Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Tcm L. Beauuhamp Searetary of State Austin, Texas Dear sir: Attention or Hr. Claude 0plnfon No. O-983 feet on on the questions ea are herein 8 by this offiw. a8 follana: Brown, doing in San Antonio, ed by ami1 to 7, this offioe wrote I&. Brown cation was not in order for the did not state how long the been in we by him. The require- e length of time a trademark has :adepartmentalrequireinent and haa been in eiYeat ia 'thfsDepartmentfor a number of yeers. At the same time, we sdviaed ?Jr.Brown that we w&-e emlosing an application r0m and that he aould rfii out the row in lieu of the applicationwhioh we were returning to him or he could oorreat his applicationSO . . . . . Iion. Tom L. IIeauohamp, Pa.~e .2 as to show how ions he had been usinS the trademark and/or trade name. “On Yaroh 9, 1939, ws veoelved a letter from Yerlon D. Johnson, advortlslw agent of Dalrplend, Incorporated, of San .wtonlo, Texas, advlslry: UC that she had noticed 1.7 the ‘San Antonio LlSht’ OS ?‘oroh 4 thct ‘it. 1:. Brown Dairy had rlled wlth the County Clerk of Bexar C unty a facsimile of a proposed trademark and trade name and thut it contained the phrase ‘The Brlrhtest 3,ar in the !‘llky ?laay(, that this phrase had been copyAChted by Dairyland, Incorporated, and that said Vademrk and trade name had been filed in the CopyrlCht Cfflce of the ‘Federal Covernmcnt in “ashln+on, D. C., end that Dairyland, Incorporated had been uoln~ the trade ncmo and trademark since February 21, 1936, and attached to this letter was a ollpplny, from u Fort ?:orth newspaper puhlls::ed on February 21, 1936. !.!arlon D. Johnson, on behalf of Dairyland, Tacor?omted, protested ay,alnst this office approving and flllnC the prOpOSed trade name and trademark pre;enti:d by i7. K:. Brown !hlry. “On Yaroh 9, 1939, vie advised !ferlon D. Johnson thet our reoords did not show that euch a trade wime or trademark using the phrase ‘The &l&test Star In the E’llky ‘.‘!ay’ had been apeqoved and filed in this office. “On !‘aroh 10, 1939, this office received the appllcutlcn of Yelrylond, Incorporated to have reClst.ored as ti trademrk ‘The Drl@t- est Star in the T’llky Yay’, which application lo attached hereto and zarked Zxhlblt ‘W and Is attached to Exhibit *&*. -On l’arch 13, 1939, the corrected appllce- tlon 0r the :;. I:. Bxwn Pair? was received, which appllcttlofi ic attacked hereto and rark- cd Exhlblt ‘C’. Hon. Tom L. Reauohamp,Page 3 With all these feats before this offioe. It was deolded that Dairyland, Inoorporeted had been using thls trade name and trademark since Febru ry 81, 1956 and that V. K. Brown Dairy had used it since the 2nd day of Karoh, 1939, or approximatelyten days beSore the date we received their oorreated epplioatlonfor registrationof the trademark. Believing that the party having priority of use was entitled to have prererenee in the registrationof the trademark,we approved end filed on March 17, 1939, the epplioatlonor Dairyland, Inoorporated and returned, refused, the application of a. B. Brown Daily. Tie desire that you edflse us upon the follwing questions: '(1) Under the above faots, did this office err in epprow and filing the eppli- oation ror registrationof the trademark *The. BrightestStar in the Milky Way* by Dairyland, Inoorpozated? w(2) If you have answered .theabove queo- tion *yes', then advise us if we are authortied to oenoelthe regfstratlon'ofDairyland,ShpIMaE- poreted." hrtioles 844, &Q1 an4 331, Revised Civil Statutes read as follwo: UArt. 844. Any person, firm or aorpora- tion engnged in the delrylng business, or in the distributionor sale of mix?&requiring the we of bottles,may file in th&orfioe of the county clerk of the oounty in whioh it is expected such person, fina or corporationwill sell or distributemilk,,a fee~simile or de- wription or the name or nmues, trade name* mark or design used by,suah person, fina or oorporationfor advertisingpurposes, and aeuse such fee sfmile or deeerlption to be published in a publlo newspaper published in su& oounty for three sueeasaivsweeke, and the act of filing and publioation ahall oper- ate to secure to auoh de&pen, tilk dls-' trlbutor or ,Bsilk dealer, sole and eaolusive right $9 use ,ln eaid oountt_or oquntiee, aaid name or namee; btradS ~wne:aa~k or desiun. ~APt:847.,~ Any gez+& firi~or:ior$tia- tion‘engagdd ln.t$e dui~~iag'bidnes8~oT. the 6ale or distrlbution'of tiilki.I$o'eheiI -h&a filed with thb dounty'blerlt‘?of .tlje ooti+$ in - nh-ioh theymiy be enti$ed .fn the dle,tr;ibtiiti or stile ‘of ~~ilk,~ a U~UZI~‘q ~.nme,lj‘,trade ‘&me, markor design ~a8 herein prtMdsd; m6’y~oatie~ to be-engraved, etched, bl,pwn in or impresrBd OF ?>hemlee'prodiiced upoq .the,Ifottlds ouhql by said porson,'flm or corporation su.oh WIQW or numes; trade mm~e, n&k' 'or .ti~+iz, 'snd when ouch mm 0.r names,.trade pame, mark or de8tin lo .a@ impqsoaep -tipon a l5ottla~ such bottle ishall'be prlma'facle the property of the per- eon, ~.$.x-JIor qorportatiq whio.h, ray anpear ~upon the rec~rd.~f.the dff%cp'i$.'$I$e ocqt .Q i&rk . qf. s)rch. EorlqCy to ,y'$p .amptf .f$'pc ..paPs or qanes +dq ,JWUE~, E*rk $+;desfgn :egtJei- a8 the orlt$nal oqer qr h+nsfrqed, ‘a<‘hereli uro- ~‘li’idetj.~ 'Art; '831, E9ery pcrhn; :j~~bbolti~l& o’r <i.6f.t:oi%iCqgiexi; lnoorporat'dd ar,&n%,&r- $o,rcited;. that has%eretofore or+liilFh&firter ad6pt a-'b%el, traih tiark, deeign, device, im- prlnt.or form OS advertiaemer$, ahall rxp3 tb- 8-0 ia the offi+ 0r the Seor&u*'ai Stat6 By 'leailni: bra- rab s@ile ooplea, with the Seore- tary ot State, ,end said Seo_retarv ebell,r.et.urq, to syop.person;'as.gobiB~Loq, .or\mioq.'~.:~IUn8 the. ?eme, onc.of.'8ald fat #&O.e~'.eop~es ,$Iong with and attached to a"duiy'at~'~ed'cert'Li~obta - of the‘~fllln(: of sme for nhiW Q'.shEill ye- ceiye II flee of one..do i lar:. ,.sqqh c_er.??lrjcatf!~~ c$ f>lin$phaU in all,~.ul~s’ahd pr&ectiiona . under this chapter be ‘sufficient proof of the a$'option of such label, t.rede park, design,.de- rice, i.mpHnt or fo?m .of advcrtlcecent:;',m4:of~ the right of sach ~erson;~s'adoiat~on.or. Woi' to ud$pt-the. oaze. Yo laboli tr&Ce .r;ark, de- 8iq1, eevjce, lqrint'or tom0 .gf advbrti..?e&&iit s-hall bo filed es eforesc.ld thfit W.uId mobab'bly Roll. Tom L. Beauohamp, Page 5 be mletqkeh for 8 label, trade merk, design, derlae, lmprlnt 0r rorm or adrertlaement al- ready or reoord. No pewon, or aesoclatlon ahall be permitted to register a8 a label, trade n&k, doe@, derloe, imprint or r0m or advertisement any emblem, deelgn or resem- blame thereto that ha8 bceu adopted or ueed, by any charitable, benevolent 07 rsliSlou8 society or assocletloa, without their 0oneent.e In the case or Dlluoxth 18. Rake, 64 SH 2nd 829, it was held the right to the use of a trade name belongs to tho porsoon that first appropriated the name. 33 quote fros the case of Russ vs. DW, 49 3W 2nd 905 a8 fOiiOU8:' eyriorlty in adoption and use or tmde name8 confer8 a euperfor right to the ~88 thereor, end, since appellee first ueed the nane tbcretofore used by the oorporatlan, she acquired a priority to the uee thereof and the appellant could not, by the mre ftl- lng Or such afildaVlt to 60 bU8lms8 under a fiCtliiOU8 name defeats appellee'o right to continue to use such tXe.nm8.e Aho Bee Tex. Sur.) Vol. 41, peg0 3S3. R8 quote iron. corpus rlurla, vol. 63, page8 337, 340 ad 470 a8 rOiiOW8: VA trademrk is aoqulr4d by Pete adoption and user a8 suoh, subjeot to 8UOh Well-sstabllahod rule8 a8 to what nay be exolusloely approgrlated as a trade.-&, and as to what manner of dce will conetitute the mrk used a trademark. The mark must be used in this couutry in order to acquire a trader,ark,ln this country. *The one who firat onploys a trademark in oonheotion with a particular ulasa of Soode ao- qulreo a prfor end cxclueive rleht to u8e it In oonneotion with that olaas cb goods, not- wlthatandin.9 the aubaoquent user first reelstera the mark, end one not the orlSlnator or first Hon. Tom L. Z3eauohamp, Page 6 user thereof le entltlcd only to the diatlnc- tlve features added by him. “Only the owner of a trademark has the rlcht to reClster it and the tradenark, trade naxe , symbol or de4ts.n deslgnatlnC ownership of a business may be rezlstered. Thou@ a trade name nay bc reClstered, and exclusive use thereby reserved under a statute authorlz- lnC appropriation for use as a trademark, any form, symbcl cr nsmo to 6eslCnute the ori& or ov.ner thereof.’ Iu the case of Amour &. Company ye. Loulsrllle Provlslon Cor:pany, 283 Fed. 42, and a long list of oases c%ed therein the courts have held that registration does not oreate a trademark, nor 1s it at all essential to its validity. In the case ot Co&kran, 1911 & Company vs. A. 3. KuhlersnnConpany, 13G b’d. 525, the court held to entitle plaintiff the use of trcdemark, or to protect plalntlii and ltn mark aCalnst lnfrllly,ement, it was not necesrary that the trademark should have been registered by plaln- tisi. In the oase of CrqU Atlantic t. Pacific Tea canp05y’ VS. A. e F. hai Store, 20 F. Supp. 703, it wa8 held that a title to a trademark 1s independent of its reClstretlon. se In%%% the torecoinf: authorities, you are respectfully aavlnea that it 1s the opinion OS this de- partment that zour first question should be answered in the necatlve. Therefore, it 1s not necessary to answer your second question. ?rustlnC thst the fore.TolnC answers your lnqulry, we are Very truly yours APp~O~~Jm 23, 1939 tide11 Wllll~ Assistant