B i@
Eta. T.J. Crow, s~retary, June 7, 1959, Pe@ 2
Ye aamrer your rlrst question in the
XtQg;atlTO. oe 8xlmuer36thl.8 ~Ueotlco an& @we
the reama thersior in our ophlon no. O-866,
1, 1939, CIoopr 0r w&,
&at+3 J'ilae Pas rmil-
ad to you on or about Juns 2, .
Tour rsoonb qucstia: is al80 anawcrad
ia the ae+lvc. tiecnouerb4 thut qacsittonin
our oplnlon Zks.O-06tJtdated June 1, X339, e
aopy of whlah, was na,lcad to you on or about
June 2, 1939.
Ywr third questloo aarto whether tbs
aotlour oftha Beard h roiualng to a< aeh
taln a@laantr to ax5dnatfm may l.mobe tke
We6 in sitl&itlon unlcsr tha retest adverea
rqxrt oa the sohod fros whldhtha ~~~lloantr
aam 28 oi reoord.ia thtixzinutO8
of the Corrode
ia oanaot aaJvlss youdat eatfoa tho appllocmt8
t;L&httake in theovsettheyare rajaaLc& Ia
the atreat 8uit io brought t0 ror3e tho .Ekard to
d&t these applhnts to ertdantion t&o snw
ltlon ofthe Boardml&tbe eabarrasefng slnae
the rcoo~d8 of the Boar4 do not U~o~lose uby
zt LlnantouetoreiusoCa~8slantoths BLI
lleto& a8 rider
The que8tlot.a 4 in
par regnest hft8 beaa, -meed by thin itspart-
ln oa oplniona liomr 0479 aad 0466, Cbted
E.ay 10 lQS9 and Suna 2, 19% rsspacti+Oly. %
sac& ot t&so op&zlons this de~artneat beld that
tha Az-tlcle450iL,B.C.S., ntsnow vrittea doaa
not requlrz th& the sixty (Co) bar8 ocb320
work shall be otitalzodbeiom ontr;lzoe to rabi-
cal.8o?rool,but requirao ~24 thst It ba aoqlrireb
rior to appliaatlori for a&~Loolon to ths exma-
atlai OS the Coarbe
~.tarRmea By the -8~O~Sl’8 @Ill-t.
‘It 18 thar~for8, tb8 oplaal of thirr depwtmat
thut it is wlthb thm authorityof the oaml881onac@* oourt
to dmtmmtne Wheth e r o r a & la 81inp er a tlr Sp ub llo PeOarSity
a lmtm~ fo r a o o ua tya r r dit
a m o o ntftx ~la tt%
with in th e p r o -
~lmfonr Axthles 164l end l5468 Bevbmd
of Clti Statates,
lQZ5-Sherebelngno limit as to the tutmber of audits that
oa~bobsd6olongas 8uohreasonaandneoesdt~as enuser-
atadirrArUolel64l,Iatho j~tofthea~8haer8t
tomt ~fe@ muah “h.&~W&ti~~poblf6 tmW88%tT tb%WfoZ.