IOV roqvrt to ?a a o p la lo 0a0 tm q vDtlo 8u l.8@tat06Bela Ma boea momlvo~ bJ thla offloe. fourlmttorrrul~laputu tollov~c wlmt mp la b etm p r o p er r to po r lto p o to rl OOua ~to ta k e at tillsda taor tmlr tlMu~ms,*lehlalmboFlag~r8Bltuw tloaouohu lqxmwed lntbi folloviogmate- -at ot taot81 uoak&tl.losQlR. 0oo.R ubn- 2 ~oawl.‘loa.r.~ osvt it oeoh &lua~ lB tm lta to o r R o nr , a t lta tlrstr e g u lv B.otirylaaa8mryuoashuloaau lb ul,b yo Ho r wm wd o mto r la rk- sa EY* -8 ltsvhwut,~*mlv rbtbr~~t ltfl8o onr o vho o ua s ty mll I* poa~~baslsuwLdeator -La m A0t,vvhmtmrtb~Olmllv0ofvs 0s tivlr l0mpsantiossvhms0t0m0ou88 b8 ~aq$o~>sths I*rhmsvo or t t autto. . lnt1a I!or &tlalo m, 1. 0. 8. mua k mrtastollovl =A...R. Rm Oal..lovn’ oovt or o so h lo m k tm Dta to o r h x u , a t Lt. tbetx. a u wetlag la h a - o t o a th luo wo r wa r ,r h.lI, o y m & a & a ~m~to r ’ 06k tm B l8Utoor Oes 74 tbr prsslaatottlosrsot sdh l0vty PlXosptpublLovlglmrs &&3rrglstPus or rltu .tatktb*) lh sll b .sa p sa mb r d 00l a u 887 b u l.8 a s p a *d fbr la thle ht. .:. orvlmtbrtbs sbllnosinas tblrecm- pmut1oa,mm IIfbsiotorflo~uybs lUVd b Jtmr la tm rtamaos ot tl*4utlas otth.lrottloo.,wll r trbllbsths~ef tb, rauat~alsrkoteaohso~t~ to temrdto tb oaptrollorU-lb bswuats ottlm ltOtO othnso0orbsf0vt~3lst6yof~avq 8lsrtlXlo6om ot svh orbs....' motlon17, mtiol. Sm., B. 0. a., W Lo vsrt&.ro1lovr ye) Rm -em 'rnolvt Otflou.' u vo4 lathlm ktmnas Jvti008 0Tttm we rod ooa.table.. 'Iaalloonatlsslathis8troI svhpv- olnot orflosr.rbsllloatlav to to oapea- utd forttdrssrvloss oaa fbe bsslscmt%l the Oaiml..iovr.'oorpt.h.lltnv 6stsldVd otmnlss la aooorduos rith tbr p~lslo~ ot 600tloa P or taleAet. '1a00uatfo8 wbbviatb OaviSSloVv'~ cowt .h.ll mv. tbrtpmlmf 4.t.rBla.aoffl- so r elhallbs oapsasstsboamuu~vl~ bule, but vhsrelatlw7 hovedetomkud tbrt smmt OSMS. sulx mot hm 00 tm Okl..r.' 6.m .mlu3or 8.u somt, ‘$11 b .Oa a p o lMed - r g, Ofme,0o r ml.81 ~ a a l o th eoaveaeatioa r o o Uso to w d tm p .- olaetotrlosrsof 80~b00~~tq~m1~p0sitob la.8ldt1.M bad8whfmd.u tsrmd to s&l fomlw tm oamt%*n~ oourt or tm oo?Ja*.r p b) Ia oo\PatSom vhera lt shall havm -0 deto tVd tb .t m PPMlmt 0ftlo .r ltr . o ll b e O~P SM S~.~o~ a u a a a mi um b utitt 8~ b etlmb a t7 Oftb Ocm8lssiou8rs~Oo vto r l-h o mA ll& l& tb ls Lmmt lmlo uw.m. o p la lo a as.& 1 .R m o -lo vr .’ oovt l. vlth - 8ev pselut lttleo r P ml lo a vaotbr otfleus R b o .~t8B B vtb o wl~ b titm Oir ”l& o ~ o o ut Bvt or tm -la st o ttlo *r w .a wlouoallwaa*trwbaelsm4erBUa87 & V. k .umn c m o a o leelo vn’ mvt we. l pmolmtofflamr8 lta*otmtJupokWm ulm7 buls u outllmd la the Ottlwr~s Vleq law, tm O~umer o ’ o o wtb 8 w lltwr l setl p mo la st ottieu~r m a t lo ssTie?z for tb. -81 #war 1935 WA t&et the o-l.. Oovt bu w wthor- PorpvooavoaUwms v lmolossmvvlth~ lom ot ooa!bnmo oplaloa.Uo~ 30%. You8mrr.~tSull~adviwdtlmt lt l8 tim caplo- loo of this dispartmatthattlmor&u ottlm Ommlssioabn' a o wt p la o la g tm preelast 0tfla.r.o r o m p r eo lmt la l o o r m~ u p o a a u ly b u la a a dlo u la g tb r o msla s1 mt o tflser . la tm o o m* u p o a l m b eelml.vo Ytlzi t&t tm preoiwt 0tflo .r O . f OIY p nela o t r h o a m a o v 800p ea ssted o a 8 sa la r yb u le v&r 8 vo id ardor o t the Om y lss~; a w e sapewtsa Oo u r tsh o r ild or p etA .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion