OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Geo. H. Sheppard Comptrollerof Publia Accounts Austin, yexas Dear Sir: lnalude expen attention to the following: The biennial approp InvestmentDivision of the Board of Zduoatfonby vestment section $ 15,soQ.OO # l!5,300.00" In the exercise of hi8 veto power, the Governor drew lines through items Nos. 4 and 5 of such approp#ation. You request our Opinion as to whether the members of the,,F$6ard of Education till be eon. Gee. H. Sheppard,Page 2 authorized to charge their traveling expense accounts against the appropriationof u6,000.00mad+ for '*Board&embers-per diam." In the rider appended to the general appropriationbill, which Is senate Bill No. 427 by the 46th Legislature,we find the. rollowing: "~rurelingexpenaa&. (a) It Is provided that no expenditureshall be made for traveling expenses by any department of this State In excess of the amount of money Itemized hetieinf'orsaid purpose. This provision shall be applicablewhether the Itam Tor traveling expanses Is to be paid out of the 6pproprIatIonfrom the General Fund, from feea, receiptsY)rspecial funds collaatedby virtue of certain laws of thie %&a, or from other funds (exclusiveof sederal funds) available for we by a depart- mentln It Is well settled that when the oompeneatlonof an ottioer Is laft to conntructlonIt must be most rarorablyconstrued in favor of the government. Eastland County vs. EIazel,288 6. U. 5l.S;Burke va. Bezar County, 271 S. %. X52; lloLennanCounty v. Boggesa, 157 S. ih‘. 346; 34 Tax. Jur. p. 508. As said by the Suprama Court of South Carolina In ScroggIe vs. Scarborough,160 8. E..696, "GeEarally the term *peF diem* as uaeU In connectionwith compensation,wages or ealary meens pay ror a day*8 servfces." We'quote rra Paey vi Nolan, 7 S. 'd;. (2d) 815, by the Supreme Court of'Tannaeeea: *The term 'per dIem*,aa used in Article 2, Seotlon 23, Is synonymouswith Wsalary.* The term *salary'Imports the Idee of coqansation ror personal service, and not the repayment of money expended In the discharge of the duties of the ofSloe. Throop, Public Officers, 441." %'ehave Inspectedthe aorrespondingappropriationmade to the board of Education In 1935 as shown at page 1097, Volume 2, Acts of the 44th Lagisleture. 4he approprIetIon:therewe8 "per diem end expenses, IncludIh8 survkys . . . &3,000.00n for eeah year of ~thebiennium. The appropriationmade by the 43th Laglslatura In 1937 as shown at page 1418, Genarel and Speaial Lawa, 48th Lag- Isleture,we8 *per diem and expanses . . .$S,OOO.OO*for each year. It has bean suggestedto us that In all probabilitythe word8 'and expenses"ware left out of the present appropriationby aecldant. vieare not at liberty to so aasuma but, on the contrary,must ascribe to the LegIaLRturesome purpose In leaving out such words. The fact fion.Gee. il.bheppard,Page 3 that hrtiole 2d75b-u) i;evIsedCivil itotutea, provides that the aeebcrfiof the Xate $8~~3 of :.ducatlon shell be paid t10.00 per day hhen in actual atttndnccenptinboard zcc~.t~~~s end shall be aTtItled to actuel trnvelin~and other neceesery es9enscs Incurred In the discharge or their dutlea doc;snot dispense with the neo- emSty or having~?!n appropriationbefore aithcr such co,TensetIon or e.xpensee may be paid by the ctate. An. 8, LC~C.6, ConatItutIon of Texas; LIgtttoot vs. ano, 140 j. 2.. 89; Llndec vst zialey, 49 . 2.0Quote free the oplnitn of AstIc Gaines in the &.ter case 88 r0u0w3: vThere is nothIng in We Constitutionr.hich pro- hibitn the legisl&urs tram linzIt1~ any apprcprlationby any apt aordc crpreeelveof thalr Intent. Ehould they even la51 to appropriatea salary liked by the conetitu- tion, the offietr arfected by It Is without remedy before the courts. . . It would satm that, when the logieleture Se or opinion that the compensationfixed by law for the eervicss of en officer Is excemviva, they should anend the law and reduce It, but that, until 80 reduced, they ohould nrqkcappropriationfor the coqensatlon tMch tbs law provides. But, should they iail~to do thlo, It is simply IIcase In wblch the otiicer haa e loge1 right, but no rem&y, excspt an applicationto another legleln- tuso. Under our con& Itutlon,wI4&out an appropriation no dram irox the treasury. . .- Fz-omthe ebove, we think It beoo~~eaevident that ymr question mst be cnswered in the negative. 'Ycmrsvary truly ATTORKEYGEblERA% OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion