VI-I-lc;tz ------ vt -- THE,ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN &J me-- R mmr a b le Ch a r les @ t& JJa l Dlstr lo t swlz1lu, !rems Dear Sir: 559 lnmoneyaIlannualsallqlntuel~(lz)equal lnstal&nents ornotie~than the total ma8 earnedaa caapensation by Mm in hia offida capacityfor the flsaal yeerr1935, and not more than the raoxlnRml8lwmnt tIllwedsuoh offmtr Under laws e.x.lStwon Atqtrs’t 24, lQZ.5:. . . "(b) The oompeasationof a or& &is- Jmsthf3yemo?19S3beartothetotal?ees eolleetedby suah o??lclaldmIng suoh year." s6OiiOA (b) Of miOb3 3899, Bedsed Cim 8fattm8 lW8dSl.IbpartM?OllO-t . z of offfce,make an ItepDizeil and mmrn report of c.lla?provedcxpenms inourredbyhlmand chEir6;ed to hia county, aaooinponying suah re- port with invoicesaovarlq such purahaseaand requisitions issued by him ln supportof suah resort. If such expensesbe inaurredin aon- neatlonwith any partiaulm case,such report shall namc such casa. Such report,lmolaes and rowlsltlons shall be eubjeatto the audit of the'County mditor, if any, othemlso by the Co~~Mssloners*Court, and if it appearsthat any lttm was not lnourrecl by such offloor, or that such ltma #OS not a neaessary or legal et- ponse of suoh of?lce,or ihsee tlpon proper rowlsition, such items E 1 be byeaid County ,'iudftor or court reJected,in w2dch eat% the paymentof suah item nraybe adjudleatedin any aourt of conpotentjur&Uletlon. LI.3. suoh ap- provcd claimsand aoaotmt.e.shall be paid ?ro?a the Mfloers* SalaryFund tmleea otherwIsepro- vided hsrelu. ...* Uu%er xrtlolo199, RevisedCltil Statutes,FalJ8 County is the only countyaompoelngtha S&d jtidlalal~dlu- trlct. Se awlnforscd by the Comptroller*e Oftloethet Falls Countybad a population of 38,771acaorain&to the last Federaluoneus. Artlale3260,, RovfsedCivilStetutacl, reads in part a8 follows: "In tbotieaountlo6 of this state having a populritlonof not less than thirty-three thousan~flve humlrml (33,500)andmt~ro than seventy-fivethoumuM (75,000)inhabit- ants and not aontaf a ~oltyo? more than end o.aahsuaaeedfagFederalaensusthere&r, and in whiab oountleathere are one or.mcm jucliclaldistrlatsand in whlohthe aounty or- form3 the duty of aotmtyattorneyawl distrPot attorney aad in whlah there 1s not sow a Uls- trlat atiorney,the o??Iae of arimiaaldirrtriot attorneyIs hereby amated, axl shall adst from andafter ThorpaESta@ this 8Ot. %&J Of offlaeshall be known ae CrZmlnalDletrlatAt- torneyof euah caunty. em. Hon. CharUs E. Re5#35n, Fqe 4 ?I The CrInimil DiatrIct Attorney shall ~e*a&owd to retain out of the fees earned and colleotodby hImtbo mm of Five Thousand Five Hundred ($5,500)Dollars psr annum, as his compensation. titer dsduotlng Fire Hundred (@5,800)DO~- the Five !l'housaxd lam the remIn& mount is to be apglled rirst to the pqmmt OS salaries of his assist- ant or assistants 19 those comtles whemo sala assistant or assistantsare now hem paid frim the feed of t&o o?PIoe of oounty attorney,'and second,the aotual and noaessaryoxpeuse Inaurmd by him end his assIstant In the conduatof hU said office as authorized by Artlab 5899 of t&e RevisedX3iIlStatutesof 1925, as anaend8d, and auyotherexpo118eallomdbylaw. ... 'The CriminalMstrlot Attorneyshall at the aloso of each plonthof the tenure of said 'o??lcendm the report Pequlredof OountyO??l- 08x% bgArtIo10 3899 of the RwI8ed CIvll Sta- tutes OrlQes, as am?aded,and shall f&80, at the c&Se or eaOh fiscal year raalcothe annual reportrequired02 acrtanty offioer8 by lcrtlole 3897 of the RevisedCivil Statutesof 1925, as amended. *Xiiis not the intentionof this act t0 areateeny offloeof DistrIatMAorney nor auy otbsr oonatitutional o??ioaand the office a? CrW Mstrlet~Attorneyis herebydeclared tc be a separatedistinctatfloefrom the aonstl- tut&&ialo??ioeof distriotattorzley and IL0Orlzal- aal d5StrlOtattorneyshall draw or be peX%%tted to any salarywhatsoever from the State of TeUr6. *lkls aot la not Intendedandshalln~t be con5i&ireil or c0ustruedas repealin&any la.wnow on the &statute book5 exceptthose in couf%IOt horeaith,which shall be aumlatlve therso?** Seation (0) of isrtlol83899, supa, 8 Eigs pro-d&m cdrainal dietriOt attOrneysIn %lr that in thisstate comingwIthina crertain popuX.atIon*aetit shall be ved end petitted to inaur reasonable and necesssryoxpeumeo? Immst5gatfaSorfmeandacouBmrlatfns evldanaeInariMnaloasers; aad~hal.lbeallowetlChretrQ~ta (sp) a ml10 for each mile travelledbjrhiraIn autmdl.le Hon. Charles'& Regan, Page 5 furnished by him In the dlsoharge0r 0fri0id busFnsss whloh sumshall oovarall expansesof malntenenoe, __- L.. depre- olatlon, end operationof suoh amomobila. aon expenses shall be reportedto the C~mmlssloners* Court of each oounty affeotedby this aot as othsr expansesreportedand 8hall be paid by said CommlselonerslCourt as suoh other exp@neerrare paid. Seotlon 18 of Art1010 3918e, supra,prorldee‘ln OrrOOt that saoh CrlmlnalDlstrlotAttorneyIn this state Se-kg a dlstriotoomprislngtwoor more oouutlsethe popu- lation of whloh dlstrlotexoeeds 150,000Inhabitantsaooord- ing to the last praoedlngFedoraloensus shallbe allowsda llumnot to exoeed $500.00per annum'iOrth6 neoessaryexpnns Or 8UOh OirlOS, eaid 8\rmtO be paid Only Upon the It&?&d sworn statamantor. such 0rri00 showingthe nsoeseitythersior and approvedby the State Auditor. It 1s obvious that the Loglslaturedid not intend to allow any expaneeIn investigatingorima and aooumulatlng ~~idsn~e in orblnal oases by the general pro~islom of Art- 1010 9899, supra, boaausa in Seotlon5, of thl8 Artlole,the CrirminalDietriotAttorney In all oountleeIn this state oom- ing wlthln,aoertaln populationbracket are eqowered and pe&tted to lnour reasonableand naoasaaryexpanssoin in- Yestigatingorlma and aooumulatlngevldanoein oriminaloasa8, and aa ?alln County does not oame rithln the populationbrqo- ket authorisingsuoh expensesthis proritdonor tha ntatute doea not apply to ~a3.U county. You are respeotfullyadvired that it Ia the opinion Of this departmentthat the CrlmlnalDfstrlotAttorneyof Tall6 County oannot lnaur reasonableand neaessary expense in inres- tigatlngorlme and aooumulatlng oridonoain criminaloasaa. TrufMng that ths roreg.oing answsrsyour inquiry,we remain Yourn very truly ATTORHECOEWHRALOF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion