Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Court: Texas Attorney General Reports
Date filed: 1939-07-02
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Combined Opinion
                                   AUSTIN                         /

 m-” .slmm4A

          Hon. Andrew J. Hiakey
          CWXty Auditor
          Deer sirr

                                            mahtenanoe ruxb
                                            ottex ddan a
                                             non a brlUge,

                             18 ft the duty of the COUntP Or

                 tOhereis no mEtint8nana8runa ror such
                 age district?".
                    *The statutesprwtd~ ror tb elwe4.;ica
                 drainage co~~siwik~~       miele   8819, or lx

       Um@ thereoftheir appolntmant
                                  by the coin-
       mxs&cncr6' court hrtlole 88%     Other pro-
       ~lalane replate the drainace oo.xcIssionere
       tsm   OS 0rri00, mi0it3 ~19, thir aa]nr-
       fee. U&O their oath of offloe, Artlele
       8d,   odoldl bon68,Artlolt8124anG their
       organlzsticm, Mtlols 8123*
           *It is the duty or the dralnage oomldr
       olonors to appoint a omipetantoivil en&mr,
       who ehallmk~ the neoeseary mapa, proilles,
                        for the l.mproveziontD
       t"",$%i? %?ft Is their dut to keep the
       OanalD aitohem,eta., in l-e PA     They hatie
       &ancraI authority to aqt3nlee aid oontrol
       the oamtru;if&       raiatennanosof them
       wo r k &         l  . They wy oonstruot
       naoesearyrailwayand road oulvcrts. art&
       01~8160 and 8161. t + * * (l.6?8% hr.            pap*
        mtlole'8161, RevisedCivil Statutse of Tex-
as, read0 a8 tollown:
       WQuiroa to bidlla all neooesary&id&es and
       oulmrte aoroab and over all oanals, drains,
       ditohee,lateralsand levseoooodm~otbd
       haremCer rhenorerthe mum orosa a aounty
        or pLbllo mad, ml ohallpay ror sam out
        oi the drainage fUnAea
                  The   tern aooxmi8sloner5a as used in Artiole
6161 r8rcr6 to Craln~e 0omlesloaerD mentlocsO in
the premxlizq srtlolesor the WIW chapter.
                  7 TBf* Jur., seotion7, p*p* 964-6-6,in P.rt,
roads as followar
                 lf&alatIWe hm ao~ferlwd the poW7'
        to oonstmof briQo8 ~20n        0r the pelf-
        tloal~6 addnl8tmtlve sub& ltdLy
                                      tialms or the
        t&ate ‘Wln~lu&Qag the goyerdng LvUY Or a
        muaio~pallty, the board or alderzm or a
        tom or rlllage, f'resh-uatureupp4 dlstriote,
        18~80 lmp3vement alstriotr, water inprovo-
    P      di8trlot8, and tho ooml~slocerr oourt
    0r   a oounty*
            oomis5loners oourt 1s authorized
    to oonstrwt bridges aoross or under anf
    railroad rl ht or way, and over any eawl,
    lovea, ato g , eta., to sdopt rsgulatlon8
    $or the removal or obstruotlons rrca trldgce,
    amlto rogdate the tonnago 0r V8k101OS UO-
    In& brld@er * * l
       Wider  th le g o ner a l pwer it is not to
    be doubted that a goneral dlsors'.lon    1s met-
    ed in the rembers of the oaaciisoimeis oourt
    to btcridne w!xin an& where brl&&en 6hall be
    oonetruotod in tholroounty, and ln ewh oam
    no individual oltlzonor group 0r oitlzsnr
    O&Ii OOnpiaiIA Of &XIIhOm3t   ofrOX%   t0 6XVOiciti
    the peer and duty 80 glvan. 'Rhersan ir-
    rigation oand oompaay upon whloh the ata%
    uta lmpoeaa the duty to keep a bride  In
    rewir faila to Co ao, the oounty may a9Jm
    the neostlsarprepairsand then reoover the
    mm from the one UDO~ whom the duty reDted.
    The oouxty is not in the msitlon ci a mere
    volunteer. but hae tba PrimnrP duty of mainm
     alai or oauslafzto be maintainedit
    pbll~roada and bridmsr and 1s not dllev-
    ed 0r 1tr duty to the sub110 by ths raot

    S.N. 943.
         YOU are, therefore, rqs?eotiuUp advised          that
it f# the OpiXiOn Of thiS &3part%;icnt
                                    th%t it ir, th0
duty 0r the dralmgs dlatrlotto    leoe or rspedr
hAdge8 over drainagetilstrlot&it0
                               "go 8.
         You are rurthar rsspeottully a(hS.nedthat         it
la the opinion ort!iladepartmnt, that if the drain-
age dietriot  faila cc refusosid this respect, than,
ia that srent, the oowtp ehodb replaoe or repair
bridge8on its publlo roads over oaid Cralna6e ditches.

Bon. ,admu J. 'ilokey,pa&O 4

        You arc Surther resgeotftil adolaedthed ii
the oountp cake8 the nooeseary ropa L (I or rsplaoe-
aante, the oountp map rcoover the mai 8xgeaCed f%om
tho 4ralrm.q dlstrlot.
        TI?Ustlnethat thl8 84tl8i4Ot~ily   cn~?~lerl
your inqufry, we 4r8

,jg&jqw JUL 29, 19%