Mr. G. M. Mann Opinion No. O-620
County Auditor Ra: can the commissioners~ court
Hill County purchase kitchen equipment for the
Hillsboro, Texas use of the county home demonstra-
tion agent?
Dear Sir:
Your letter of April 12, 1939, in wNch you ask if
the Commissioners’ Court of a county has authority to purchase
kitahen equipment for the use of the county home demonstration
agent, has been reaeived.
Your attention is direoted to Article 164, Revised
Civil. Statutes, which reads as follows:
“The Cotissioners’ Court of any aounty of
this state is authorlaed to establish and conduct
co-operative demonstration work in Agrioulture and
Home Eoonomics in co-operation with the Agrlcul-
ttuxil and Maahanical College of Texas, upon such
terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the
Commissioners’ Court and the Agents of the Agrl-
cultural and Meahanical College of Texasj~and may
employ such means, and may appropriate end expend
such sums of money as may,be necessary to effec-
tively establish and carry on such demonstration
work in Agriculture and Home Eoonomios in their
You see from the above statute that the Legislature
has provided that in order to conduct co-operative demonstr’a?
tion work in Agriculture and Home Eaonomlos, the CoItU.QiSsioner~’
Court is given the power to employ such means and to appropriate
and expend such sums of money as may be necessary to effeatively
establish and carry on such work. This act has given broad
powe,r.%o the Comtuissionersf Court and leaves their deaision
final on the question as to what 1.s necessary to carry on this
Therefore, it is our opinion that if the commission-
ers’ Court, in its discretion, deems it necessary to purchase
Mr. G. M. Mann, page 2 (o-620)
kitchen equipment for the use of the county demonstration
agent, it is within their power to do so.
Very truly yours
By /s/ W. P. Watts
W. P. Watts, Assistant
/s/ Gerald c. Menn