Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Gerald C. &aa AUEIXN BP. TEXAS Mr. Quincy Hawkins CountyAuditor HendersonCounty Athens, Texas Dear Sirt OpinionDo. O-719 Rer Liabilityof the CountyComais- sioaers~Courtfor intereston generel.fmd sorip. Your requestfor ea opinionon the followiag question: "IS the countyliableto holdersof generalsarip for six per cent latereston saum?" has bsea receivedby this offioe. us quote from ea opinionDo. O-505,writtenby the Hoa. Richard E. Coake,AssistantAttorney Generalsas followsr *A countygeneralfund wemeat, casmoalyoalled generalfund scrip,is not a negotiableiastruemsat. h-t. 5932, Sea. 1, B.C.S. of Texas. It ia only evi- dence of indebtednessshmlng that the claim present- ed wee allowed. It is not a contractto pay oa de- mead. The scrip is sa orderto the Couaty Treasurer .to issue a vouoherto the payee for the amount there- ofo 55 Tex. 49, Aske v. Herris Cow&y." Prior to this holdingby this department,it has been trios held by the departmentthat a mmnrissioaers' Court is withoutauthorityto al- low or pay the iaterestupon ordinarymuvents or sorip issued in payment of currentexpenses, It is, therefore,our opinionthat a county is not legallyliable to pay interestoa soripwarrantsissued to pay monthly acoouats. Yours very truly ATTORNEYGWERAI,OF TFiXAS FCC:ob:egw APPROVED By s/Fred C. Chandler Gerald C. %na Fred C. Chandler ATTOFGIEXG- OF TBXAS Assistant vr. ;uincy Hawkins, thy 2, 1959, Page 2 that a Coxiissionere* Court is without authori- ty to allow or pay the intereet upon ordfnary countywarrnnt6 or norlp issued in payneat 0r current ex~3enses. It Is, therefore, our opinion that a county is not legally liable to pay interest on scrip warrants issued to pay monthly acaounts. Trustln~thatthlrr anmara your in- w.rY. we are Youra Yerp truly Kl’TORNEF GENERAL OF TlSAB