Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Worge E. Sheppard Oomptrollerof Atblio Aooountr Auiurtin, Texar Dear sir: OQinion Ito.O-1586 RI: Authority of Comptrolle lnglgalnrrtthe lp p r o p r L*g lr la tur under e, Weoellaneou8w ror osfloe ruppllsa, aJ your letter of Oot that ha+0 for many yea ro'orr #1,000.00~poryeer tar bin th8t the 8ppr putmental ap a for birding rgalnmt %alntmaace t Nl~aellan- ffioe ruppller, (s5,OOO.w the Senate Jo 8ppearr th8t thlr itm atioa by the Wvemor in the ever- 8tetlonery, prlntlng or atrioe 8ap~1108. Tour8 very truly