OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ron. A. A. Miller County Attorney Rlswton~ county mwton, %n-ns ,onthe above stated question has lieved ix-m all The commlssiomtrs~ 1111 0rfi0er8 t0 y understanding 'binthe'law when one oan objeot to at signed it arter 5998,,$001 an& 6002, R,.C, 8. r&tad6s The oftiofal bond of eaoh offloer shall be exsautbd by U with two or,nore good and 8ufffoient sureties or a solvent surety 0-y authorlead to do busi- ness la this 8?iata. 'W-t.6002 hysumtyonanyoffl- olel bond 0-rany oolmty offlof3r may apply to the 0amrl~~i0m~8 00nrt t0 b9 r0iwt9a f20m hiaaonn, amlth00ount~010rlr shall thsrertpon lofme ~a notice to nalitoffloer nith a oopy of the app&,ioatlon,which *hali be ~ellrodupon s&l ~Sftoar by the oheriit or any oonatable ai the county, azU said atfleer 80 notiffed ehaU,upansuchssrvloagaOaetoereralsath6 funut%onsof his c&floe, exoept to preserve anyreomda crprcpertylnhifs~oharge,and in o&se of a sherYr or ocmntable,to keep ~xQon- em, pronema tho peaoe and exwute vmrrante o? arrest, and his off100 @tall bemme raoant unlesshe@eanmbom&nfthlntwentydays l'raathetime ofxwmlringswhnctlee, fi a .nm bond is glrtm anIlappxove6, &he fomttr 6uretlss shall bs Iliaobmged frcm any uPbil%ty for the ralsoomlwtor the ~r%noipalafter tl# approvalef th0 nenrbcn& "ArL 6QO& When the owadeeloners 00&t beames SatiafleQthat the bmd of any uouzity omaex v&%oh ha.8been require a new bend or additi& sealtrityto be given. 8&u ~0~2% nhall oawe ekeid tef’ifaer to be ofted Cc appear at a tq of their ocurt not 1tcWthan five days al%er serpioe, and shall take swh a&ion a8they de- heat for the puhlto intore&;, and their &oiston eha3.l be final and no appeal shall Ue thernfz%nn." %Qer the pmvialonn of the ebcve qucteQ stn- tuton, when the otiaefon~' oeurt .beooneesatlstied that the bend oi any oounty oiiioer whloh has been approved by it tar any cause is lnauffiolent they aim33 requ%re a new hond or aMitiomx1 seourity and that the 'orflae or offloes t3hallbeoom vaotmt Unless the offfoer or Offi- at)273give a n8w bontlwithin tmantp day8 ftftsr 5eTptoe a8 mvlded in the statute. Hon. A. A. I:Iller,Page 9 The matter of U8termInIng whether or not the bonds of county offloiale are from any aause fnanfti- clent '8 within the dlsoratlon of tht oommisslonar~* court, and the oommIasloners* court hae authority end It Is wIthIn their dleoretion to determine whether or mt they shall rsclulrea new bond or additional seourlty to be given. The aomm18sionere1 court may order a new bond by and upon their own motion or upon application ror a eu.retyto be relieved. Se8 the 08888 Of State VS. W811S, 61 Tex. 56 and Flnoh vs. State, 9 9W 08. You are reapeotf'ullyadvlsed that It Ie the opinion of this department that the oo5Iseloners~ oourt did not act beyond its authority in giving notioea t0 other officers to make n8w bonds. You (LT8further ad- vised that when the oomm.lerrionsrs* oourt beoomee satf8- fled that a bond of any oounty offioer whloh ha8 been approved by It Is from any oauee IneuffioIant, it ~@y require a new bond or additional ssourlty to be given upon it0 own motion. Trusting th:t the foregoIng answers your in- quiry, we remain Yours very truly ATTORNEYOENERAL OFTEXAS BYUdL Ard811 wI11iemS Assistant ATTORNEY GENF
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion