Mr. T. W. lWabl8
Peat AoeiBtant
Dear 8lrI
*lalm No.o-1384
4: Plaalltyoffla4lngof%a-
41t1omB*by Ikk nepartnnt
or mu8ai0n.
9oe8 the attrte
Atulitor ham dlrant1am
Ln the nttw or 4arwliag UI urr~u CS~-
ditloa m l8 thatto be 4oteminedby the
Itate8uperinten4eataa pprwed by the
Mat* Boar4 or muert1ont
katioa8 4 ui4 tl of 8.,B. 349, oh. 475, Aetr 45th
&81rbtUXW pe 1071 8-m &,8lQIZ, U Uuadad 07 1. 1. 133,
lh. 60, (2dfc. 8.. 85th b8181&-, ). 197'2,red am follou~r
'Wetion 4. Tea&m--hrpllLoad.8-k
aid under prwlmlam or thir A8t 8ball k
an0ttd upon tk, bar 0r w t0~m f0r
any -r of rohoantlertra twenty (no)
to thlrt~-flvo(35f and on@ 8ddltloaal
to-her for lreh addltfoaal thirty (30)
8eholUtio8, Qp lN8tiorul pu't thereof,
l'@8idw in (lirtriot.xt 18 -884
th. PS'O-
+Mad that la the wont pupllrare tramrerud
intO the di8trbt the exe088 irrotl
t$hehez; 8hall not be 1.88 than Go .%z
The b88irfor raleul*tloa
the netkholutle lzwmratlm of whitem'
soloredram, u the owe rcy bo, laelw
the tranMex%late the dirtrlat,
lxowalng the truurerr out or the dl8trlot
fw the aurreat ,per ud there @.mll be ae-
@UCtltd ill -Wh~l~tiO@ UhO hV0 8O&Ot8&
the 8OUF8c Of@tUdyin thel.+how 8ohOol,
BB authorited w the c,e%in 'm Or hut&r,
prwiQ@ that uhqrk e+.kxtrwralneq .'
W&itbfl8 QauIe UI rOtti %Mluu@ &tlWOll-
mtnt, m adjudment 88 to the number 8r k&ehera
may be made b tim State 8uperlnteadent with the
rpprovlri ,0r t L dtate Board OS mueatloa a& to
~exoiad tha teaaher-pupil,load prwided tire*;.
prwIde6 further that tier ,no oondltlorm'
8hall.aId be grant@d m dI8trlat In ax-
~~88 or thh.m8r or k~~hm 80tidrj
emmad r0r ma -1~86.
Wietlon 81. me 8tate,AuUltor'r
:orrlae,ir hereby directed to audit all
~Pllcatlon8 r0r'aIb after 8aum .hfwe been
b the bircctO%'Of 6qMll8&iOn
cad y&ken8uth applicatioa ha8 been appr6ved
by psld director, it shall thin be the duty
of the Btatc Auditor to apprwe, rod$fy or
‘3’8j8Ct 8uch aPP~I~Sti~, befOre 8(W 18
prerented to the Btate Bqt.rdo? puc&loti
by the Direqtzor,?r &y~cation.
.AWl'el'ulNading O? the:&& a8 8 whole di$ClO8e8
M&t-the primtry &urUerior ulmlnirtering the iat I8 pl8ae&qmn
the8kt~~Dgpdirtae8t of Muaatlon uid in partiaular upon the
Otate Bqpcr~ntendent,~Dire~tor of Bqtiliratlm and Stste Board
of Sdua*tlon. ~me duty or thc.'Statemaltor* orrice g8 to
audit ml1 applIaatIon8 atter'theyhave'been lp p r b ved
b7 the
IEGtor al ~Xquallz:stlon,The ten "auuit* In it8 Ordinary
8eMe aearm to emualnc, oheck or verlry aCOOUXht8r Uhen the
Auditor 1l~dlreCfed bjythin .rctto ~audlt' the ~ppllcatlorm,
doe8 it Wlul that the o~tirc adWnl8tratI6kOt the ect 18 to be
Plaoed onder h&s oontrol 'or that h?,$a giren~~~unrestrieed
veto parer wcr d48cretienary r#3dhg8 'We bfz~thc State Super-
intendent and.,State.lmml of rbhoation? Ud .do not think the
authorIt to aPPtive,,+odlm or reject apPllOatIOM~Ulu intended
to 60 to 8Wh'extent:
Untler &o&a 4. ad)rwwrri u to the number or tea-
8her8 uq be urdt by th& 8tate &iperlntendant'wlfh the WProval
or the State +wd or~;BOuaatiion
l~here ummal or utraordlnam
eonditiona cmwe a sd$wl a.nanaim ln earoA&ent. * Whether
given crlratim8take8'coi&ituk o r lxtraordlnar7 o c r x ll-
tlon8" ruffloient to'J*tIfy an in the number ot
Ur. 3% W. TrWble, tafp 3
xt le &UP eplnl~nthat the 8tate udItorJAc~f?l68
doea not have direr&ion ln the latter of determlalag an un-
wual rozialtlori~er.uie~~~l~rtion~~u'ai the 49l L@8-'
lature,but pu8h dtieredn $a.~rtrd'in'the8kk:8uparlntendent
ud.(Itatqkear4 ~ofi~4atloa;