OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Emory I?.Spenoer Uount~ Attornq Aransar county Rookport, POSJM Dear Sir: auount to aompllanoe inion request wherein lulth in;th llla s lta e of the:lxmlt8o? &$%9&&e 947 of the Bevised Penal Statutaa of Texas, LO&X, proSib/se ay follows: ahaL be &awful for anf per- .y!Iti son to.u&oh cm attempt to cateh~any fish, gmen,~tgrtls,loggerhead,tdrrfipin or shrimp in any af the bays or natlgabL6 water0 of thie State, within the ltita or within one tile,af the l%mlta of #viq - 5 Honorable Emory N. Spanoar, June 9, 2939, PaSa S city or town in this State, wlth ~slnaa, draga',fykee, eet.neta,tramtim neta, trapa, dam or wefra. A town or altr La the meaning of thla artlole ehall be thm OO~eOtiOn of one hundred famlllea within an Itma of one square rnll Any 11 in& any provision of thlaeirtiaX:n:&: ii:,"- fined not leas than twent$-?fronor mora than two hundred dollars. In all proeeou- tlona the ldentifioatlonof the boat iron whloh auoh violation ooouza shall be prima iaole evldenoe~agalnetthe owner, leaaee, paraon in oharge or maeter of auoh boat. It ahall be the duty oi auoh town to ea- tabllah and maintain the buoya, atakes or other masks.designatingthe limits got the one mile within whloh suoh aelnsa '~ shall be hauled and auoh nets set." In answer to pour firat queatlon It la tha opinion, Of this department,and YOU Wty be 80 adriasd that the pbaee Wlthln the limit8 or within one mile of the iii&i8 of w OitJror town In this State" meana within a ail100r tha ,ter- ritorlal limIta 0r any lnoorporatoda%ty or town; (LBpnaorib@d in the olty oharter of said alty or town; aad in the apant that there la anYnaVIgable water wlthln the lla&~.a,~aa deaigi nated by the olty oharter of,auoh lnoorporatedpity or town, then in that avent It shall be unlawful, under the p~avlnio~ of this etatutie,to aain% eta.,.... In or upon mob. uarlg- able water so anoloaad,wlthlnthe limit8 of eaid~lnoorporated oity or town., In the event that the town or oity, In the meaning OS this artlole,“,.ia an.Wlnoorporatad oitp or town, ,and le made a oity or toyinwlthln the meaning of this art1010 by the definition therein Bet out; then, and in that event, it la the opinion of thla department that the statute mean8 within one ml.18of the temltorlal limit8 of said Oity or town, whloh would mean one ml3.aIn any dlreotlon from the shoreline of the area whloh oomposea the ,Oity OP tOWZ&iu question. In anewac to your aeeond question, it la our OPin- IOn that the atatuta oomprehandathat buoya shall be plao@d at various Intervals along the ahorellne at a dlatauoe of one mile from the llmlta of tha oltg Or towa in auoh a mu- uer and at oloa& enough intervala that 8-0 till advise the publ$o generally of the llama aa W'Q praeorlbed in this statute. ~~ to what will ooncatltutaaucfiai%ntbuoys that Honorable Emory N. Spenoer, Juna.8, 1939, Page S will put the public on notfos, it is our-opinion that any buoy of a standard type, kind, oharaoter or make ordlaarily used for such purposes oan be used for this purpoas. Wa do not believe thst the statute oontemplatea that any par* tloular type, kind, oharaoter or nature of.buop ahell ba used, but only that a buoy, whloh oen be r8OOgniaed aa auah, shall pe plaoed at various intervals, at the requlrod apao- lng dletanoes, in order that aam8 shall bs a warnin& and notloe to the pub110 that within the limits of said bn0~ tharw ahall be no seining, ato..... Trusting that this will sufflcl8r$ly anawdc your questions in the premises, we remain Yours very truly ATTORNETOENERAL OFTEXAS ?itir!L~ Assistant .BC:FL APPROVED: ATTORNEXCENB%IL Ok?&%-- .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion