OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Euy 20, 1939 Hoa. 0. B. Carron cotmty Attorn4y county xator Ode66a, Texa6 on tha above thllt orrlae. part* r0z.mf6t a applicant shall da- ng ree with the aounty l r i?Ltg o r the application. the County Judge attitled toa u fee for holding the hearing upon ia th4 6UitteTOr Eaib,tWli- The next to the last '&wagraph or~i3eetimi6, yrtle 23,of the TO%66 Liquor Co6tr0~ Aat re6d6 a6 rob . 7 . Hon. 0. 3. 04rron,Bay 80, 1959, Psge,e original llawo of any ala66 here& pra- rldad, uoept Bmnoh Lioon6i6 anU Temporu~ L1046646 ahall be mtbjeot at the tiBe of the heax& thereon to a fee of Fly6 Dollara ($6). wbioh ree 6hall, b7 the OoiintyOlerk be depoalted in the County Tma6ury and the applic8nt shall be ll6ble r0r no other reee koept 6ald aprlloatlon m an6 the annual u0.M. fea required Or hi8 br thi6 ht.* The oourtm of thl8 #tat* lw+o'huM that pub110 0rri0f816 6847ahug ottw 8uah roe6.86 uo 0p0dri0* .authorisedby statuto~ ana that the ra4t t&t the.bgL- lature ha6 not author&d th. fee for his 6OX'dOi that ithaajadwadutyti thopubll6 0fYi43al4006 notauthar- I.20Mid 0rri0w to 6hargo l rec. The ooa6titutloa rht6 the caapett6atlott or ugrtafn ofilou6, and authpriaes the La~slature to provldo br law ior the oanpututatioaof all other orr.ioer6,6em6ats;agenta and ~niblloaontrao- tars. Pur6U.d to the ‘UthOrit~ thU6 Ooais~'~Wd,mmer0~6 6t‘tUteE h‘Ye been 6646 rbfttgfh0 OamipWtMtiOItOrVU- :Oti OhEM Ot Of&6. Th4 power rxtthe lagl6latumJ to rir the aOqmW‘tiott Of OffiOU8 i6 lf6Iit.dbf the pro~l4ion6 of the oon6titutlott prohlbitlag the ~666484 oi bO‘1.r 6mid bW8iOrbidditlgthtt grrnfing~iUtl'8 ao6pen6ationror6e-mi0es4lro6~ronder~, and rixfag the w 0~p4666tionor 00rtain 0rr104~6. m.6 P-Z may bi d616gated by the X.e@rlature to the goy6rnlng boUle6 Or QOUIttiO6,anmi4fpri OO~OtVttfOM or uiEtrfat6, aad thI6 ha6 been &oM in YUiOU6 166t6XAO.6. m hereinbefore statsd, the oaPp666ation of pub- lic 0rri0em I6 rired by the oonstltution El& 8t‘tUt4t6, #I otfloermay not olalwor Noelva q moner rlthouta law iutbori6lng h5.mto do DO, .and slaarly rlxln8 the amount to rhioh he 16 ent:tlSd. An otiloer 1s not entltlea to any oaqmumtlon in ‘dd,lt:onto thatwhiBhha6 beentlred b~Uwiorthe+erlar- EEIZJOO or hl6 dutle8 of hl6 otfloe eyen though the oixap4ns4- tion 60 fired is unroaronable or bdequate. He repPbe requiredby law to pariOn 6QMiri6 6UYfOe6 6nd disoharge additional duti66 for whioh no aopeneatloa I6 pmviA6d. . l &on. 0. 6. Sexron, Sey LO, 1939, 2~35~ 3 'ihe obll~xt.i,-nto perform sxh services 1s lm;;o?ed as ircident to the OrriCe, :ind the CrriCdr by !.ls scce?tmce thereof is deessd to have ecgsged to psrfom then without cozpensotlon. Tex. Jur., Vol. 34, p. 507, 511, 515 ant yj 5; Crosby Ccunt:.',C:ot.t+le Co~..psnyv. :Ici;ermett,201 24 293; z:cCalle v. city or RockL'ole, 246 5:~C54; Terre11 v. King, 14 'Y 2nd 76%. The Leglslzture has speclricel:y ?rovlded test Flvr Dollars sho,:ld be the only fas the a;plic-nt should have to pay in oonneotlon with hls ap;lioetlon, exoept ths ocnual lles~se fee rs@red by the Liquor Control Act, and that tba sum of Five Dollars should be by the county clerk deymslted 1~ the county treasury, and nblther the oountf judge nor the aounty olerk would be authorized to charge an additional fee ic oonnectton with said app:lcotlon. * On Woreuber 8, 1937 anl April 22, 1938, this de- prrtrant in passing upon the 98310 ,;usstion as submitted in your i~;ulry held tbrt neither the oounty jud,q nor the oounty olerk WRS authorized to charge sn aldltlonal See in connectloc with the applicatloa and thet the. on:y fee t?.ct could be sssessed was the Fire Dollar See provided for by S8CtiOE 6, Article 2 or the Tees illuor Control Act and that this See must be deposited by the county clerk alth the county treesurer. YOU me respeotfully advised that It 1s the opin- ion of this Eeprrtment that the county Judge 1s not entitled to a fee for holding the herirlng on h??lloc.tiona for beer ;;nd .slne retslltrs’ ~em1t.s and thct the county olcrk la not. eotitled to a fee ror rlllnr such appllcatlon and his clerical work in connection uith such a;plicetion. Trustin thrt the for8gOing a5SueTS YOUr in?UirY, we remln i-our.9very truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion