Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

2 /igg$g m u OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS Eon. Robert I?.Cherry County Attorney SLSque county &31~isii%n, Deer air: . Hon. Rotkmt P. Chmry, April 26, 1939, Page 2 b, 4. Is the oounty attorney entitl- ed to any ree upon conviotlon or plea of guilty to a misdemeanorin the coun- ty oourt where the sentenoe imposed is 00dinb0d in jail for a period 0r time without rine and where no tine or costs are actually paid by the derend- ant? we rlll take thou up in th#clml& ,in whiah they ore submittedand dlmoum thrn ory‘at a timo, *Whenever a dirtriot or a qounty attornsyha8oolleot~ddn~iorthe state OX'w OOlltltJ, hs dhd.i%With% thirty -8 artarreoM.vingthe same pay it Into th8 itat4 or tha soun*to IIon.Robert I?.Cherry, April 26; 15139,Page 3 v&ioh it belongs ai'terdeductingthere- iran and retaining the oommissionsal- lowed him thereon by law, auuh dlstriot or county attorney shall be entitled to tea per oent commissionan the rirst thousand dollars oolleoted by him fn any one ease for the state or county from any inaividue4 or aaupany and l'lveper OeoltWldL18lQ8OV~OIlOthOUsaad&l- ler8, to bo retained out 0r tlm llaley when ooUeoted, and he &all also bo OlltitrSdtO~OtainthS SSBISOOlIUIiiSd~ on all oolleotionaniadefor the atatb or any oounty." Uader thl8 Poole, a oouutp attoraey 18 entitm to the oanmi881m thamin ~Speoified r0r moneywlleotod byhimin a 8Utt again8t *ha tax oolhator ra 8h6rtage ln his amount wit& ths St&O. -~ilOt~&thi88ZtiO~~ OOnitlSsdrith Artlole 950 of the Oode oi Criminal Probedure&~ It 18 our opinion that th8 oouaty attorney i# entitL.dte the OQS&S81OM protided by Artidlr s33~0rthe Retimed cltil Statutes whioh iokta& pro4nltmanjr~tuQtoanQtualu~~oa6 thouSanddo~8ooll~~b.rirrgcrrOrultaep au 8uamoIIIF oothou8anQ do-S. I8 ixlmwerto quO8tlm x0. &,wOwOkll4 cry, thi%twhth it 18tI'UO that th8 0ti8aiOBXW8" courthas thb.pwerto omployattornePBtoaadat th0 00i&Utg attwwy fn th8 pTO843OUtiOll Of it8 Qlah8 and8U%t8 andtOp(v iOr 8Wh I)eTVtOM orrt Or 00&Y fUw;‘thi8 ~3008n0t MXI that mdOJIW miwioners' aourt has the power to dOpr1vO the oounty attorney or his rightful authority, nolp doss It mean,thatmsrelybeoausea WXJOn~t whom a jU~ti is takan, a8 in a tax suit, 8808 tit to pay the money dlreo~~to the oounty freas- urer, that the oaunty attcpmy is not entltlad to his ~ommi.sslcm~.It18 OllrOpiniOXlthatths Eon. Eobert P, Cherry, April 26, lQ39, Page 4 - Cozmiissloners*Court has tha right to order the p:iymnt of such part of the funds ED are right- fully due to the oounty attorney,to suoh oomty attorney. In support or our opinion In regard to this question, No. 2, we ofte you to Tex. Jur.. Vol. 11, p. 575. In answer to your questfanNo. 3, sub- mitted to ua, we a&n rder yourto Art&al0 935 of the .BevfsodOivll Statutes, a8 herolnbeforo 8et tarth~andUhiohyouhaV08o thoraughlJdi#- ouared ia the brfai .whlohmu 8ubrpitted fo thlo dS@dXWt ~!~long~&thyO~~ro~~~f~~Opin%iM~ It i8 not nue8uWy that t&8 8Ult be riled la order for the oou~&y attommy to'be WF titled to tho oommloolo~ pmvldod, and it io our opinl~thatwhbnfhooormtyat~~~8 saaplhd with Or xaet%ho roquimmonto Or AFtiUle 339 and Art1010 333, uhlah ay bo don0 aithg by ii sultorinstitutingouahothlrrg~ee~ 9 a8 1) neoessary,and money~i8 ooXbot8d a8 rooult 0r the OffOh nude by tho ooutktylttoxhq, tbrowh th8 prooeediagoimtituteb by 8wi.oo~uty attor- ney, that ho Lo eatit&d to thm @Omd.O8ii4llcl pEo- ridad by fboos otattiso,and thio i8 bX10 ova though the money is aotwUy pa54 to. tha otnanty tma8ursr~or to the O~8Bf~ofo* tburt~ @OF holding fa this ‘regard i8 8Upport.d w TWl’Ou Y; Grqen, 31s.U. iIS& In uhiolitho