Fort worth, mxu
or lottom at Immabor1806 Dooom-
Comalrrloa or Tom8
to6 Btatea Llvo stoolc
tloa for a &as auDth8r of re8rh
-Ia the pllt, m hw Pole our Eiabolmhlp
du fromthe appropriationfor fhkkparbmnt
out a tftr o b fiulx p .m.
tun4 8.
“Itl8rrry auuury th r tth lrDo p a r ta mnt
lo l mmbor o fth e
ntinu8 u lb o w Auo o la tloinn
ardor that it nay koapin 8lom eontaot dth llro-
a to o l no r kthro
knlta tlo w utth eUnltBdsta b 8
uldup .01 la thth eo ft “pOla
h” lB o fth Bwr lo tu
8tatrrrdth %m WB (Bd BbO8t d&4.
Vll.l it k raimlblo to py the #&OO
aniual&mB or thr8 Dopartmnt for mmbunhlp la
the Mto& ~8tate8 Lire StookSudtary Auool~tion
from the itp118 Bllottoa thlB D8partJmnt
by thB
lutLhgl8laturo to I- it8 oiYioeoxpenru?*
VAB mln utlw ob tbr Oftlolda ad
mbor~ aU the 8tBt.8
Anoolqtlonlr to looatearourithlJlth0varloua
8btO8Wh.X. U8W.d ~VO8tOOkWO &WUUltUld
for control-
WderthrJwa&lng of mdntenmoe mil mlaorllanooru
of the
LlYutook sanitary ~Old8dOllr8 & eQBr tfnutB
lp p l
latlanot8mateBlll~001 487 oapga 89rr,fin&tha til-
p owing
” approprlatlons for tfm mara uMbq hugwtSl,l940,
Ma AugtlBt 81, 190111
Au opinion wu writtenbr th& dqmrtmnt an Augarrt
Sl 19~,'Uruotedtot~Hononb~Y. C.Xamhall Chalanan,
l&a8 Oonmmtloa Board,whlohir,oplaLon
Ho* O-966A.wrltton
byEonomb1.R. W.hil'ohild ~8i8kntAttOrn,t@Oml'al,WhOl'.-
h oontlnentapuu*r wrb if8ou88od. What wan than ralU dth
refonnoo to lo ntlng oaP0a.m
nt 18 lqurllylpplloabloto the
q u u tlomnb a nradrr lonmldmtlon.
WeguotoSr u at@ lbow=wntloaoU opinion 88 tollon:
-0 male8 of thh rontlngmt fun4 are to
bo rd for pur~o#o8 for rhlahthr Logl8&ttleo
Artialol58St1eftbFwalCodorea~ lnpartu
'Wetian l. It dmll be the duty OS thr
lirutO@k 6Udtuf 003llUi88iOn ~OVidnd i8
Artlole?009 l?wluQ Civil~8tetUte8 OS 198% to
protOOt d OatflOi hQhO8, -06, 88888;
8hup, goats, ho* MU other liva atook, qua
allaolrwtio anbId8 uIddomutlo foula d
this 8tak fram lnfutlon, uonta on or a=
porarototha lnfoetloum,oontagPoun and 6om-
urnioable(U#0a80@nmntd inthi8S6oti~. . 0"
%morablrRnyUwaUal,~e 4
sutlon El)of ml010 lmsb of tb Fuul ooao
prwllba uut:
rlhoLlw 8tookSaultarpOOmd8dOn l8
horob luthorl804 to rooporato dth t& Bureau
u& %&UtZy, oait.68ht@8 mrbullt
z It% . . l l.
-Or ArtiOb 1688b; 8mn it i8 t&O <y & th.
~VUtOOk 8OILitU~ 0d881On t0 p & t lu ~OElOatiO Uil-
ti 8nd dO5wtlo f&8 O? thi8 8hk from lafution, eon-
OUI, OOnta&iOu8 aAd o~ualoable
UthOrl& to 8OOpmt4 -7 OUI dOprt~ied8
With VU Of th0
mtti 8tOtU ULd the WX’iOU8 @OUUt~cUld881O~F8’ alEt
Oi fhi8 8tm b UXTY OUt the dufi08iols#d 4@0.11 it by
3.8~.Wo lro af thm oplnlon that it lm hlghlJl
that th8 I&W8tOOk SUlikX'y @OnWhdO~lCS ToZU, uhlohic
lhugod with the batlo above mntlonml to be l mabor of
tlm Uhltod Btatu LlvoStookSan8mitary
Win enable the-BWk ~re8tOOk&mi~ 0Wd8dOlltO ob-
llumfore, yo u
u-r0up utSully
ldriud that it
ir tha oplnlonu this a0putpuntthrt the lBOVO wntlonod
or&r&v or apaau may be ml& out of the wmtln&mt
Our0 lnloanob O-W28 bmrlng~to,lMau~~ber
14 19.939im hm gy wlt&bmw.u
urd lai.opinion9.88Ubdl-
t&l ln'll~Uthuoof.
MI00 kti8tKlt
Exig MARAREO,lo40
cb Tam8 Oplnlon0omlttu
By 8. we B* ohalmul