Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

343 OFFICEOF THEATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Irs. wtl.lle a’lwel, Page 6 andthe eoqun8ation to be paid ‘;i &t&y is hmreby rixsd at the 8u1 or W50.00per ioatb plrrath0 r008 0r orrio 00raOdby gala tmfria orrieor; to be Paid in 1i.u 0r the deputyalroreamant orrlosr at oromg, Tuas~aadnotto~ameUenyUmSt~ by the pm3 0r the at&O.* Mrs. wlxlle O’lieal.Page 5 8dtm83nt8 0r the shear ia EUOOW~- ing ror the ress or 0rrioh for the purpoM or thIa &aw, the Coa&esIoners~ c0urt~ or 0owiOe -0880 iundOrr0r th0 motor rtiglstrmtlonfees provided hemIn emount to Thirty ThousauQ Dollars (#50,000)or over, nay use not amemd- ing rir0 (e) per aeat or aaid rude; and not to axoeed riven axd onedmlf (o&l par eont 0r 8wh rtmds in 00tmti08 modring a lesser wount from suoh regtstmtIon. Bald doputiee shall at d..l the8 ooopamta with the polio0 do- peirtmnt or eaoh oity or tom dthla the oounty, In the 6nr0rO08id or arid traiflo laws th?mln and In all other Artiele 6699a. Revised airild3tatu*8, 1085, ap- plloabls to sll oountles who8e popalatloa do not exooe4 U5,OOO end Its mlsmmt pr0ri610n8relatIag to .threoqpsm- satlon to ba paid moh orflasrs, pro~ldast 9sputIas shall be pal4 a Wary out 0r the gexersl oounty +undnot to ‘0r080d ow hpndrrd~4 rirty ~pso) dollare par month the sszs .to be flxd by t&o Comdssionsr~~ au&in additionthersto t,betL>L siexims~ oourt Is hersby authortied to protido at the bxpbnae 0r th8 oounty suoh neosssary dr0m, 0@8 aud b-8, such bsilgasto bs not lees than t*o lnohes by thrue lnohem in di.mensloM,~ana other'nemssary *quipmeat,.to inollidea motoroyole and Its maiatwwaa, as Is xeaeosary for thsa to disaherge their duties, The aaU+es paid to said deputlea ~aotlng~8 suoh hic9rraJairleer shalla be paid.direst to said deputies by the wDpiSSloams' oaurt, and suoh salarIes shsll be Idependent of any salary or rempaid to the 8brirr MU. all 0r hI8 eoprrt;iwnot SOa&lag (U nigawororri0em; ~4 the 8h8rirr =s, Willis O'mlfil,Page 4 shall not be required to aooountror the salariesprovided for 'hereina8 r~380r 0rri00 or as sahry to ths 8hSrirr or hi.8 other doputles. suah deputies OS am p&wide4 Sor heroin shall be appointedby ths aamissioa- em* oourt and be Deputized by either the 8hrirr or any oonstabh or the oounty In whloh they am sppolntod, and mother 0rri00n S~SU mkS or- rests in this State r0r vlolatlon of lam relating to hi&way8 now in d- teat In thts State. Eluohdsputtos as'pro~idearor hemln shall at sl& time whsn in the perromwoe as their dutlss ueac a full tmlrorm nlth a asp and badge, the badge tobo dIrplaa4 on the outsIdo 0r ths unirom %n a 00n8plauoua~1608. suoh orrioen In the perrormnoo of their duties, onlyleavingtlmhighwsytopursue IUW orrenderwhom rmohofiloSr8 -M OQ- 888; to apprehendspan the hIghw&y lt- . Wo arrest by any suoh orrloer shall be binding or vN.Id upox tha psrson apprehaWd I? the offtom mak- lng suoh arrest was In hidingor ii ha set ati-apto SpPrShSna &KmSOnstmtvSl- serYllesor suoh 0rfleen Drotidedfor hSrSin. nor 8hhaL;L 8m r00 ror the ar- meta mad by suah ofitoors be oharuo ~d”tt8 UO#tS Or D&i to SUOh Bf! ?iOtWSInunyo~ oars ShrilllaLe ~11emxtst, such orrl~~rs ShsLl PSllrOmall thSlt dUf&xWItUIdMb armsto for violation0r my law or. this State appmrtaiping to the eoutrol wad rqgulatlon0r rohlolea operatI&g'ia and upon any highmy, #treeit, or allay 05 this State. . .* It IS we%1 for us fo aoaslder sarsrbat the his- tery or the fomgoitlg statutes and their qqlioatlon ISI rta or the r& that ptq rqk~imt, aoooapaaiedby a BO&IJ or the order of the Coamisa%oners' Oetut,raisesa QUOS- ttamrrhfcrhralaratnscle~wi~ms~andw~ohoorrclo~8 Yrs. 1yilllsO*Nec.l,Page 5 the mathod of oompen#atIOnas provid04 In the ComrissIoa- ora* Court order; that is, whether sama Is euthorlmed. Prior to the amandmant by the Forty-iirth Leai8- lature, Artiole 6699, aupra, said provisionsauthorizing the employment0r oounty trait10 0rri0ers were, In titerlal respeots, the sew as existbd,~sinoe 1919 when the Thirty- sixth Legislature ennoted Chapter 127 with ~rtiole 6699 oontainea in Seotlon 5 tharaor. It will be nsted that the only ohengo In aaid UtIo1e ,-.ade by the yorty-tlithLegls- 1ature was the additionof tha wofia found above under- eoorsd, wbioh allows said trarrlo ofrIo0rs the sama riuht and duty to arrest violators of all laws as Other 4oPuQ lherirrs. The Aots of 1919, Chapter 127 ThIrt - irth Legislature eaaoted in fiva asot%oas, Ad beI4 &olu- sire authority for the agploymentof suoh treffla offIoers up to 1925, oontalnod no expressed aode 0r ooaptmsatL~ suoh oounty trafrio ortloers other t&an tbs wComiaelonem* ;flzF shall~fix their oompensatlonprior to their seleo- * By the Aots Of 1925, the ,ThIrty-ninth Leg&#- la&e*eia&ed Chapter SS, amandlng Seotloa 4 of ths 1919 hat, Chapter 3.27,Thirty-sixth Legislature,ArtIole.6699a, supra, which provides that suoh deputies shall be paid s salary out of.the general fund, and that such salary Is to be tired by ths Comni6sIoa8rs~Ceurt. such orri00rs ~0 in r60t 40puti08, workin un- der the dIreotlon or the sherirr. Eowovor, suoh orrioers sreza speolal alasa or dsputies, &nown as the oounty trai- tlo ofYIoers, a&. prior to the amandment or ArtIole 6699 by the irorty-iIrth Legislaturetheir dutlas mm 00nrin04 solely to suror0enrcmt 0r the highway laua or the State and to this t'leldtheir authoritywas lImIted. 8boe the SWSd- aent by the torty-fifthLegislature,krtiola 4499 supra, the htgtciature haa 80011rlt to bmaden their mid or op- eretion by giving said dsputle8 or oousty trafrlo orrl00r8 the right and duty to arrest violatorsot all law@. Statutes providing r068 ror publlo 0rriosn am to be striotly oonstruod. It Ie submittedthat only tho@e orrioers nsmsd in the roe statutse,Artlole 9883, et seq., when oompenaated on a fee basis, are entitled to any retbe oarned ror 8~~Io8a perroamed whereIn.suohrtw are rixsd by law. -The tees earn4 by regular deputies under othor prorisioaaof our statutee are payable and attaohsdto,ths orrio 0r ths sherirr sk6p109Inaoald deputIe8 uuaer the80 laws. Suoh deputies In oountlae oa a fee basle are oompea- sated out 0r the be8 0r the partloular0rri00, their only means 0r oompensation. Nicitonly hoe the L+gIsiaturepro- ed04 a dlrr0rsnt. methoa for ~0mpensatIagthe oounty trar- ria ar~ioers authorlzzefl under the pro~Ision8or the r0rc goill6stetutiesbut the Isgielelturshaa expreeelyprwtad therein that the pay of said &putls6 shell Ilotbe Loalu&- 06 tn the rret%lenmntsof the shariit in aoaowatlxmior the ma or orfloe. It is a general rule of statutory oonitxuatlon that I speoliio provlaion rslatin6 to a partloular 8ubfe.t ut @mm in rtmpeat to that subjaot, an aLpinat @nual prorlsiozu inother parts ofthelars ublohmlght0thuw%m bo brad mYNl&b to inaluiloit. Amthbr rfaili~r rule Jd that where euthorlfy Is given to do a partioularthing and the made or doI?& It ia prtmorlbod. it ia limltsd to be done In that rmda; all&her madea are exoludo& ATTORNBY GBLERAI, 03 TEXAS