TEIEA~QD~EYGENEIZIL~~% ow TEXAS Mrs. Elowaen Merch, R.N., RF 2 Om t&a otku band, wa flad Article 4J28, Revbod Civil Stututa8, wkiek racds 88 fmllowar -Tkdslaw8h8llnotbacaut?udtospplyto tha grrtnitous au8bq of tlr, rick by frbatla, no8 any param uusiq t&c 8ick for kire w& &ea rd k uf wa7 u8ume or profasr to prscttcs u a griauk e*i- twod ngistara4 urao.‘! Co turn -p.utical nusa- duotos to us Unt tk por- 8on pr*cticlq luch l p ?ds88ia n d.mB ,?u*e ie? biTa er colnpa- ltlan ui eqresal7 ladleda that tbst purr is ut a graduk ralfrtprad marso. Onloss PI bch00l fn quc8tion repnbontb itbaLi, u truhisq persea for gra.&sata codified tqbkred aarshg, tka stdutas, AHi&8 4513 and 4322 are not spplicsbl*. ‘We fiw3 uothbg tkat lndlcCtr8 t&t tin &g58lhzo intan& tht 7,arT board 8hodd uucfsa y cmatrol war 8ucb 8ebaaL It k our mplatemtbt tbqk 7a raquaat tba diatrtct orc~stbry*IIEkrL~8~~rc~totJ*uticra ta prww%t tba wmhtuuca aa opu4tioa of such rcwol u t&a Pet- lr su Tr dsing c o u sa fa tP u c tic sl NUIU, a a Distr ic t Atto r na y , County iUtom7 or tha Attony Cknor8l has no authority to t&o say action to r a str dn tbs aptdon of this 8c h r d. ATTORNEYGENERALOF7EXzS Mm AW *al M o ?r t8 Hodges Aa*istut APPROVriD JVL 17.1939 (Zl&aodj w. Ft. Moon FlMT ASSUITANT APPROVED ATTORNEY OENSRAL OPWt$?l’ZCObt3.4lTTr;e; By w.LlL,c-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion