Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL,OF TEXAS AUSTIN Mr. P. 0. Blecke, Dire&or Texae Forest Servloe College Station, Texas Dear Itr.Sleoke: ioulture Is ited statutory lth the State etry In rhloh y and willlne;to oo- sxeouted by the State oi Direotom of the A. &M. e that suoh oooperatlvework by the State Forester, under on of the Board of Directors Seoretary of Agricultureauthority tate etatutee to the extent of the State forester, and offering oo- operation in Farm Forestry under the provisions of the Borrle-DosoyAot to any other State dgenoy9* It will be noted that the Resolution referred to reads In part: w. . . In order to aid agrloulture,lnoreaes farm-forestlnoome, oonservewater res~uroa8, lnoreaee employment,and In other rape advanoe i I .- . L MF* lt.0. Slroke, Page t the *noral welfare and Improve living oondl- tlons on farms through rerorestatlonand atforest- atlon In the various 8tatea and Territories,the Seoretary of A@oulture ir authorized in oo- operation with the land-grantoollegee and uni- vereltles and State forestry agenoles, eeoh within Its rrspeotlvefield of aotlvitles,acoord- ing to the statutes, If any, of the respeotlve States, wherever ruoh sgenolesoan and will oo- operato, or ln detault of ruoh oooperatlonto aot dlreotly to produoe or proouro and dlstrl- but6 forost &es and shrub plautiug 8took; to rake neoeseary investigations;to advise farmers regarding the lstabllrhment,protection,and man- a ernento? farm foreetr and forest and rhxub planta- t fon8 and the harveetlng,utlliration,and marketing of the produote thereof; and.t.0enter into ooop- lratlve agremmnte for the establishment,proteotlon, and oare or tarn or other tore8t-landtree and shrub plant- ings within ruoh states and Territories;.. lm The Resolutiondoe8 .notrequire the Seoretary or Agrioulture to do these things, but It only empowers him or gives him the right to do them. It will be noted that in the flrrt paragraph of Artiola 2613, Revlsed Statutes or Texas, reads: The Board of Dlreotora Is oharged wlth the duties and empowered to do and perform the aots hereinafter set rorth as r0ii0rat . . .I And It will be noted that In Article 26lSa. In each lnetanoe It Is stated that the Board Is authorized to do oertaiu things. In Co& Ino- vo. Humble 011 t Refining Co. 16 s. W. (ed) 2S5, the oourt held that, *The primary aeanlng of 'authorize'Is to empower, to give a right to aOt." We therefore answer yOUF questions that the Resolution of the United States Congress empowars Or gives the Sbaretary of Agriculturethe right to aot, but does not obligate or roqulre him to do the things outlined in your letter. fn ddallng with the Seoretary of Agrloulture - .- . Mr. E. 0. Sleoke, Page 9 with reference to the ratter6 involved In your Inquiry, of (iourrathe matter 16 one for negotiationend not ror oom- pulslon. Yours very truly A!rToRHlcy- OF TXUS BY (Slmed) A. 6. Rolllnr Anelstant ~R:pbp AFsmRDt ~Atl& 31, 19s9 (Signed)Gerald C. Yaun ATTOFtWlKCRRERAL OF TEXAS Approved Opinion Committee Ry RWJ3-Chalman.