Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. - Honorable M.F. Kleke April 12, 1939 County Attorney Lee County Giddings, Texas Dear sir: Opinion 0-614 Re: Whether a voter In a common school district trustee election must have resided in the particular school district for six months preceding the election. We are in receipt of your letter of April '.A,1939, wherein you request our opinioninresponse to the following question: "Does a voter, desiring to vote at a school trustee election, where trustees are elected for a ,common School District, have to reside in the particular i school district for 6 months preceding the election, to be eligible to vote?" Article VI, Section 2 of the 'Constitutionof Texas, pro- vides in part as follows: "Every person subject to none of the foregoing dls-qualifications,who shall have attained the age of twenty-oneyears and who Shall be a citizen &P the United States and who shall have resided infhls State one year next preceding an election and the last six months within the dlstrlct'orcounty In which such person offers to vote, shall be deemed a qualified elector; , . .'I Article 2955, Revised Civil Statutes,provides in part as follows: "Every person subject to none of the foregoing dis-qualificationswho shall have attained the age of twenty one years and who ~shallbe a citizen of the United States, andwho shall have resided in this State one year next preceding an election, and the last six months within the district or county In wh.ichhe or she ofPers to vote, shall be deemed a qualified elector. . . In any election held only In a subdivisionof a county for the purpose of determiningany local question or propositionaffecting only such subdivisionof the county, then in addition to the foregoing qualifications,the voter must have resided In said couaty for six months next preceding such election . . . . . . L . Hon. N.F. Kieke, April 12, 1939, Page 2 o-614 Although not necessary to the-decisionin that case, it was indicated in Little v. State, 12 S.W. gbb, that the court was of the opinion that the word "district"as used in the foregoing constitu- tional provisionmeant a district wh~lchincludes counties, such as a congressionaldistrict, senatorialdistrict or representativedistrict, rather than a district which 1s formed within the boundaries of a given county, such as a school district. In the case of Warren v. Robinson, 32 S.W. (2) 871, it was held that in a road district election six months residence on the part of a voter in such subdivisionwas not required under Article 2955. While that opinion was based largely upon th.esecond quoted sentence above from Article 2955, we believe that such case would be controllingin the situationwhich you present to us whether the sch.001district be regarded as a subdivisionof a county or not: If the term "district",as used in Article VI, Section 2 of the Constitution,should be ConstrUed to mean that a voter Should be required to reside for the last six months within a school district than we believe that it would likewise have to be construed to require residence in a road district for such six months, Irrespectiveof statute. There Is no provision anywhere that in either instance the voter should have resided for six months in the district In which he presents himself to vote. Our answer to your question, therefore, is a negative ,-~. one. !’ ‘) Yours very truly, ATTORNEYGERERAL OFTEXAS By s/ Glenn R. Lewis AsSiStaIlt GRL:N:wc APPROVED . s/GERALDC.illANN AT!L’ORNEY GFXERAL OF TEXAS