court holdo that whom3 t&o oouty attorney h68 tendered'hio 8trrPlOe8 a8 W$lirsd by Al’tiOr, 989, ho is Oil- titled to his ~OSM3.88hlo eV.8 thW#l 8Wh 8- V3.088 were refuud, and the Oounty i8 liabl0 1Fb-r ymed to him or the oda~lons provided by 3%. See also l5 Tar. Jbr., p. 404. Ih answer to your quest&an Ho, 4, we will atate that this departmnt has repsatebly held that the oounty attorney.;Lbnot ent,itlsdto any ree upon oonvlotionor plI$:0r guilty to a Hon. Robert F. Cherry, April 26, 1939, Page 5 misdemeanor in the county aourt where the sen- tence imposed is confinement in jail ior a period of time without fine and where no fine or cost are actually paid by the defendant_.7JnderArticle 1061 of the Code ot Criminal Procedure of Texas you will find that the fee provided for the dls- trict and county attorney 18 to be taxed against the defendant. ~~Yo)c, ~0 rind uo pro~idi0~ or law In the statutes or elsewhom uhiah would en- title the aounty attome to anf.fee for aonvlo- tion In the county ooort where the sentence inposed is punishmentby oonrinementin jail, 1t.i~; thererore,our opinion, as heretofore held by this department,that the oounty kt$arney is not entitled to any ree upon oonviotlonor plea'of. gt$lty to a mliedeqm?mor In the aounty aourt.whem the sentenae impoe@d io oogifinement In jail for a period of time~yl.thimt fine and where no fln~e! :.~..:; pa&d by the,defellban$. or costs are a.@iti~ll.y In 4&&r to your question mr0.5, it is our opinion that thera fsno BtatutorJ author%- ty forthe commissioners*Court to tillorany 6uma of money to its member8 Mr expenses. As stated in your brief submitted to u(l;It md certainly seem that the Commissioners* ,Courtdoes not have the power to allow its members any amount of money in~addltloato the salary presoribsd by law. In answer to pur question Ho. 6,'ws refer you to Artiale 5897, as emended, of~the .Be- v$f;zp;l Statutes of Texas. This artio3.Freads : "lEaohdistrict, county end pre- ainct offiaer, at the close of each fiscal year (Deaember 31at)~ahall make to the district court of the county In which he resides a sro& StateIWnt, in triplicate, (on forms designed +d ap- proved by the state auditor) a COPY of Ear; 1 i?obcrtP. C:ti:rry,,kprll 26, iQS9, l?qe 6 wLlc!inti;~cxmnt&hell be Pormrded to the st :t? mdltor by the alerk of ...the . district comt of eald aoumyvntnm t idrty days after the same has been fil- ed ln his office, and one aopy to be filed with the county auditor, If any; othenvise sri;dcopy sf~I.1be filed with the Cormissloners* Court. Said report shall ahow the emountorallfM8,o~ missiona and oonpmnoatlaawhatever oarned by said offioer d&g the fiwal 7eaq and seoondly,shallehowthe amount of fees, oommlssionsand oorapensation ool- leoted by him during the flieodlpart thirdly, said report shall oontaln en itaraized statemat of all feea, eon&r alow and compensatiaoeiumed during tha fieoal year whloh were not oollwted, together with the name of the party aridg said fees, uommissIonrran6 oom~tlas, Said report shall be filed not Xatar then February lat follm3n.g the.elosa OS the fisoal year.arrdfor saoh day after said date that Baid report .rexnalna~’ not filed saidoffloorahaU.bellabl~ to a pen&y of twaxty-flvodoJJar8, rhlahmaybereaomxwd bytheaoauctyin a suit broughtrar Mach purpoaas,and in aaditicm said offlt%aC &all be sub- jeot to removal from offioo,W In CKnlstruingthl8 artiOlB it 18 our o&im that the aounty attorne7 Is required to file sutt to reoovor the penalty provided by euah article when ordered to do 80 by the Oommiaaion- ems.'court. Trusting that this mtisfaotorlly answer8 your inquiry, we,are .:' - "Yours very truly ATTORREY GWAL OF TlEU8 FCC tomb