OFFICE OF THE All-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 7’7 EonorableBssoan Giloo, Page S Oh. 13, Page 16, RQ%~ of lOsO, Slat bglelaturo, 4th Galled Ssssioq %roa*a AnaotaW Ci+U ~6state8, Artiala 6803a, areataathu Board for Leaao of Taxa@ Risen Lrindo. Saoh atatuh defineu tba parera ad datto8 ofths Bomdaod furtherprwld~tho m6ohUwa-y crab preoodare for the earrybg out of the powera and drtlm granted to tho Boer& seatian10r.uahAot0netu tha Bmrator Loase of 24x44 Prlmn Laads. 8eotiom 8 of the bat xeadr 44 iollw~t 71a u* 8 *PO bid.shelLbo 4444pkd whlah oiler8 a roydty of leaa than orn-aightb of thu VU8 fsedootlou o? oil and/or #aa lathelandbdu~,~tM~mIaimmro~ alfqraybo ino r o a sed lttb dioontlar eftbrmard al1mmbaraaomwrrsng,boim the prorpLsabn at the rdrertlaarmnt ott& lead Ivory bid lhlloarry theebl4+loa~ t4p4f4n-t44tl448th44GQ4 Dollar per 40~4 Ibr do* f8 drill ~m4ll4m4ld teb4ex4dbf~.tbBoardin4YoMeoftBI~ f”8 advertbemnt;~ and nhieh ahall ba paid em year ior Sly0 yeara, 4uloar Sn the ueatlr prowls ispaying quantitioaia bd m llosaurablaBaeoaa GIle4, Page 4 Wh4nwsaxaa5nathaprOVI8linlsQfthehat in 800ti0a8 i~u~*ing mtion e tw05r, m SM that theb@slatmerepsated~refera to ~dakeap- vIaIoua for the Walo of oil 4zd gas laaaeF spaa Terse Priaoalaabde. %'haA& ?arfhar Beta Sort& 4 dotailed prooedure ewernlqtheadrertlmaeat for bid8taptimbaae oil and ga8 leaaea 6pon uuah l&, fer tlm 4warbta6 or moh oil aM gaa loaaea to tin -bat bitlder, 414l ibr tho prorIaIona to bo ineerted is.awh 10444s with re- speat to tha papont of royalty, b4mu and delay raatals 48 4 ooaaldaration far 4u4h loaaaa. mwhere othar than In 8ootioa 8 of tbs Aat iu there 8my language usetlby the L4gIal4tpr4uhi4b, Ia aarapinioa,wIllparrit areeedxmble fotorenoethattb b&lature lntaPd4dtolnresli theBmrdfarSo4aoat Texas Prbon land with peuor or lotiwrlty to aako a oontraotwhIehgrat8 only thoiukd right andplrlle~g o r laterlng on Tezaa prleon lmkd ad proapwt* and onplorlag ror oil 4ml other 8bllarwthodu, *hull reoiI+cr tbo 0U an3 gra ropdtfea, the b4ma a* the It lal pprrrontfra rsa&I4%%ltbbA4t44 awl4 in paaslng auoh Aot lutemUd te rthegoard tor&assef TexaaPriaou LoMu to *all 0 g a eloan8 o wer lq lwh land*, under the proeedm 4etaIled fat& A6t,aadwlthtlw rqalty, bow ad doly renknla pmlafoa 4tb exproualy provided for In tho Aot. It is, Cxc oourao true timt tim grrstattof aoh anoIl4xxl gasleaaa 44 4ubarIzed %a the &tIaque8tI08 wIZ1 aarrywith It.tBa rlght -the part sitbr 2asaea to proapeotupentho land ootmdbr hS.a lam by aIaamp#+a aadetkmrmthods ia%~e latkaOilbuaS3~aapra6dad aN?k +aeaa donotln&ma ardsm@tha laad oB?Wsdb~tb H5we+er, dewing tba atatote aa 4 w&We, *b 4r4 PPPbfo'to find thomia snj aut&nrltJ 4~ power v44Wd iatW BooFd~ota~nrltto~~~oa,opeorprrrtesto proapeot and explore Toua pm laM* br 44b4gS4ph%4 . _ Seauwble Basaoa GILes, Sag4 5 or other aatheda LoJ*pendently et an oil 44d 6~s lean th.WOS. ~Aaeerdtnblf,focl4k~vI#e4th*t, Inoaa opInI5n, tIm Besrd for Lea00 of Terse Prloen 14nfU ba6 mpawer or.utborIt~ totrrofal ponrltofttba abar- letw mrwr0d to ir ry o urlet6er . To m va r y traly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion