lnspeoting srtialea in lQtsr8tate oom- meroe. D. E. Foote t Co. vs. Stanley, 2SZ U.S. 404, 58 L. Bd. 696, 34 Sup. Ct. Rep, S77." That Oongreas has the power to oreate, or oaaee to be areated, oorporatlonswhloh aot a% goreramental ln8trumntalltle~ to at least a limited extent, and olothe such lnstru8%Qtalltiea with exemptions from taxation, appears to be well established. The prlnalpl% apparently 608% further and holda that goverQmeQta1 iaetrumeintali- ties are not aubjeot to etate taxation aul%%s expressly so npeolfled by an aat OS Congress. The dootrlne of imuuQity was first P?enumiatsd IQ the o&se o? Nsbdlloah vm. Xarylnnd, 4 Wheat 516, 4 L. Fd. 599, where it wa% held that the State of Maryland had no power to tax her national bank& ti the NoCullooh vs. Maryland oaae, Eupra, thlrr immunity waa derided: "The stataa have no power, by ttixatloaor otherwise, to retard, imp%de, burden or ia @uy maQQer oontrol the operations of the aoneti- tut.tional laws enaoted by Congress to oarr iQt0 ex8outioQ the poviersvested in the generaI gOV8rQQent.~ Viereoognlze the above principle that the Supreme Court of the Onltsd States haa laid dom that a state may not tax the Federal goverw8nt or its lnetru- mentalities or do aught whloh would dlreotly interfere with lta lawrul operations. The 0~l.ybasis, ther%fore, for whioh the iPtpoaltlouof such service charge8 aa protlded by our etatutes oould be oonstrued a tax is that suoh Honorable B. R. Carter, Page 4 materially i.nterSereswith the due, expedient and orderly prOO8dUr8 OS the Federal gOVerQtS%Q$While in th8 exeralse Of it6 OOQbtitUtiOQ01 pOK8rS. *Pees .requlred to be paid by individuala to publfo oS.:fcer%ordlnarlly are not aomldered to be taxes. Thue, a fee asse888d to pay the ox- pmaes of litigation,and whleh oompemate8 oae of the OfSloera of the eoIvt for hi8 servlaea, 18 not a tax. So a fee bpelred for the reaordl~g and flll~g of oertlflaatea of lneorporatlon, baseC OQ the amuQt of oapital stook, in not a tax it would aem, if wrely to dompsnsate the oSS~aer for asrvloea perfamed* . . Q~:;Y; Tax- ation Srd Rd. Vol. 1 Barrdon vs. Willis, ~%%pi5~% Aa. Rep. 604; State I'x.Rel. D. Atklason, sto. Railway Co. T. Board of County Coml86loaera. 4 lisbraaka 537, 19 Am. Rep. 641. It 1% submitted that saoh ohargea for flll~g and reaordlng IQatrumeQte under the abate atiatateawould not materially interfere with the due, %XpOdi%nt aad orderly prooeOure OS the Federal gov%rma%Qt and that tlsasrth% oases anb rules laid down by tit% ?%d%ral Suprera Court, that auoh f8%% ar% taxes oanaot b% logiaallybed&ii&d, It has long been an acroeptedrule of law that propwty armed by a public body devoted to publlo ~4% e~ennotb% taxed by another govemmeatal body. Klthout att%mptlQ& to distinguish bGtw%%Q the variow Federal bStrUmSQtal- ltles, or question their lawful and aoQstltutiona1 pur- poses, we oannot help but not8 the feat that Federal expenditures IQ the form of loam aeoured by aortgages, deeda of trust, and other ahar~atsriatia debentures, QoQ- aeded eovermaent owned, Ser public parposea and exe ted Srom taxation by state not partake =! % anf ohawe OS status, raterlally lnareasing or deomasing Federal reV8QUOS or advan$a&%8 Q8oaaaarlly derived th*r%- from si~&plyby taking:advantage OS the orderly prOt*OtiOA or our state laws and applying for that 88OuritY by the payment of reasonable and uQfim% Siitig and r*oOrdlQf$ feee authorgzed aad fixed by state laws for euoh servlO%a. Honorable 8. W. Carter, Page 5 r In the decent oaae of Jame8 VS. Dravo Contract- ins co., 502 0. S. 134, 58 Sup. Ct. Rep. 208, the Suprae I Court of the United Statea held that a noa-dIeor~j.natoly West Virginia gross sales and Inoonietax wae oolleotable from an independent oontraotor holding a oon'treotwith the Federalsgovernment for oonatruotion of look@ and dam in navigable atreams In the state, even it the tar fn- oreaeed the ooet to the Federal government, e:inoethe tax ma not laid upon the Federal government, it8 oifloem or property, was not laid upon the oontraot of the lederal Indian Hotoayo1.oCergany vs. Upited $tatem, teg 8, g. 590, 51 Sup. c;t., Rep. 601: *It Is an established prlaolpleof our ooa- etItutIonal.eyetem or duel government that the instmmentalitlea, msam sad op8ratlqne whereby the United State8 exerolrrecr it8 gotemuital powera are exempt tror tamstUn by tha atotem, andthatthe lnatrmwntalltles,naor an&bpora- tlons whereby the 6tatea exert the~gomrlmeNn1 powem belongin& to them are equally axem&* trsr taxation by the United States. This priaol lo le Implied from the Indepeadenoe of the netP. one1 and state goorernmentewithin their reepeotfve epherea end from the prorialons Of the OOMtI- tution whloh look to the maintenanoeof the dual uptern. Celleotor v. Day, 11 lfall.llS $25 129 .2O L. Ed. 122; Wlll~nta i. Bina, kee v. ii, 2$, 224, 225, 61.8. da. 190; 95 L, Ed. 9M. Where the prinaiple applies It is not affeoted br the amount of the pertlo~lar tax oi the extant of the resulting Interierenoe; but is abdlati. l&Oullooh T. Maryland, 4 +&eat, 514, 450, 4 L. Ed. 599; United States t. BeltImore t Ohio B. Co., 19 Wall. 322, S29, 21 L. W, 599; JOhIWOn to Maryland, 264 U. 8. 51, S5, 56, 41 S. Ct. 16, 65 L. Ed. 126; #illeepie 9. Oklahoma, 259 U. 9. 501, 505, 42 8. Ct. 1919 ;; 2 z. E; Qaandall t. Beyada, 6 Wall. SS, 44-44, . l . R RonorebZe 8. M. Certer, PaEa 6 Tbet eiiohf!llng +d reaordiug fear euthorlaed tu t.eoherged by our laws atfcrd :nUlreotly revenuc to, the stat@ would not alone juetlfp auah fsea ocarlaered 6 tax. &ml ttiet suck teen are recsccabl? and noo-dieorirp- Ir;atoryoan herdiy be gusetlonsd. i-8 the ll?c of our -late govarnziant dapnnde upou the Loe?ul exerolen,ot Zkte gowernacatal powers, it oaunot be aeld thet euoh has, unbar our dui eyetea of govsnwmnt, afrotie may greeter lmpedimont, burden or unlawful exeroiee or aon+ trol by reputrlng euah obllgetlone to be set tJmo u& l reaeoneble charge for 6anlaee to the Federal &or#?a- eicntfma ite lnetrum6ntalltlae than euoh exetzptioae would llksly destroy or oeet undue burdens upon the local state government itaol?. We find the follow&n6 lenyr%e In Baldwin ve. Ooldfrenk. 88 Tee. 249, 51 8.W. i 1064 : Ror lTe Fsee paiU to pub110 oFFi- awe ~&~e’ln the.gdaeral rtenoo notrithetCDCuql tbet the m&o OF,proridiug ao&eetlon t6 the ublis servants r~liorea the tro8euror from pep nga eeiory. ...I) fl 40 PC. 3urle. 8 2 p. U. YOU are respeotiull~ lboieed that it I* the opinion err tkiie dspartmant the%euah written laetrum$af? luthorls& under mtfole 6629~~. &Mae4 Cl+11 @OlUtM, loBb, eau proeen8ed to the ooantp &ark ror Ftiflag orid reoorUfng by 8@onoLer or teetrU#nt&t%ee of $t;aI~ Feasti government, era not exempt fron the.pamen* or lqpi Feae authorhad to be oharfmd by the clerk ader t&s rowlelone of hrtfole SftJO, R#*Sead ClYil f?te- totes, lPBg, euoh firm not being l tex .uponthe Fod~rel governmnt . Yours very truly :?wx:BT APPROVEDOCT20, 1939 .-. ATTORNEY GJCNEFtAL OFTEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion