OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Stephen P. Xobsrt Ceunty'Attorney, DoWitt Oouaty Ouero , Taram Dear Sir: Oplnian x0. o-s%% Itor Is a rhorlff Axtaole 951, CM. .of' ura 0r eras, reabs a8 r0u0w8: ~brabpta juatlom aots moaoy rer the against tha d0r08dmt aa several are h&d of five dollqs, the same to be ?cre, paU.ovsr in tha auw maaner am in the tee, and in thr Jwtloe Oourt We, 1 be the mu or rour dollar8.* Artlole 940, Cob ef Criminal Proaedure of Terae~,road8 a8 followsr "Yoney oolleotwlby an offloer upon rooogaizanoea, ball bonds and othex obllgatioarreaoverad upon ia the ammo of the State uadbr any prori6ion of this Oode, and Eon. Stephen P. Robert, May 30, 1939, Page 2. a13 rh6, rorreitures, judgmeata and oolleated under any pro~lsion of thir __. _ rorthwlthbs paid war by the offloers.oolleatlry the IWO to the oounty treamrar of the propar oauaty, after flrnt deduatiag thersfros the legal feee and oonmiaalonafor oollrotingthe ~ame.~ On February 4, 1918, tb.lmdqmrtment held In a oonfsr- enoo opinion written by Hon. C. 1. Taylor, Aaslatant Attornor Goaeral, that the sharlff la emtltlbd to 5$ otmmlas5.on OIL trial fee8 uhlah he aotuallp Oollo6t~d. Oq Aptil 5, 1952, thlrr:deparlWnt held in a lot&r opinion writtenrby Hen. WIlli DrWhu, ias~rtant Attommy Qenefal, that the sherlfr WEE mtitlod to a remmission oi 5$ on all trial rem aotually oolleoted by him. You are respeotf'ullyadvised that in riow of Artiole OS?, 0.6.~. of Texnu, it 18 the opinion of this dwartaont that a sheriff oi soastablewuld be eatttled to hi8 amal 5$ oolleo- tion fee on the trfal r00 In the jurtloe ookrt, Is he aotmlly aoUeoteid the trial rea, earwall aa on the fin, in said o~urt, If he aotually oolleotod the ii?@ In said oowt. Trusting that,th%s answora y‘ourinqlby, we are APPROV-EO: (stamped:) Approved Wrald C. Mann (signed) Oplnlon 06mltt;b AT’fWHEY GESHHAL OF T?3XAS By R.W.?.‘ Chala¶Mln