szana?eh10 Earal& 3QecraoLan
Eall CJfRooard8
Dear sirs
letterof July
1010 5951, RO-
iaw withinwhioh a
y publlowiy quality.
In p"om latter and
8 l.n7v1784, but 4lffsrantly
Geaersl2. F. LooBey-, Zune
County ikttornay 0r 5?ravia
th8ZI ElCitizenOf
(1) Doea Ax-MoleSOSl, Revised Statutes,authorize
a oountyam?k, before he raoeireaa oalanlssion from the Se-
ar&my of Statd~for a pizrty appalntednotary publia,to
'notify sal4 party to appearbefore him wIthin tea days, pay
for his oomml~slon,and qualityacraardfng to lm"?
(2) IX It does mt, is said party entitledlm rs-
oeefte8tmhmtfoed’te&la oaml8slanlma beenrewl~edbg
the elerm
Bon. XarolU ::cCraaken,
Faga 2
(3) If be ia, may he then qualifyat any time
within ten daya frolztho roaalptof crushnotioe? .uld
(4) If he my, are the sxaeptiom aontainedin
said artlalsavailableto him?
ti -9 27, 1917, AttOTJley %Xl8rS3 ~OMY a~~I’O7Od
&UlfUl’0Zi00 O&loa No. 1777,inwhloh the quo8tion8 subPELt?&
by Hr. Romrby mre fully amwW4d. (Reports Of the AttOl’B0y
General,1916-19l8,p* 422) The opinionquotesArt.10108 6015
and 6016,Revbed Statute8of 19ll. These art10108vme
brou@t forwardin the Rwised Statutesof 1926, without mt-
orlal #mnge8, a8 krtlole8I5381and SQSE feqmtimly, and
they have not since been amended. Therefore, tf the uzmer8
found in OpinionZZo!1777 ware aorrsot then, they am oorreat
now. X0 belierathat aorraotlyOOmtTUw the statute8
involved and spgrovaIt. A oopy or whloh irrherowithonoloaed.
It ctnswera the tirst three of the qnestians nbove steted, It
doe.0not answerthe Sourth qU08tbn, but it is apparentthat
the exemptionsOQX apj-Aponly where the party Las beastlegally
notif 94 or hi6 sppaintment. Xe aannot be lagallynotifiedby
the albrk until that o:?ioerhas in his possas$ionthe paty*s
Wo armuw question.Bo.1 ln the negative,and eaah
of the three e+mtn2u~ questionSin the affirui&lYe.
In this commotion, we call to your attQntlon for
chtaver it my be xorth, the awe of Taablm v. ZWite, 104
Tsx. cri....iep.70, xt s. x. 597.
~losso ccce;?tour thanks for the vary able namer
you !mvu stated the i'uots,the questions submitted
ind Ubwzised the lsf;clpoints involved.
Yours v&y truly
AFPROVED .TuL12, 1939