OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN -I& 0. MANN - .**- Mr. F. X. Rightor, Seoretary Texas State Board of Reglstratdonfor /“” PmqfesslonalEnglneors h.mtin, Texas \\ Dear Sir: k’sare in reo tar of Sun0 1 in wh:oh you ask our opini atire we&ht to be gltsn erfdenoa of lloema engineer8 and li- earme& land survs tea r4lating to pro- ernon*a Annotated I)Iimieles where aith4rpro- ng in our OOurt8. did not err Zn t it was entit.leUto a0 smm weight than the testlmcmy of a wltnW8 who knau the same faota.w See also the ease of Ksrllok 1. Hey@, 19 8. W. Mr. F. E. Rightor, Page g Ii either a lloensed profseslonalengineer or ll- oensed land surveyor should be oalled as a witnesa~to quall- ry as an expert, it would not be Eiufrlolantto prove'On4 that hs belongs to the proSeeaIonor oalllng to whloh the nubfoot matter or the Inquiry relates; he murt further ahow possesalon of speoial knOwledge as to the very quea- tion on which he proposes to express an opinion. Soo 19 Tex. hr. 72, Par. 47. The general rules of evidenoe would oontrol the. testImOny oreeither wltneas and the oourt or fury is given the prorlnoe 0r passing upon the oredibiLityor weight to be given suoh eridenoe. yours very truly BWtFL APpRoVE&Wl? 21, 1939
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion