OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eoaorablo too 1conkhoumo rtnont WrQto aa s rmwiwd fmn the p o r ,p tio o r la wo la tioo n fp ewennh a t- \w*u ua lem an4 until th aB a ilr ea Oo d n- niwlo a o fTex a after r , a o tioah4* h b u- *, a di h a tabt6d3bd, 0 ic o r0nd;- MO md oempbteatwidea latlpatttmbc fo r eit, o r bofon IOU p a wn luthorim& by prwbnt lmb 46 waduot herring8 for it, that rubh ptwwn, rirr, oorporation or uwofatlon or rwaa Bar w eonduoted hlnselt or ltmli Ii the wurso of the a&e, traauotioaa Ma thidg nuitionba April Baa. Joa k!o!akhouae, 2.4, MS@, Pa$8 S VM~MOO ana nooewlty, duly Ona proparly ia8uba by the Railroad Cam15.asion of Toua undar C~A#,O? 870, t3eneral Lawa 40th,1987, aa amaadod at the Nrst Callad .Sossioa0S the Umt Le&slaturo Ma any and all pnnnt ma ruturbnf8ma80at8 thub- to.* ldaod to the Paragraph (4) of kotloa 1 has b o o n bill. Thl~paragraph lmpowera and rutho~zos tha ~llrad c0~~~1issi0n or 3bx88 to luk l a0tetimm, titer girbg 10 day8 notioa, of tha faot quo&ion as to whether or not the statueo fa lbroku* o x ins.Suoh paragraph,a mo ng othar things, provldos that I wBoion the OarirslonQotaxwlnas thata parron, flrm,. or lssobiation oorporatlcu, of~porrons ir l %r o k u! b s that tb a ir a0rma h a -b in, it sh u nab iiadim8, band 00 oapotent aad endlble kstl- money that the. @ai& puma, firm, oorporation or lssoolatlon of parsons has oustaasrilyor withroa- warble outainty brought about ocqatlflon in tb tranaportatlonof pareons ror hire batnan ona or aorm motor bus ocmpaalem,uhloh ha-8 tharatofon boon dult an6 proprl~ ls~usd am or more eartifl- oat08 o? mbllo oonrmlonoa ad aaoosslty, cm tb on8 had, awl othor motor toklolas, not eo outl- tied, on tb othbrhand.* &otlea S has baetnbmnded so as to amlt timntrcm the profiolon in the orlglnal.billwhloh mado it unlawful fo r l Tram1 Bumno, own thau& holding l broku~s lloenso, to makm aar ooatren or lrrangamont Sor transportatloaanlass #oh oantraot or lrra 8umntwas nade w&h the ‘lawf’ul holder of aa bii*otlro outf 2 oat6 of Oonr*albnooand aeo*ssltt lsmmd br the Railrobl C~srlon of Tbrai.* Also, tha last lntonw of Sootion S has bsrn amaleb so as to lxooptfra .tho p~~rislasor the bill private lnUiribual8who, a# l y1y lnoldont to tra+ol,on+ into share-bxpensotnwl a&Tao- mnts, ii suoh individualsdo not uss tho senloes of an unlio~awdwbrolcm~~ Se&ion 6 or the~bill has boon aamndbdso a8 to provide that al ~brokmrs~ ln transporting or oauslng to W transported swngus on the blghwaye of Texas shall bo bad by tti $arlr 5" 8, fares ana ratesapproved of by the Railroad &amirsion~ of Texas owering thr,tramg.ortstlonror bin OS persaw owrthb highray Of Texa6. m additional roaaonable brokoraga ahargr for the wrvios~ of the broker is rELitted by hotlon 6 in litdition~to the rata8 wt by the Rarlroad c~solon or Taxas* Hoh. Joe Monkhou~o, April 24, lOSO, Pa&a 3 8eotlon 7 0r the bill ntthorlmr tb Railroad Caw~i~lon,afternotloe and haming to m&o, adoptand ln?oroo rules and ragulatlon8mu& abrokorsa. Eaotloa 6 O? the bill nqulree th a tlaoh Wbrokor- ahall file a bond or other wourlty with the CQIIDIULM, suah bond to be oonditiouod that the Etato of To&8 uy roomer a penelty OS 825.00 plus the dlffannor botwem the rates charged by a abroksrw and the rata whloh should havr born ohar- 6ea under aeotlon 6 of thr bill. Seation 9 of the bill provldas that a abrokelm botorr trensportln6or oauslng to bo traasportulmy person tar him shall tlmt protoot suoh mnon by sbourlt~, bond or la- mraaoo,~approvad by the CfamiS~la,aplast aamqge, loam aad injury to tha property porro8wd by mob p a r so n l6alnst and dama60, loam and injury nsultlna fraa NOh persoa*s personal injury or 408thduring such trsnspartatlon,rod al80 lgalast an losi suffmmd by suoh pormn by ioasos of s WbrokerW raI llng to OPoplote-thebarrlam of s pamwagqr lo o o r dlng to thbb r o klgnsynt. u*s SootianlOoofth0 bill nakb8 dOtail provlslmsfor tha glrlagof not100bt tha Railroa6 Sor thepm- Ccaml8sloa mlgatlm or rulasand m&ulatlau by the Caalsslon. saotlon11 of tha -ma lot is slmllarto Grotion T of tha lot oovaro.d by the opinionof Aprilll, &9;939. ,leprwldos for l.houln6 bofon thb grant- 8eotlon ing of a *broker*s* lloinso,alsofor a (85.00flllngiaa to be pala with laoh applloatlontar llwns8 ana also ior a $85.00 annual lloan~* iao. &otlotl 1s o? the -aed bill is tha mm. 88 Eootiam 0 of the billomond by our oplnloa of AprU li, 1939. sootion 14 at the am&o4 bill 18 slmllarto motion 10 of thr bill oove~d by our opinion of April 11, 1939. S@OtiN Of thr UEMaOd bill 18 Sidi~ 16 t0 bOtiN 11 of the bill oovorid by our opinion or April 11, 1939. 6aotloa 16 of the umulad bill is similar to~&otion l5 or the billowema by cur .oplaltm of April 11, 1.939. Sootlon19 of the uPaadod bill oontslas a Doolara- 'tlonof Policy uhioh is siarilarto'&otlon lb o? the bill Hon. Joe Yoakhouae, April B4, LOSO, Page 4 ootemd by mr opinion of April 11, 1959, lroept thattb Daolaratlono? Polloy oonttdnod In the amand. bill provide8 that the aotl+lties regulatedin the amended bill ~interfuo dth and obatruot the f'uaotlonso? the Railroad c~sslcm of Temae la ooaneotlonwith it8 oontrol of motor bur ocmpanfes holding oertlfloatesoi pub118 oonrsnlenoeand neoesslty issued by said ooamlasloa.* We aall to your sttentltm that *d have oonal6oreA as a part o? the bill the amendments uhloh are found la the fiveaheeta attaohea to the mins~ographed copy ot the bill rhioh you sent to ua llthargh suoh amendnentshawe not been lnoorporatedla tha~body o? the riarographedoopy o? the bill iaoluded la your letter. AS n 8tat.A fa Nr opifllonOf April ll, IWO, n ?ull rsoogalsethe pmr otthe &gl4laturetomake8 oon- olusI.vedetetiaatlon o? UIe roprlety,ulsdau b a d lxpadlenoy of leei8latlcm. In that oDlaPon. va ?urther reoo&nlsad that the tigl8latureoan, if it-besl~s,,ngulate the 6uslne~s gf Travel Bureaus provided 8uoh ragulatloaaan reaaonsblo. Xt will be aotad ~that-theSemto Bill 9S'as sow 6aendea will not affeet any person or oosoers rho operates ~8 travel burasu unless tha Railroad Ccariarion ilr8t iirrds r8oa or firm &a 80 0onAuoteAhlarelf or itself as that to bring Nob a i? out 8 *r*aaonablyoontlnuousor du8tcaia tftlotP with a motor bus oaapany rhlsh holds a oott7 ?!% - or oonwnlenoa me a8oasalty i6NOb by the ~saxdsaloa. The Raolara$on q~sPolloy ooatalpea tp &otlon . or-.+ bgl, _ - 19 urine other things, nate8 that wie mgxuatum rmas umt the methoA8 and praotloaa ragulated by Eenata Bill OS lster- ,?em vlth and obatruot the ?unotlans o? the Rillroad Copa- mlssloa of Texao la oonnaotlonrlth its ooatrol of motor bus ocwmnles holding o8rtl?loateao? pub110 oonvenlonoe8nd naoeadty ls~ed by the Commlsrlon. Awuaing; as we mud, that reasonablr grounds exlet ?or the rtnalng6 aontalned la Seotloa 19 OS the bill, it fol- low8 that Noh rinAlng8 provide a proper basis ?or regulation by the Legislature of the activitiesQeaorlbed in the bill. Ex part8 Sparks, 108 Criminal Aep~rts, 619, I:S. Es (8) WQ$ Es part.8Sepulraba e 6. w. (e). US. The aendmente uhloh have been msds to the blll in question slnw the date o?,aurprevious o lnlonhave,in our opinion, owed the oonstltutlonalobject13 oaa whloh were Eon. Joe Yoakhcuw, April 84, 1939, Page 8 mndo la our orl&al oplaloa.Umber thb bill as now anaaoa, the holder or a duly iSNO broker*8 llo.ns., .ltll.uNghNbjoOt to r8gulatlon, la oth8rwlsaI've to deal with an7 person and is ,notm8tri0t86 to dealins with hoiaus 0s 08rtiri08t88or @lo oonrmleno8 and a808881t~ as provia in the orlglaal . A8 th8 app8llate oourte of this statehave rip8atrAl~ upheld the oonstltutlonallt~of Art1010 9118, which ngulatas motor bus tranrrportatlno, M belloro thosq oourtn will, llke- else, uphold the oonstltutlonalltyof the pcrs8at bill,wbioh lttampts to m&at4 tif Noh p8rs0ns aad OOrporatioaBaos8 busin. .n6 sotlritf.s oaastltut8a bustcaaaq sad oantlnuoos ocuptitlonwithrotorbus omp8niesla Noh ananu as to frustrate,.bstruot ant2 Int8rter8dth the Railroad coa~is8lon in the lx8ralso'ofits urL$dztloo over the traasportatlan ot passeague for him in Ia this ooaMotlon it 18 to br 'obsemd that the bill la*ltsunended rorndobi not at- fsmpt to ngulat8 or a8d with private indiaaw8 who 8s 8 8~. incident to travel enterinto sh a m-b x p eme l~omeats dth iftaitia~i8 0th.r than ualio8aa8d ‘brokers*. me objaotlsrsuhloh W. made ln our o inionof April ll, 1959, to sbotlan 11 of the erlglml b f ll hare bean 0uma b7 the la88rtlon or a8t8ti8a prmlslons1~ the uwaded aot proridlag im aotloeto ill lmtor86ted part188 aad a hear- 1 bafom the prmulgatlcrr. or rules or mgulatloasb7 the ~4 "4r b08a ctid8810h m c4urlx.mlaatlcm at tmmta Bill 'ISla its 856ti04 tozn 418o1oa.8 ao prarlrlonswhloh on their raoe lr8 so un- S8 t0 TiOlat.8 the COSStitUtiOS Of WI.8 W th. Coastltutloaof the ttaltedStates m, ther*Son, hold that suoh ' bill is oonatltutlonal. RBmBT APPRo9xD; ~616a8dl Oeral4 a. yIM ATTQupfltuBHERALQFEIAEI
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion