Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN our opinionIn g&h. -. rttar, lor_whloh pleare aompt our thazlb. - .. .We _ believe v hare asde the oor?oOt UIUrU8 Or WI. Mttor. Sootloa 6 (a) of &tIolo Bllb, Rorired Civil 8tatuto8, am amna0a tn 196T, road8 a8 r0ii~: --2%~Railroad Co~~I8rIon Is here- bl giran authority to 188~ upon appli- oatlon to those pt4rson8who dorlrm tg angaga in the bUalZi@88 of transportlag for hlro over the hI&tway8 of this State, llramtook,cohalr, *ool, milk, llts8took r80a8tufr8, h0~80h0lb moda, 011 ridd lqulpmnt , and used offi l’urnltur8 ma lqufpmmt, timber utw in It8 nat- ur a ltate, rvnr maohlnery, findgrain 8 ala1 peryaltr upon su0h kms, oondl- trons, and rertrlotIon8 a6 the Railroad CommIesIoa nay aem proper, end to make ruler ma rogulatIon0 governing 8u0h op- oration8 kerplng lnmilnd the proteotIon or the hig‘hwey8and th4 oarotT of the- trwellng ~publlo;proridbd, thnt If thlr hot or ray rsotion,,OubM)otIOn,sont+oe, olau80, or phraro thomd, I8 held unooa- 8tItutIonti anb fmdia br roamon or th0 illOlUOiOl&Or thi8 Sub8eotIon tb L&S- laturo heroby doolupr that It rould haw paawd this Ant-aaU may suoh boo- tion, Subseotlon, mentense, olau88, or phra80 thereof without thI8 Sub800tloar* W8 unaoataaa rN8 you that the speol8l maodity porritr la quO8tIon, a8 orlgInally 5ssuod, only authorize the truuportatlon Of *oil field •qUIp~nt,n but th a tlub- 8equont to the Irsueno~ of suoh pomiIt8, probably ttmu@ inadtwteaoo, the Ia8atlrloationplatoa Irru8d thereunbr do8orIbr thr authority OS the tN&r a8 bolng for the tran8portatlon of *oil rida equipment 9spgp&&Aod. 80ti of ruoh oarrietr am OontendIagtha rI&ht now to 0~x7 artIole8 uhloh ark not pmullar to.011 rida8, but uhloh ria~b8 -06 la ail fma8, own poorIo8, lumbar ana the llko. kuthoritf oaunot be obtaImb for the tran8porta- tloa oi umwdltior other th8a t&or@ naimd In 8aI6 Seotloa 8 (d), rithout appliodlon tuta huring, *ioh uo urd0ntuia has not boOa had a0 to the oarrIM In quaatIon: and one mu8t make applioatlon b&or0 reoelrlng authority to tram- Sborrblo Jrwsb KilAq, PamS port tam Sp6OId 8O=OditiOS aud la tootloa 8 (4). IIoaeo, w Ue Of tha OpbiOn th8t t&O80 SUdU8 hU0 SSqUiMa 80 SdditiO&l~ right. br the iMUti= Of the *ordS ‘Utd Sue p1hS’ $a -0 IaMtifiOatiOa plateSa To 4~. the tmm”oIl flold lqulpmnt” the broad aunlag ‘oontendodr0r br 80% 0s tJLo.8 OUriOM wu;La b. to ONat OMD3n OarriUS the put Of WithOUt OOIQiiUIOS Oa th0 pomlttoe8 rith thr aur;lroqulrm8ntr ad8 0s that typa 0s SUrhri "Oil fir ld lquimt’ M8U8 Otiy ruoh tOOl8, apparattisfindmaobinary a8 I8 needed Inthe drilling ana operation 0s oil and g66 8ellr. Sooh equipsat au82 bo pe- OtiiU to Oil fiO)dS sod their O&'UatiOth urhi10mt in point, the fOllowIn& 0~8~8 a reOS lssia tr o eo lc thi6 eon- MStiOn; U.S. Ebl+r Co. vs. Ua6hIa@oa Si& ., 149 Pao. 706, L.R.A. 131s-?, p. 951 %llkVS. 0.c. t 8.2. w. CO., 68 S.X. ec# Inin VS. tit0 ~iMCO0 CO., 40 S.W. - (8U) 671 ulqlyps;h.(L.tG. Coatral Trust Co., . rma the opinion 0s chid nutlo* xeciendon in Qnor vs. Railroaa CommI88l0n. 117 S.1. (ta) 148: lr o r a la - UiSSSd, W qUOt8 (LB fbllOW81 - qn*r baldor 0s l 'SDOOfti 008- moaltf ourlor pumit, 1 i88u0a I'ebns- ary 16, 1933,'und6r femblD'8 An8. Clr. St. art. Ollb, Sootion 6 (a), rued tb Bailmad Coa&a8ioo and Its membon (rorurd to as dd8ndaCtS) to rot aala@ a goneral ordor of the Com8I8sIoa pa8884 Bowmbsr RR, 19333,:lImitlng and n.tr10t1ng trarMgortat10nor 'Oil Pi814 rqulpmmt* uadu Sp6016l Ckmmodl- ty Puma*; rpd for moiua~ ahi. . . *Th* ardor ra?- +taokad on two grotmdsr beoeuse, (11 it xa6 pa8SOd with- out not.100or heuIng, dsloh mot la8 oonosama~ and (8) it was unjust, unroa- sonable, end dIsorI.mInatory as to 0rwr. . . . Bowrablo Jumr Il. Pago ltllday, 4 qrn hatm m8aa the oono1u6lon that notlom or houin( ware not r88eatiaI to the validity of the or&r la qumctloa. . . ?bi8 SOOti (u (b) ) 8SUirOSuY h8 no nlmtioa trJgenmral ordmn of thm Coop- miS.iOlI,sffeoting alike 8&l 06rrf.r. or all'oarrierr0s a olasa. *It deal6 3peolfloally end .~~lu.It.- 1~ with Inrraotlo~a or th. lar or Cov6aIs- slon rulme and non-utimr by lndlrlduslomr- tlfioatm or germlt holdmrr. The dlmtlrro- tlon bmfnmmu ordarm of this oheraoter mnd general ordora la fundmnmntal.Thm fOWU dr80t oaly th. individual osrrlor m0ma, mnd turnprmdloatmdupon momm d.r.llotlon upon hi. part. Thm lattor affmot al.1motor oarrlmrs or thomm of a olasr am r.lL a8 dl oompd.ng oarrhra of ovary dmaorlptlon.. Thm rmoord shows th6t t&r3 war3 ot3r i?iCO 6pmOiti wxsnodlty oarrlmrr operating unndmr pormlts granted prior to No~omnbmr 88; 19SZ. Therm la no mompolllng Inherent reatin *hy notloe and hmaring Should b. requlrod as prmrmquI6itm to th. vtiiasttgof -neti- ~108 6nd rmgulstlorrr0s adminirtratlre bo.rd..” Am already Iadloatmd, nm do not bmllmrm that the SpmOiti lo mmo dlty oarrlmrs, sUthQrItOd by their omrtifl- sate8 ,to trmaaport only 0Il ri8ia lqulpasat,havm l utbarl- tr to oan'y mnfihing .x..~t auoh tOO18, apparatus ad ma- ohbimryU 16 nm.4.4 in the drilling ULd OJmNtiOIh Of Oil Ma g68 WuS. Cmrtaialy,under the oourt*a holdlag in the Ormmr oaam, oupra, t&m Raiboad ‘~00ai86~0n oi %x86, by gmmral or&or, .oan mo restriot 8uoli oarrlmrs. Your rlrrt qonrtlon, 'ihmrmform, rsomltma an affinmatlvmanswmr~ fOUr6 VOW tNly APPROVEGAUG 10, 1939 AmFlREY oi?lmfALOF TKxhtl ATTORNEY GENE+L OF m$ ORL:po COMMIITEE