Honorablenwld & uul@dQ
xl Pw0~C0aulty
xl ?uo, trxu
Dear lllrr
at, whou lettir,
ion the mateOS
After due roneidrntionof tha matterin hand,wa
agree with the oonolwitma you bate Nlaohedin your lettar,
U w do not find an hatutory authorityalthor lxpro~r.d
or implid lAh o r i2
Ing the Cds8lcinera~ Court to oxpad
fundafor bylng hook8 for the Court of Cid1App-W Lnr
Ran. DaYId~X. xuloahy, Page t
Library.*Noare unableto oonstrurthe above ~Islon of
seotion4, ohapterreo, OS the Adtill
1911, send LsglsLature,
orsatingud ssta~llshlng ssltlCourt cb Civil Appsalsss
lr tbo r ic l th eCo zza IssIc ner
Co ur
to e x p enb
o o uuty
a tntls
fo rma In & sslner
OurattentionIsdir ec ted fur th e
tor th eAo tso f
Ull,S& d L*g I sla tum,
lst Ca lled
6usIo n,o h a p tu
5,a r d
on page 38 of the CensrslLaws, we flnclthat an approptis-
tlon was kado for rbookbfor maIntmanss of Libra@ lntb
sum of USO.00 for the blennlum beginning Beptsmbsr1 lull,
ad @a&fng August Sl, 1915,wkleh spproprlatlon u I& for
Eiop Paso Court of CIvll AppsalS 8th Suprum JuUloIalDIS-
As fsr ss we an ablr to tfnd ash &glslstum bs
suadr&molt10 appropriationsfor the &tIoular purposr to
sash of tbs Oourts of Ciril Appsals in all rlavu~ Buprmr
;u$siF Dlstriotsi The 45th La Is&tlln, B. 3.&38, ohap
e ll57, Otmml bbssfon Laws In its sppropria-
tion to: Phe supam-tand mldnanoo of tf& judlolary,
8ppro rIatod$lEiiO.OO to the Court of Clrll Appsals,8th
rudlo4al Dlstriot snd similaroourtmfor *books fti llbnrgl.
In Ssotlong, chapter46s of said H. B, 8JB, we flu& the
tollowlngprovisl on8:
*All~a~~~unts approprlatsdIn this Act fsr
lax books, or expemlsdthsmfor under authority
of this Aot, shallbaplid out of fhs general
rundand the speaialaooouatsIn the gsns~l
rund Is hereioaftu protiaeb. In acoonlanes
dth provIsIonsof chapter 104 of the prlstod
GeneralLaws of the Hegulu Bernsian of the 44th
Legislaturr, the sevsralCourt8 of CIfil Ap eals
are herebyauthorisrdto pur&ass~adtlltiom P law
books out df their local r~oelpts ad there ia
herebyappropriatedto.saohof s&l Courtsfor
luch puryme8~for baOh of the flsOal pars end-
ing August 51, 1938,and luigust Sl, 1939, ths
sum ot 83.xHuntlred and Twenty-five@ollars ()BeEdO)
out 0r their looal reo*ts In additionto the:
speciffoamountshereinspproprlatedfor library
books for said oourts provided further Ina In
aocordancewith said iaw that any of mafd Cotis
of CivilAppeals rscsliclng s spt~oiflo
tion of 16813 than 8ii Bunama0.d 5bdiy-rivO Do1
lars (#6Z6.00) per par for library
books shall
not expend from said 1waL roorlptsmom than th0
said speoIfI0amount herainspproprIats&w
_, .-‘I
Cha ter,lO4of the Aots of 1935, 44th fngisbtura,
rerurea to atova, In Gotion t of the lppropr&Won.totha
utiolary,an4 to uhlah you rofrrrodIn your lottrr,dll ba
* iouml IncorporatedIn the RwIrrd Civil Btatute8of lQe5 as
Artio1.rlSMn, Reotion1-a. l!he&glslatIon aformmentIonrd
forutrlls any furtherquostlonof suah powen fand authority
b einglnfur ed upontha Commlsslo~rs'Court to purahnselaw
books far thr llbrarlu balonglngto the JuAI4aryin qurs-
tim apt 0r 00unty funds,
You are therafori rospeotfull rdirired that It Is
theopInIonof this drpmtmont that thr tenunIssIonsrs~
of Xl Pam Ceuntyboos not hate the authorityto pdrohasm
ku books from oount funds for tha we 0rthr Court of CIvIl
&gaalm' library,8ti 8upram JudlalnlDIstrIot,Xl ASO.
In rompllat2oe
with y o urrrqmmt, w l.mlo 8a
of OUT Oplnlon0490.
ToursYuy tnl4,
ATmRNxYtsxmluL OrTRAa
yp !A B
. l imsista nIi”&
I* r. Yoon