Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

683 I. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ,,Y- \ / / , L’ Qmrr~ C. M~na ,+romm..*-a Boy so* US@ aeaorable Cotmty Attonmy San A\lgutlnr, Pexu Door sir: . i Ao o o m@ ~ p ’a r r a q m.88is l 1ott.r fhor m P. 1. 8t?l~ll8#, ~ddroo8.d to you, fmm vhiohit w are that the oorlgllomonwd in yar queotioalo that E ouod ln p-8 forroadbuildiyuohiuryaad Swallaouood in madbulldiywork. Artloloo6990 ond 699s. Rwiood Civil 8tatutem, mkm provloloao for the otilingof olootloMto dotormiao aothor ro@d tmxoo not to *mood flikm wto (Is*) on tRo onohundrd &llu~'uorthof~ro~rtyolmll bo lwled la oaurtleoor polltiool abdlvi8loaoot doflaoddlotrioto of 00prti08. There 10 no ltatuto lutborisimg the uoo of #rip8 of any kiad in the plyrut of tomes lode4 unbr the prwlololuof thooo utlelao. Art10109040,B.C.& omo~ other thi-8, proridoofor the Levy of 6 tax of fh- teen ooata (lS0 on th* one hundred dellare* roluotloa go&y uad bridmo. Artlola tol9, P.C.S., #%a60 m 7ko tom8 lorid by tU8 w tmr are pqablo la aurraaoor rrl8 of the lbltod 8tot.o: rw do& bhot ponou kolain#iorlp srmaod f to khr for oerriow roadorod the oovllty my partholroematyad ttiora t-8 lm mob oorlp(tI.m Slnn the oorlpt, w&h wkiok vo a?. omoozaad in thlo oplnloa, vu mot loowd for ronioo~ rmdored the omaaty,odd Ulofr, 904S, furd8heo no astboiltyfor the w of tho onmo in tha poymontof any tmxao. hrtlolo8lt8,R.C.8..providaofor tho u80 of oorlptloomedfor 1~ rontoo to h uomdin the pqamnt lnqu.88Se.8 to bo mood in the p8fBat of oouoty80x.0. Eoaonbla Charloo8. wayill-,~ 80, 19% Paso 8 R o dwelnth oltotutoo,hovovor, is ?a& uy athorityfortheooe oftha wtiptto8ldeh po nfor h tka poymont of may ohonotor of tuu. .?'fbSonaralml. lo thot the tu oolloote+r lut ooMpt mommy only Ml.00 the etatuk poalto him to rooelvm #on- liifforont.Roney is olvo 0 landor- thhilpl otoodla tho tax lwo whom net&iL elm lo moat lonad ." Coolmyon ?ua8108, 4th M*, 80081on lam. "In R.C.L.,VOlummad, sootioa SST, is foundthe follo4ndlmB@Aador 9'18 %o nil lottxoa th8t no rlghtoxloto in law or0 lty to mot off wolut toxoo l r lbt of lptlu omant duo to tha tax- popr fro8 tho mnlolpallt to rlhloh the tu lo payable. 7;uoo - mm lotiod W rolor mono~ for lpooiflopwposoo no ladaootod b1 the .~proprl.tionr~oftha oar- rat yeor, ondotoxp or ooanat, b~ourolo~n(lthori@7 of wt- lff,dl+orL the taxer to oaothor purpooo,rrw1.fthe yymmst of tha dab8 dm to him. 7e tu* mu lffeot la the ?01lawb@ lmgtlqo tnr u C.J. ws: f4TheLo@lolatPnh8opar topnoorlbo thokLdof fknda lnr h lo h tuoo lhellbo payable, OM UJ doolue thtoaly dold ond lllrorsol8shallbe reool~-3 oblo ror tblo purpooe. But i8 of o u o k l ?ootriotioa, th elb o wo o tams ray bo paid In armI. ourr*nt mnoy, utho ollouodby low'" In the ooo~ of Dallu Joint StookLmd Sank fo- 21118CountyLove. Improvcmont Dlotriotlo. 3, SS 8.F'. EonormbloOhorloo8. MolUllan, Mu 80, 1m*, Pmgo4 (t) UT, the lmprovmontdlatrlotBU& tbr Jo%88Steak Land Bank for dolinnquamttuoo. ?a# lattor lttaptod to mat off lUta iB p8Ot duo b0adl.looa.dby tka ir, preruont dlotrlot(la4 ublohare wad by the bank. Tha oourt Pold that ouoh wt-off oould not bo had. No quot. frortho opinion am ioU.orna 1 Vtm gonorol rule of low lo thot l olaimylinst the 88~8s or malol- pallt~oonnot bo mot oft yalnot l tu Cooloron Tumtloa (Sd Zd.) :t-• A tu 18 not l debt in the uouti ani 0rdin0a-y oono*Of the rord. Clfr of In Or&on8 ~8~ Datldoon 2!0Lo. AM. &l, Slk.Rop.m61 Eoolo,on' Taxation(ddRd.)lb. "'The&wnl ml., booed on groundsof pub110poller, lo roll oot- tiedthatno lret-offlo dml8olble - yolnot doaonds for tuoo lwlod fur 15unl or loool pterrmmtol pur~0000.~ 84 R.C.L.,p. 81T. lt 0~ 561, the rule lo •t:edw..c&lwo~ *U U action for taxmo mot-offof an lndobtednmoo of thm St&o or mmlolpallt;lto tbo tu dabtor will zmtbo ollouod tho stat- utes Of wt-off boiu 0enolmA.dl8 tha it@& Of PUbiiO poiiOy a0 -8 OuOWia( the ram&y Ia pmooodlngr for thlo pur- ~o ~t~o o by lproool~ luthorlood Humrouo aathorltlooarm oltad in mpport oi the tut.m Your flrot queotloais usoworodin tha naga- tire. Addrooolq ouroeltoo to mur mooon quutlo8, wo be@ to ldviomUmt 18 lo iraterlil. whether Artlole TO40 lo a rwotrlotloaupon the OII Of 8u8h mrlpt la thm poymontof fox.8 1orl.dumdu Artlolob990, llnoa ln no want oso ouohoorlpt bo oo uood. - . Bamonblo Chuloo 8. Moyillo,WV 80, NW, Pm S You turd q\uotlosloaamor.4 lath. wm- tivm.