OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN / gp*u,0.MAWN m-” .slmm4A Hon. Andrew J. Hiakey CWXty Auditor VfetorlaCounty Victoria, Deer sirr mahtenanoe ruxb ottex ddan a non a brlUge, 18 ft the duty of the COUntP Or tOhereis no mEtint8nana8runa ror such age district?". *The statutesprwtd~ ror tb elwe4.;ica of drainage co~~siwik~~ miele 8819, or lx Bon. Um@ thereoftheir appolntmant by the coin- mxs&cncr6' court hrtlole 88% Other pro- ~lalane replate the drainace oo.xcIssionere tsm OS 0rri00, mi0it3 ~19, thir aa]nr- fee. U&O their oath of offloe, Artlele 8d, odoldl bon68,Artlolt8124anG their organlzsticm, Mtlols 8123* *It is the duty or the dralnage oomldr olonors to appoint a omipetantoivil en&mr, who ehallmk~ the neoeseary mapa, proilles, for the l.mproveziontD eon- t"",$%i? %?ft Is their dut to keep the OanalD aitohem,eta., in l-e PA They hatie &ancraI authority to aqt3nlee aid oontrol the oamtru;if& raiatennanosof them wo r k & l . They wy oonstruot naoesearyrailwayand road oulvcrts. art& 01~8160 and 8161. t + * * (l.6?8% hr. pap* 73e-s.) mtlole'8161, RevisedCivil Statutse of Tex- as, read0 a8 tollown: ~heaopluiasl~aniareauthor~zad~d WQuiroa to bidlla all neooesary&id&es and oulmrte aoroab and over all oanals, drains, ditohee,lateralsand levseoooodm~otbd haremCer rhenorerthe mum orosa a aounty or pLbllo mad, ml ohallpay ror sam out oi the drainage fUnAea The tern aooxmi8sloner5a as used in Artiole 6161 r8rcr6 to Craln~e 0omlesloaerD mentlocsO in the premxlizq srtlolesor the WIW chapter. 7 TBf* Jur., seotion7, p*p* 964-6-6,in P.rt, roads as followar The lf&alatIWe hm ao~ferlwd the poW7' to oonstmof briQo8 ~20n 0r the pelf- tloal~6 addnl8tmtlve sub& ltdLy tialms or the t&ate ‘Wln~lu&Qag the goyerdng LvUY Or a muaio~pallty, the board or alderzm or a tom or rlllage, f'resh-uatureupp4 dlstriote, 18~80 lmp3vement alstriotr, water inprovo- P di8trlot8, and tho ooml~slocerr oourt 0r a oounty* 'cpht~ oomis5loners oourt 1s authorized to oonstrwt bridges aoross or under anf railroad rl ht or way, and over any eawl, lovea, ato g , eta., to sdopt rsgulatlon8 $or the removal or obstruotlons rrca trldgce, amlto rogdate the tonnago 0r V8k101OS UO- In& brld@er * * l Wider th le g o ner a l pwer it is not to be doubted that a goneral dlsors'.lon 1s met- ed in the rembers of the oaaciisoimeis oourt to btcridne w!xin an& where brl&&en 6hall be oonetruotod in tholroounty, and ln ewh oam no individual oltlzonor group 0r oitlzsnr O&Ii OOnpiaiIA Of &XIIhOm3t ofrOX% t0 6XVOiciti the peer and duty 80 glvan. 'Rhersan ir- rigation oand oompaay upon whloh the ata% uta lmpoeaa the duty to keep a bride In rewir faila to Co ao, the oounty may a9Jm the neostlsarprepairsand then reoover the mm from the one UDO~ whom the duty reDted. The oouxty is not in the msitlon ci a mere volunteer. but hae tba PrimnrP duty of mainm alai or oauslafzto be maintainedit pbll~roada and bridmsr and 1s not dllev- ed 0r 1tr duty to the sub110 by ths raot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C~~~~~~ S.N. 943. YOU are, therefore, rqs?eotiuUp advised that it f# the OpiXiOn Of thiS &3part%;icnt th%t it ir, th0 duty 0r the dralmgs dlatrlotto leoe or rspedr hAdge8 over drainagetilstrlot&it0 "go 8. You are rurthar rsspeottully a(hS.nedthat it la the opinion ort!iladepartmnt, that if the drain- age dietriot faila cc refusosid this respect, than, ia that srent, the oowtp ehodb replaoe or repair bridge8on its publlo roads over oaid Cralna6e ditches. 98 99 Bon. ,admu J. 'ilokey,pa&O 4 You arc Surther resgeotftil adolaedthed ii the oountp cake8 the nooeseary ropa L (I or rsplaoe- aante, the oountp map rcoover the mai 8xgeaCed f%om tho 4ralrm.q dlstrlot. TI?Ustlnethat thl8 84tl8i4Ot~ily cn~?~lerl your inqufry, we 4r8 ,jg&jqw JUL 29, 19%
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion