OFFICE OF THE A-l-l-ORNEY GENERAL OF ‘TEXAS AUSTIN EQ& P. E. KoClaln, Fa'age2 bection 10 of the fiural kid iow of 1957 auksa provision ror th3 payment or hl6h 8ohool tultlolr not to exoe0d $7.8O per month, an& tectlon 1.1or the 8aId act provides that tho aounty guper- lntendent and oounty sohoo1 board are authorlesd to 8Ot up a systm .of transportation ror thO purpo80 0r traasport:ng h&b aohool pup118 froc their dlotrlot, to the ntWUCt8toonvonlent acorodlted high sohool. ~bie 8eoticn fh0 provides ror th0 pent 0r tr8nsportation 0r suoh 8tudanto rrom the rural aid fund not to 02000d $2.00 per month. Article 2687a of tho Revised Clrl& Statlites. now in foroo and offeoti pXWVidO8 that the tlWOt~O8 or any nohool di8triCt. oommo~ or Iudapeudent, may contract ror the tran8portntlon of their his+ sobool 8tlldOnt8. Art1010 2676a or the &i88d Clrll &atutea, wltb r0rer- enoe to the olas8lrloatlon or sohoo18 by the oouuty board 0r aohml trustee8, ha8 th%b pertlaant rtatemnt thorelu: * In the OVsnt any sohool I8 SO 0&88Imd that a*rG8idant hi& 8ohoOl 8tUdOXXt Within the ire. 8Ohool age OaIIDOtrOOeiv0 in8trUOtiCUIirrhis hapu,di8- trlot, hi8 tuition ror tho numboror manth8ltto nda %nd acy other high aohool reoognlsed by either county or stats shaU be ‘psld by warrant8 dram by tbo Z~aal board Of trWteos on f'und8 of aald dl8trlot aml appeared by tho oounty 8uporlntondent. . .* Artlo 2695, Revlmsd Civil Etatnts8 of TUGS, ;leea, urb now irr r&o0 and 0rr00t, prorid r0r the transror 0r 8tudont8 to any di8triOt in the OoUIlty, ot0. TaiS ~XOV181On ha8 to do With the transrar or the ohlld b-038 one dlatrlot to anotherin order thst tho ohild may attend a 00hoo1 a8 Ia m8t oonoenbnt iOr him to attend. And It would not bo amlsr to ad&~tha~ the whole syeter.of pubbllc free sohool oduoatlon 1s dlreotod and tend8 toward the point that erery ohlid, ru@I'dh88 or whore ha may 'live In any aohool district in any oowty in ~ox08,~mI~y be &tsn 80 tar 08 &Wslbl. -.. the advantage that tho ohlld in ally othar m3otlon0r a4- oounty or eahool dl8triet in Teaes reoslves 1~1th re0moe to a ire0 puh110 sohool aducatlon. *. Art1010 88X5, Revload Gl~ll~Statu~ei~,ii=, prorid with reierenoe to oonsolidatod eohool: distSiot8.p~~illOW8: Vihan'in'thei'r 'Judgaknt..It$8 d8amei nooesrarg ,or expedient, aoid trU8t808 BOY.&WQWide fOT the tWl8~rfMtiCSI af puplle to and rrcm any elemonttwy sobool or bQh sob001 !mx. 6’.K. XcClain, Fage S of the dletrlot whoreupok 8uoh pupils nay be in attend- ame, and truetoe are h~mby.empowared to enploy trana- portatlon rehiclee and driver8 ior euoh Servloa, paying the cost thereor out 0r the local malntenanoe rund 0r the distriot or out of such otbr nicd8 a8 aray bo appropriated for al8 plrposo." Thie Dofjartment In an oyinion addre88od to Hon. k. E. Jaxc Piret Awl&ant State Superlntandont, dated kUgU8t 8, US%, found la Volume 368, Latter Opinions, page 211, hsld that: "Khan soholastlos aro trcmsrerrad rrok on8 dlstrlot to another the reoalvlng di8triot laay provide tran8porte tlon ror the transterrad 8ohola8tlo8and,itay oend a,bw into the 8ending diStriOt for 8Uoh 8OhOk8tiO8." IYe, 'therarom, hold that the Cranger indspendont School District 1s unqua8tlonably authorized by law to pumhaao a bps to tzYUmQoSt it8 OWIX 8tudsnt.8 tc and Cmm 8OhOO1, but ia 80 doi- they Bust, or oourae, oomply with suob re8trlotloM a 8 lra oot out cnd0r tbo lau. And wo turthor hold that in oa888 whqra a OOUnty-dlo oyster of bum trauaportation ha8 been 8ot up, a8 is protided by the rural aid law, In our opinion, thgre 1s a@10 authority~rtho SeOeiYing 8OboOldi8triOt to &W'Oh080 the bU8 fOF the tIWi8pOrtiUg Studant8 Or tho high 8OhOOl am Of it8 OWnT d 8triOt and those of tho dlstrlot where the ohlldran re81da outride Of tho bomo dlatrlot that am In attendanoe at the Granger Zndqnuident S&o01 Dietriot ::qhool.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion