Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATK)RNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Arbuokla, &orrtary Bond of ~irdror8ur Your requert to quertlon hnr boon reoolva Your letterreo Qea not roquo8t a b th nm lr k r thnt wo imue l nh o p the firoalrearoi 1939 itlonnlromlttnnor ~haubo . MnJ wo do thir9* Thn ulnunllioulsof.0 for oon- duoting a beauty parlor #hall be the Queen Arbuoklr, Page 8 8~ or rite a~uue (Woo), pr~~ia~a, howovu, that ln ovont say bauty pu- ‘lorI8 ooaduotea and opanted by one (1) puroa only, thoa aad la that meat no fee Ml be oharpd for ooaduotlag 8uoh beauty parlor, but the operator theroot lhall bo liable for Three Dal- lam .($3.00)anaual roglrtratloa re0 huelaarter provldod, and the annual lloensr fee for opurtore to work at the trade or pactloo ot beauty oulturo #hall be tb mum or Throo Dollare ($3.00) aad the am&al regiatratloa for ror maui- o ur I8te lhall be Two Dollar8 and msty Cents ($e.bO), and the annunl ragllrtra- tloa rer ror an lnetruotor ehall be Ten Dollar8 (;lO.OO), aad the annual regle- tntion fee to ooaduot a beaut eohaol ahall be One Hunbrad Dollare (5100.00). *It IO Iatoaded by this Act to levy via 00ur0t f2-0~1th8 0p8m0r or MY beauty parlor ooaduoted and operated by one (1) pereon only a0 tax .or.ree ror exasIuatIoa oharge L •XOOII~of the Three Dollars 03.00) roe herolaberore prmldad. any other leotion Or thIB AOt 30 the 06atriirynotwltheta511ag.W Seotioa b 0r Art1018 VIII or the State OoaetItu- tioa provldee: Vi’1mne 00y lhnll be dram +EWJIL%~O Treaarer but la ~ureuanoe or ape0iri0 by law; nor ehall approprlatloae ~81~48 say appropriation 8f moary be mnde for a lo-r stew thaa two year8 * * +" The oaeb of Union ve. Lockhart, ll4 S.W. (2d) sib, am118 other things hold8 in orfoot that a fudgmeat ox-editorwho 18 matitled to p a p wa t0r ma e ylrroaeolialy plaord In the Oeneral Revoaue tuad by the State Traaeurer I8 not lntltlod to a writ 0r mandame oompelling payment theroor by 8uOh orrioor to the #td5aeat orrdltor. You ire re8~pmotM.l~ ldvleed tht $t. Isithe opIn- Ion or thie drpartmeat that the Stat.0Board or Halrdreeeere c 008ia010gi8t8 0-0t urea th0 ~~CU~OY00ii00tea thr0u8h - .. - Queen Arbuokle, Pwp S t an error whloh ham bean dopoeltmd la the Oenml Revenue Tuna or the State, aor Imm a #hop lloease ror the rlroal par oi 1939 for the acl2ifionalrmlttanoo lrroaeouely ool- leotod, after euoh rea hae born plaoea in tb General Lava- au0 mid or the state. inQuiry ;~VI that the rorogoing r+ny axywue your . Your8 vary truly ATTORmY oJnmll& OT TEXAS BY (6) ba0ii WI~MUI Ae8Ietant APPROVED: 6eptember 19, 1939 oerpld c. yann (13) ATTORREY OBJRRAL OF T!ZXA.S APPROVED OPLHI3~ GOWITTY3 BY B.Y;.B. 0BAm