OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Charles H. Theobald County Attorney, Galveston County Galveston, Texas Dear Mr. Theobald: Opinion Nor O-1080 Re: App+i$ion of Legislature,to We have for aoknowled 1939, wherein you request the the constructionto be given islature,Regular Session, i school distriots. Sherman, Texas, t reaohed the oonol body of the common school aistriot 0 given the power to orem taxes might adopt of Senate Bill 402, since &mental subdivisionof t not be oonferred;upon visionn as used $n:the Bill 402 is in our opin- rather than as bescrip- & oliaraoterto those ex- oh opinion,being Opinion No* O-980, is Yours very truly APPROVED JOL 8, 1939 ATTORI'CfYGENERA&OF'iXXAS ,- FIRST ASSISTANT BY ATTORNEY GENERAL R. W. Falrohild APPROVED Assistant OPINION COIkfKmlm RWF:PBP BYnrrrrntrl . . N'
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion