3.- April 11, 1939 Hon. Pat Beadle Criminal DistrictAttorney Clarlretilb.>Texae Dear sir: opinionno. o-612 Be: Baaedupon the recordse reveabd by the minutes of euoh olty can- oil, IB the ordfnanoeattempt* -twlevy a poll3.w for the olty '. a ~ralldordfnauaeof .thecity of c3aclrarillJ¶ in .vlel~~of Article J.033r Your requestfor & opl&an~op.the above etated qneetioabae been +-eoelved by this offfoe. :. We,quotefran your l$ter .sefollows Ume mfnutee of a olty oo&Oliof tie oltyaf CltukcWej 'EelaH;reveal that .cm'Au&t'17r;h~~ 1931,~'ifti~iM&ei&ment of AirWclij:1630;.~the:'ei~~.olt~~cbancilat~~ted t.6lew a poll lax t+i ti&:Lidikbl~~ t6ie aidtii ~iag ~ofvaaid~~oity.. to ~~ a poll *.:titi tifleit S&h m'kutee *6‘uwwbthat of-mid olty wa passed at a meeting at which on4 four membem of the city oomoilvere present. TheMayor aleovae preeent, - aooordfngto mob record. At ihat tlme~thecity of OlarkBTllle badelefitelsotedaldemen. The reoonl doesnotrevaalhcw themembers oftbe oounollwhowere Preeentvotadapar the qnee- tlon, but mere4 states that each ordfnamoewee passed at ersfd meetlllg.~ Artlolee1030, l.031,1032'aud1033 of the EerIeed~Cl~lLStat&ss of Texea reed ae followe: *Art. 1030. Thec1tycouno11ah.3llhaYe power to levy andoollect.anenmalpol.ltax,notti exoeedoqe @..OO)Dollar of every InbabItantof said city over the age of twenty-one(21) and under eixty (60) years, those perem exemptby law frcmpayingtbe State P0l.lTe.z exoepted,who is a residentthereofat the time of stink annaalaesesemexlt. Han. Pat Beadle,April ll, 1939,Page 2 (o-61.2) "Art. 1031. The city oounollshall have the power ta levy end collecttaxes,oaauo4.ykxwm as lloenses,upon trades,profeselcw, oalllnnge anzlother businesscarried on;and eachpersonrnd firmengaging la the following trades,professiona,callingsendbaslneaa, enong others, ahallbe liableto pay euoh lloeneetax; every person or flxm keepluga ball alley, or nine or ten-pinalley;every pereon orfinnsellfnggoode,wares andmerchendiaeat public aUCtioW everymerohandiaeor oottoabroker or ccm&~slon merchant;every per8011 or fizm pursuingthe occupationof hawker or peddlerof good! or any artlole whatever;butthia enmneratlonehallnotbe held to deprive the alty ootmollof fhe rlght to levy end oolleotother lioensetaxee, (1161 f'mmotherpereone andfinu uaderthe gene781authorityhere5n granted. *Art. 1032..lloth& herein ahallprevent the city 0otmollfYan oollaotingthel.ioenee,audaachlloensetax prov+d for Wy thle.title. Eaah eetabllehmentehallbe ,llabletosaid.Ilaanee,~;Md.~~or~parsninS oooupatlats,buslneee.,' avocations or oallfq eubjeotto aafiltaxshallpayoneaoh. Holloenae ahalleitendt.0 more theaone eatabUsbnwt,or lnalxldemoretbanone oecu- pation,avooatlon,baeineesar oalling. "Art. 1033. The ol$y ooaacllahallhave Power to pmvfde by 02dlnanaefor'fbeaseeeslng,and ooU.eoting.of qaid tiea, and~'to.d&eimine when taxes shallbe paid by c~at~,"andsifienbjithaindlildidlincolpwstors. Ho tax BhjitibeLevi& unlessby carwentof two-thirdsof We aldexmeaelected.* ~If the statateedelegatlngthetaxIngpower to amunlolpallty presortbethe manner or mode by whloh it shall bq exercised,the pra- eorib&.maunere.ndmode maetbe at leaatsabstantfaUy pursued. The . statat& glw to oltlea and towns operatingander the generallaw awthorlty tapam epGhordlnanoeeaaw'be deemedproper to the levying,layiag, imposing,asseselngand collectingof taxes. In munlclpalltlee operating wider the generallaw taxeemaatbe leriedby ordinanoe,ae dlstingaished frcmmotlon or reeolntlon. The statnteaprovidethat no tax ahall be leviedunlessby oonsentof two-thirdsof the aldermenelectedwhich meaua that two-tblrda of themambera of the oltyoounolleleotedmuetbe preaenteaulvotefor the ordlnaaoelevy- the tax at the t&e It ie passed. Dill ~8. City of Blelng State, 269 SW 769,Raohford w. City of Portleahee, 46 SW 2nd 1057,Celaya w. City of Erowaeville,203 Su 173, Tes. hr., vol. 30, p. 481. J. - Hon. Pat Beadle,April ll, 1939,Page 3 (0-6~) Iu view of the foregoing autioritieayou are reapeotfully advisedthat it la the opinionof thisDepartmentthat no Poll tax or any other tax shall be leviedby the oity comoil exceptby consent. of two-thirdsof the aldenaen eleotedand that the ordinanoeof the City of Clarkaville,Terra,attemptingto levy a city poll tax ia invalidand cf IIOlegal effect,unless such tax was leviedby ooment of two-thirds of the aldermen elected. Trustlugthat the foregoinganawereyour inquiry,we remain Vergtru4mur~, ATlYmmY-OFTHYAS By Is/ Araellw1luam ArdellWlllirrma AsafEatant AW:AW:ds APPROVED: /s/ cerald c. MaIn ATlW@lEYGIctmALov~
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion