Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE, OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN M..~, Gal.0 c. MANN Juno 1, 1939 ,- .**nAs / RoweYer,ywr QuomtialQell not relateto ths 8qqartor paupanaTbeputlosmffer~thetmltems OS Jmmpitaltrfld~ ran lbtdl#aat6iak mad there l8 PO QUeb?iialam to dwther or a& tiled peopfe%r8 pauper8 end ead.ngwlthln~th8 ~ovlelan,of art1010ES5I dowa set out. Artia1e 4ks3, RarisaedClvil stetuteu0s Terau, prmidem aa fallowa *Xf there im a remalar a8tia~ publle. hollpLt8l ia the eowty, th! clx&r&mlaler8’ mart ehll provl4s tar 8eridlssgthe ilageat oldc of the oouaty fo maeh hasplh,l~ lf mare thmone mtohrswpltaZQd8tsln theoocmtt, the l..uw pat1fmt shall have the rl&t.ttJ meleotnhleh oae of them ha shag be sent tar. The llthmlty or the Oaaeisslaieti'Gorat ti llaltmd ln proridfng far treotrPent of the tnaie*ot;doL to publiahompltalawlthln the oouuty, end the authori- ty %a exoluded to aaadauoh Indigent sic& to private ho+ pitalm witbin 0ru1thout the aounty, or to publio hoi@- tals ritbo!xtthe Qouut~~ EiU.aap Gowty Y. Va1ley,?aptifat&sp%t8l, ZQ 3% (2d) 456. ..: '.-' 3. Therefore, it is our'optnion and you are ao ad- vised that the Hall~ounty Gomaistianers' Gourt hs xm no::.car1 E~;rian,Juac 1, 1999,Mge 9