OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN JunQ 5, 1939 !5Smorc;ble Yriroblo T. I.:. ,' Firet .ssiotat sto to hqn3rlntendent 3.ltM.n ( Tex:?s *e .zSzlri~of the contractto &Ich you r0reer was expressly mthorlzed by statute as noted &ovo. Vieastmmo thntthe contractams executedandapprmredbytheoounty saperlntendtitti suchmmnerastonmlsethesemeavalSl aontraot of the school districtfor Omospthe trw&aeswam act&g. It ls probable that thie dlstxict did notentirely ,butthatsamelssUllln t3xlstmce lnsoalr as cecUanelexmtarysohool thmelnle concerned. Qtastati.'c~.%~W&S~~ !2"' xc%; cotmty Board ef sahoo1- (2) 805; WdphaLT w. 34x c&lea* eso-s. w. &* &t&e 2922+f,RtmisedC1~ilStatutes. &.Whaxthisbe'txuear not, bmrever, it is OtF 0plnlQn that the sment aoaldnotbedt!prlv'edorhfs~~tbythegrotxpingonlar. .constl- l.ausisl;pairingtheob~~?-~%~~ tocontm&srPadsbytheSta~aa~asbyindirillaals. 6 R.C.L. 333; l2 C.J. 996 and lOl4. & smm llhdse q- plus to CcmtTads of aLunlul~tlea. Young ' Qr colora&, s. w. 986.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion