Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN Em. Vlotor Ippollto A8818tont county P.ttorney Jefforeon county l3ejeuuPiont , T exai3 mar sir; aan8truutlcn xas, with re- areln stattalnsb ried voters o? ot, olty or town, lest preoeding termlnlnf3the ptml- plit5oEa IbIa-aiYl- Viotor Ippofite, page 2 the pualifleb voters in any euoh oounty, or politloalaubdlvfeion. + + * " The~ords~aithe quaU.fisd~otsr~* ordlnarlly WOuldhaYC MrerMoe tot&l zxtnBb8r orpe3op1e qlaalliied to oa8t thelz?vote8 Fn alteleotfan by reemon of llddag poIl tax reaeipta and j&oat8who by law are entitled to aremptions. The I&gidliature,harerem, ha8 apparently reoopp nieed the extreme cllffioulty,if not the inpoaalbllity, of dota UmLot lumber of qualuied7ot6r8 dth- tall6 inaglvaadirrtrietat~a gl~attlaw bygirinseuehtesn but a lldtednead.ng in pro*iding*taIdngthe~ot6a fof Governor at the la& preesdlng general eleotlan ad t& basis for the.purUfled aet;ermisl.ng toters in a$ su& ocxtnty, or politioal aubdiYirdon"r You al80 atote that the preolnot LBYdlYeP b yourinquiry la mu wet and &fiba petition km5llkewL*e been filed askLngthe Cmmlssi~mr~ Court not to aall. an eleotion. 18 find no atatUtorJ authority far.tha rfi- l.ngor a petithn aaklng that an elmtion not be held. APPR&&dR7G 10, 1939 ATTORNEY GENERAL QF T-S