OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN fionorablePaul T. Halt County Attorney Travis County Armtin, Texas mar sir: -J” Bonomble Paul T. Holt, Pa&e 2 "seotlon 1. (a). The term *bedding* as used in this Aot shall nieaamattresses, pillows, bolster8, feather !:a688na other 111186 beddIng of any deaoriptlon. *(b). The tara.~i?epart.ment* when used In this Aot shall mean the State BaarU or Health. "(0). The term 1per80ns a8 wed in thi8 Act ahall lnolude $er8ons, partner8hips, oom- pnl88, oorpomtion8 and a8ooolatiow. "(a). The term 'renovate* as useU in thie dot rhall lean to rertore tofbrmer oondltlon or to plaoe in a good 8tate of repair. "(8). The tuna *usterialrf a8 08eQ ln thim Aot 8hall mean all artlole8, OS portion8 thore- or, wed a8 riiibg or ooverlng &n the mnufao- tare, repdlr or rrnovation of beddlag. "(f). The teriu*new' ae wed In thlo A8t ohall maan any artiole or material whloh hae not been prevIou8ly used ror any purpose. "(g). The tera *8eoond hand* a8 ased Ln thl8 Act 8hallaean any artiola or mate&al, or portion thereof, of whioh former u8e ha8 been aade in any manner nhst8oerer. ‘(h). Vhererer in thlo A8t the alngulu is seed, the plural ahall be Innluded= and wherS ths maeonllns gender 18 u8ed, the fe&dne and neuter ahall be Inoluded. Vet. 2. (a). All beddIng shall bear aeoure- ly lttaohe6 thereto and plainly rlrlble, a mub- stantfal whlte cloth tag upon whloh ahall be In- delibly atamped or printed with blaak in&In ths Eugli8h language, a statement showing whether nw material8 or reoond-hand *torIaL have been wed In tilling suoh bedding, and tm er grade or ootton and all other material8 wad la tll- ling mattress88 to wailohattaohed whoa tlowmiter- la18 are used, with approximate peroentagee when mired; what genalaidal treatm8nt, it anjr,ha8 been applied to the raaterlale or to the bedding; RoaanbLo Paul T. Efolt,Eage S tb chte of SuOh ~nulol~l tnatmmt 3 the aamber 0r the prait of t,heperwa aaaafao- taring the b&din& 8 aad the auaber or the per- mit 0r the gsraoa applying suoh garaseiual treat- wn*, tr say* w(b). The terms wed on-the tag to daaorlbe 8adAlS ~U?,be xwtrioted to thou aeriwd la the mgutati~~or tha Ikgortwnt, and no tnUe OS SUb8titUte - &all ti used. “(0). It Shall k UIdAW&ll t0 &O w in80 or ~8Wdla g ltatewut@ on t&o tag mqulird by thl.6osation.fta&Ukamlaufulfor~pa* or oauaato k re- wa to maeve, 4efae0,altier, mo ved defneo o rhllter d, nay t.aor 6ltatemont wndaed thawa for thm gmrpo8e of beioatiag Any or ~W181OM the Of thir Ast. vBe plaalng o fn(lstmwm ltaqu r ?r p o im IA5eo tio0 n0r ,thl8 Aot over nay letteria# ea;h~aggahmll tm oo~8trw6to be derm . *(a).91~8i~8or th8 mg to b8 arfmd t0 the a011 bwldiae npulrad br thh 8retiea lbm2.l bo sot hu man nix :6) a@#?~ iaehor, and the lettwiag thmnon, 0oVer~thontatennt of fillit& JDkkriA~, 8&1k b@ in pl*iA tfPI Wt b88 thW OlW4igbth (l/5) laohiXI hO&ht. *(e}. Every artisle 0r betWia8 aisaufaetum4 for raeale Oontainlag 8aoond-haad wterial, shall aewathekto on all four*idea bear,8oaaroly of the ta glttaohedto both lides of~thewtiale or bedding,l mbatantlal whit0 sloth tqg foor (4) bf *l&it (6) iaaha ia ai%., 'PPOArhiah SiW.% b el5deliUf lta mp etl or p r la tmti IAr ed Ink IA , *(b) persoa ahAl , irio be WAOidmNd t0 hWo Romrable plul T. Xolt, m 4 quallfled to apply an leeo p ta ~r&l61061 b la pro- ooss AAtil euoh proaeaahe8 kearegistamdul%h AA& lQpl'Omd by th8 DApl'tAAAt, aikr which A. ~umberad py$l~&allthen klaat&ed Wtbe De- pr=UA8. vao. 9. (a). 80 parean 8ballmaufaoture, reaav~ta, sell or lease.or kave ln his poaee8- SiOlt *ith intOAt to -11 or ~e6H ia the State Or Texan, say baddlag 00~~84 W thr protl810M Or thi8 Aot,amle88 Shen b elrriu6 to th e ta e ra@r.d by fhi8 dot by th0 ~1’80n mUmfAatur- ~~,~aa~t~~,seUinll,or~~lngthe a&m, M l4 lh a elve 8 p r sp a r aea a alud b yth la 23 mp r nmea t. *600. 9.(a .Aa yp sr wa , ra m 8h 6ll b e a0a~i8tad or +io L tloa 0r any of tha mri- aloaa 0r t!iis *as, or 0r tbo rule6 an x regpla- tlon8 l~tablls&d thWeU11d.rP,ah8flbe OOAtOAOOd to pay a iin0 0r a0t 1888 6hw art (#m.ool Dollars norwm than Oaa&Irrand (6100.00) Dollar6 r0r ma& of?*wa. e'(b)Saoh aia+of vlolatlo8 aball ooaatltute A aapem8e o?fenae. Woe. 19. mrj, Wd~waaufaottqer or TeAmatOrS~ kWp.u. flW8Or bu8laae8 is a lmbta~ ooaditloa aatiaiaoto~ to tha xealth Departmat,aad f'atlum to dew ahau be auf- fiOi@Jlt OkI W“TWOke h18 mtit. V50e ii. Th8 &WriSlOS8 Or tit8 AOt Shall apply to all bed&In6 aaaufaeturab,repallJdg rea- ovate& end/or sold after t&e lffeetlve date hen- Qr;butthe SaiiWaba&& AotAppl~to?mddlAg~ whiah has bswkmnWaoturw6, lapWed or remratad prior to ths lrr80tim bat* m80r.- we b elieve th e p~~~lriaor,oi thl8 Aet indLUta olurly that AO purpo8e was latwdad other then tba lw- @plating at the bwluse Of StWAfWtAriA&, l'e~irlIi&Or bedding, as the terms are 0ouaOfLl~Lnora, @Ad nalude the repair, n~~ppholateriry,~H&iSh~ Honorable Paal T. fiolt, Fm@ 8 Trusting that tho ?o;nmw fully almww8your inquiry, w. maala ,roun vu-y trtt1r
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion