748 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hoaorablo lcarlonEeQee County Autlltor~ Imy8 couuty San WrooB, Texas DMr sir: your nqubrt fir o n th e a b o ve l.tateQ quastlon h a a been mo d naation for ix ottiofo Ml-- 6ir j-t, rraaac%mpall~~ iwary, pmniAed, mmh oompenaation ia rmior8rl2olm~aal2 net&n- O~MM the oompaaation cf the offisial beyond the nmximuu of 06ap4matiou am3 exoosi3fna al- lowed to be l-Ma1n.d by him UnbC thtr &lapt@t. Fro~l6@4,howtmer, the *I ait2do hs*ia author- be8 shall ?M allwod only after an opportu.nity for a pubua hearts& and enky upon tha efflm6~ tire rote ot at laa8githee* smmber8 of th coilr mieslonml4'OOurt." : 74 Honorable k%rlon roGee, Faga E In tier of the foregoing statute you are ruspeot- lully advised that it is the opinion of this depsx-tmmt that the oommlasloners*oourt MY allow oompensstfonror lx offiolo services when, In their juwnt such compen- satlon Is neoessary, provided,sash oompeasationfor ox oitlolo servicesallowod shall not fnoraase oompensatlon or the oounty attorney beyoti tho maximua~of oos,pensatfon and oxoosa rwm allowed to b retaiaod by him by the law. You are farth.eradvised that thesx ofrlolo authorleed by Artlola 3895, ailpra,shall be all.oweUonly after an opportunityfor a pub110 hearlag aad only upon ths affir- rtlto rota of at lease three IIW~~IYJ0i the ~IRWLI~~IO~- ems* oourt. mliarlng that the foregoinganowers yfmr In- qrALr;r, we rennin rour6Terytmly Ardoll wll11m Ar8lotant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion