OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Leon Kotosky &%?.istsIlt County Attornfty El Pas?, Texas 6 Dear Sir: This.wlll a or Jcur ltte of April 15, 0ptnl0n 0t .a6 depar~nt 88 tc ling,~and..miag a photostaticmxc CoiJnt~al.6dK~ of El.Paso count paseogr-rdiPg allllastmJ= d to liereoerded by the count A e fes do86 not rpwdl t has been pass- heretororcr~ elt or the aoPftlloithio ad ClTil stati ar T8x86, of &oh cotity~therccord- *thcy~(lh&ll provide :beak6 lli~~=hi43h they is. authoris;ed or erded 1s 6665, Betioed Glvil.Stat$:esof Taxaa, s Id detail *he duty of the bmnty s&rk tith respect to.reeordfmginstrriaants authorized Br lair to be reoorded. This artlale reads as tollors: *&oh reoardsr~tihall, *d&out delay+. reomd ever$ instrtiment of nitb& author-. ized to be recorded by hlm,%@$oh is ds- posited with him for raoord, w%ththe &n. Leon Kotcsky, QxiI lP,,1939, Page 2 tickno*lodgiixnts, proofs, affiGavits and certificates tkreto attached, in the crder &posited for record'by antering then word fcr word and letter for letter, and nCCitigat ihe foGt of the record the hour and the day of the month and year when the %cstrment SC raoorded was de- posited in fiisoffice for'racord." It was held by the Supreme Court of Vermont in the aase of Town of BeanIngtonTS. Edward A. Booth; 57’8. L. B. 156, that mandamus would not lie against the town olerk to aompel him tb diaoontinuel&is~80~ or the photostatlomethod of reoording instrumentsof whioh by lan'he was made the recorder. This deofdon was an Interpretationor Artiole 3951, ~OeneralLaw8o? Vsrrnont, whIoh reads in pa&, that the alerk shall: FReaord at langth,~in books to be. furnished by the town' The aourt, in speaking of the photogaphia method em- ployed by the alerk said: *It is plain that the clerk harr~re- oordedat length and that the material he provided, used and the town paid for, were furnished by the tarin.,If, ritaia the lPsaningOS the statute, the photostat10 reaords are booka, they lack nothIng re- quired by General &ass, Artiole 3951-.., The objeot of the statute.......,.wasto provide for the making o? reoorda; not for the use of some partloular kind of books," The petitIoners,.inthe ease OS ?eople ex r01 Anukmeoht vs. Flaas,311 111. 164, 146 WE 549, 8oagBt a mandamus to aompel a recorder of deeds to aopy a deed in writing in a well-bound book instead of using the photostatlomethod!.-ofreoording. The mandamus was denied. The statute invol$ed In this oaae,was wry similar to Artiole 6595, supra, and is as follows: "Every reoorder shall, as soon as Hon. Leon Kotosky, &pril 18, 1939, Page 3 praotiaable after the filing of any instru- ment in writing in his office, entitled to be recorded, record the same 6% length in the order of time of Its reoeptlon, in well- bound books to be provided for that purpose." The oourt in its learned opinion, said: To rsaord mans to transoribe; to write an aathentio aaaount of$ to prsssrva.thsmsm- ory of, br written !orother ohsraotersi to enter.ln a book for ths parposo of pressuring satheatla and oorreot evidence ot the thing reoordsd. Whatdver the method wed for raoord- ing, it.18 a reoord of the 'thfngsrsoordsd as it 18 a trus ssd oorrsat ,aopy. objeot oi'rso~ a dead 18 to give 5t-m: petuit;l: aad;;;8oblio IT tyj-&i&he& t&i-two paln rsquirsastits--ot e publib ~%%&Ys.thst: l&j shall bs soourate and durable......Zrer~6uah orrioer not 06ly hss ths rtWio~it~,but16x36-: quirad.tq law, to lxeroi~ an lnfelll~ent'dis-. aretion in tha p0rrow0e of his orrf0hl datfern. * la+ r?qalns hla to rsoomX'osrts3.n iastrumantsin a wsll-bound book, but'lt:does. not require him to rssord.thsm 11%any parti-. oulsr rethod.~ As laag as ths wthod~adoptad by him 1s uourate and durable, he ha6 per- formed his duty..+..loargument is needed ~tb ~dsmewtrate thst pailrto~phy 1s a auoh W- aoaurats proosds iaf3saki~ a 00py Of' an' IE- stranent than anp othsr knownmtho4.* Looking again te oar Texas Statates, wa Ob8em8 that it is the duty of the oounty alsrk to: 1. Provide and keep in their offias8 wall-bound books in rhioh they shall re- oord instruments,ward far word, and letter for lcwer. . 2. Shoy in suah recording all aaknor- le&pnents,praafs, affidavita and asrtlflartes thereto attaahed. Hon. Leon Kotosky, April 18, 1939, Page 4 3. Cote et the foot of the record, the hour and the day of the month and year when the instrument so recorded was deposited In his office for record. The statutes are entirely silent as to the method by whiah suah Instruments shall be recorded. To determine whether or not the photostatlo method of reaording instruments is legal, it must be t.estedfor determinationsolely upon the basis of whether or not the duties of the oounty olerk hereinabove set out oan be fully.exeoutedby the use oi thla new method ai reoordlng. The phraae "wall-boundbook@’ as used in Artlole 6591, aupra, mad not naoeesarllymean a book In whloh the leaves ‘orpagas are not removable. Tha heglslaturanaturallyhad in mind in tha pasnaga of this aot, that the lmttrumentwould bezeoordqd in handurltlngIn a book in tiloh the pegw were -immovable. Mth oommdrolalneoesaity,the hendurltlngmethod gave way to the.apeedlersnd more legible typewrItermethod. It la a matter of ooumon knowledge that the book8 ln use generally by oouuty olarks today are so oonstruotad as to psrmlt the lndlrldualpagee to be removed, typed and than peplased in the books. 'fheproprlety~ofraoordlng in a 1~00s~leaf book as 1s In oommon uaa In~Tesuraand elaewhera through- out the oountry, was raised in the ease of Rlohardson vs. looland, 133 YLlss.41.7,97 SO. 308, and the oourt held that ths faot that the statute required instrumentsto be reaorded in a %ell-hound *oak" did not require that tha pages be not removable. ft .iathereion,, the opinion of this Dapartmmt, and you are 80 advised, that your oounty clerk oan install and use the photostatic method of reoording written ln- struments whloh he is required to reaord such photostats are i diately lnsorporated bound books".gnd the other requirements of Hon. Leon Kotosky, April 18, 1939, Pa@ 5 the stetutss herein enumerated are rully complied with. Very truly yours LA:AW APPROVE& .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion